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Knox and Dusty Extreme 1

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 07:21:31 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:21/11/2010 11:38 PMCopy HTML


obannons.jpg Knox & Dusty picture by pegasusfeds10

..::KnoxO'Bannon's supershow::..
..::Dusty and Knox::..
..::Dusty, Knox, Lacey, Justin etc, etc::..
..::NEXT MATCH::..
..::The Jericho Army&Grace vs/Orton/Dusty/Oktober
..::OMG Dusty makes a post on Saturday night!

{Knox and Dusty are sitting back watching the promos laughing their asses off.}

Dusty:"My brother is never going to learn."

Knox:"No, the whole damn group of them are so pathetic that I almost feel sorry for them!  They really think that Viper wants to help them.  That he really wants to help them reach the next level.  What the fuck ever!  All they are doing is trying to get you two gullible asswipes to believe in him so that you spill all of your stupid secrets to while they make fun of you.  It's the same thing that we did as kids, Justin.  You aren't stupid, you should have seen this coming!  We took a bunch of knockkneed skinny little nobodies and pretended to be their friends.  They'd confide in us all kinds of things and we'd tear we'd tear them a new one in front of my friends from school!  Theyd be just as humilated as I'm sure that you are feeling right now."

{Dusty laughs nastily}

Dusty:"I saw Gracie burst into tears earlier when Storms dumped all over her in his promo earlier!  It was great!"

Knox:"When are you guys going to get it?  They couldn't give a fuck about you guys!  They are so damn selfish that they'll never move over to give you the spotlight or even help you achieve the status they have because they just don't care.  They have their heads so far up their own asses that if anyone gets even the smallest amount of success that they'll do their damnedest to keep you down.  It's like Triple H in the WWE.  He did his thing with keeping Jericho down despite the fact his popularity with the fans was more than his ever could be.  Da Gangstas?  Please!  They like to call people liars and Mack wannabes when they are the ones who are up Mack's ass.  Then when someone says something they do the very thing they accuse everyone else of doing.  I hate to say this, especially since I hate Viper, but you know what I think it is?  You guys got Matt back and he's pulled your own head out of your ass.  They are threatened.  Just like the way Viper is dancing around the fact that I did tell him that I'd fight him.  We are a threat to them.  They know that, but you are to blind to realize it.  Why else would they feed Matt an easy match and then put Justin in a match with Storms?  They are trying to force you guys apart.  I got an easy match myself.  These Jerifauxs are a couple of chuckle heads off the farm who want to lay claim to greatness the only way they know how.  Lying.  They have no chance in SEF, yet, they keep trudging along."

Dusty:"While I also steer clear of Da Gangstas and I get the best damn partner available with the bonus of facing two rookies that people care even less about than the Jeri-faux Army.  Justin, why don't you just go home?  Nobody wants you here.  You can go delude yourself that you are the great family man and the chosen one of Dad and Uncle Scott's promotions.  Hell, go out to Arizona and play the chosen step-son to Johnny.  Why not?  You'll never be anything here because you're to busy kissing ass!"

Knox:"Better yet, why don't you guys give them a taste of their own medicine?  Pack the troops and go over to FFE.  Hit Mack where it hurts.  Stomp on that little bastard who can't seem to finish a match and take the title that Matt helped him win in the first damn place.  Was Mack even there? I can't even remember.  He was to busy fucking his harem, most likely.  You can live your deluded lives to the fullest when you think you have only us to challege you.  I'm not even worried about getting into the Dangerous Corporation anymore!  Why?  We ruined your lives enough by taking Gabby away from you!  The satisfaction of seeing the looks on your faces was priceless.  Tommorow, Dusty and I will be victorious and the two of you will be left looking like fools."

{Dusty gets up and pushes the camera}

Dusty:"Now get out of here.  We didn't want you in here in the first place.  It's not like we need the face time." 
((This has been an official *Knox and Dusty O'Bannon* Roleplay))

Layout 2003 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Taylor Andrews

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Re:Knox and Dusty Extreme 1
Date Posted:22/11/2010 1:07 AMCopy HTML

And so we come into view now inside the office of Viper who sits on his sofa shirtless, brushes his hair back and looks like he had a little workout. Tao sits next to him in his shirt buttoning it up, then a knock is heard at the door, so Viper says.

Come in, its safe!

He winks to Tao who leans over kissing him and straddles on his lap now. He just smirks and in walks Doug Melvin asking.

Uh, you sure man?

Viper still smirking nods yea and keeps Tao calm, so Doug asks.

Well, we just heard from Knox and Dusty and still no challenge to you despite Knox's claims, but now he's claiming you and Da Gangstas hold people down like so many others have in the past, thoughts?

Viper just rolls his eyes and Tao says.

Make it quick, I need more!

She starts kissing on his neck and Viper smirking says.

Doug, anything they have to say about me matters not one bit unless Knox or hell, maybe Dusty truly has the balls and she'll challenge me, I don't care about that. I really don't care about anything Knox had to say regarding holding others down, and his claims about Triple H, Chris Jericho, and the WWE, heh. The kid needs to realize he has no clue what he's talking about regarding them and in a company he actually works for he still has no clue how the place works on camera or off camera. Hell, no one even flat out called anyone a liar, so what the hell is he on?

Viper laughs and Doug just shrugs asking.

I don't know man, so anything else?

Viper sighing just says.

Like what, not like he bothered to really make a challenge, just claiming he'll fight me when I already told him first back on the super show that all he had to do was make a flat out challenge and I'd fight him. If he wants to show his true colors and keep on hiding behind some words, fine, like I said, nothing to prove, hell, may not even hang around here much longer, except for this little hottie!

He grins and gives Tao a kiss, then they break and Viper says.

You can exit now Doug, hopefully Knox can listen to his own words and unplug his head from his ass as its apparent he's the only one walking around here like that!

Viper then turns Tao down on her back kissing on her and waving us out, so Doug heads out. The view backs up and just leaves the office fading away.

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