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The Kindred Extreme {Gracie

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 07:23:15 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/11/2010 1:47 AMCopy HTML

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The Roleplay of The Kindered that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

{{We open on a partially opened locker room door.  There is a chair keeping the door blocked so it can't be opened all the way.  Several people are talking and complaining while Matt Fox is obviously trying to soothe hurt feelings and angry voices.}}

Matt Fox:"I know I heard everything!  I saw everyone's promo.  I know what Knox and Dusty said.  I heard what Da Gangstas have to say.  We have choices people!  We had a choice to come back here and those of you complaining have the choice to stay."

{Justin's voice is one of the angry ones}

Justin:"I'll go along with whatever but I agree with Gracie it did sound like we are nothing but a joke and a pet project to Viper.  It may not be true, but it did seem that way.  All we are doing is running around in circles."

{Another voice chimes in, female}

"They are laughing at you guys, at least at you Justin.  You are 23 and you've worked family promotions.  That's it.  They are never going to see you credible unless by some miracle you can beat Troy.  Then again, Torres kept cleaning your clock three years ago.  At least he's not mocking you to your face."

Justin:"It's damn near mutiny to talk like that, Chey, especially when you are not even finished with your training yet.  You haven't even really debuted at FFE yet, much less anywhere else.  I am sick of busting my ass and then hearing people dump on me, but you know what? That's this business!  I am begining to think Uncle Chris had a point with his short but sweet promos.  He'd stand in front of a camera, say who he was facing, and then talk about the win loss records of the two of them, and then walk away.  The fans were left hanging, but at least he made up for it in the ring.  I know its not going to matter what I say about a match with Troy Storms.  He's been there and done that.  I've never been in the ring with him before and he's not Matlock, who had his head up his ass, thinking he was the shit."

Matt:"Justin, what about the fans?"

Justin:"They'll probably boo me because I'm going up againist him but at least I'll be bringing my a game to the match, but honestly Matt, I am begining to envy the three year sabatical you took from this business.  Trying to please the fans is one thing, but trying to break a glass ceiling is another.  Knox is right, this is my payback for being an asshole when I was a teenager.  I'm to big and studied to much to every really do anything but come off as a bully or a fraud, but if that bastard thinks that I'm going to pedigree Katana to get over, then he's out of his fucking mind.  I feel like I'm in between a rock and a hard place.  Like I have two choices quit or tell all of you to fuck off.  Then the minute I do the guys more over than me are either going to make me wish I was dead or make me wish I'd followed Lucas' punk ass right back to Dallas.  Or worse, crawl on my belly to soley work for my sister-in-law because I couldn't suck it up and pull my weight in SEF.  That would be worse than going back to Dallas because SEF carrying Wildside and everyone would see my shame played out on a weekly basis."

Matt:"I don't even know how much longer we are going to have an FFE brand.  There's no interest in the new title division or in the new title shot opportunities that we came up with."

{There is a a determined clearing of the throat before Gracie's voice carries out to the camera}

Gracie:"I for one am not going to give up and run away.  Matlock is already discrediting me and you know what? It's only making me more determined to want to get in the ring to prove him wrong.  He wants me to hide on Wildside, like I can't do anything better.  At least I haven't been on weekly losing streak."

Justin:"You also don't have as many matches under your belt as he does."

Matt:"Justin, shut up.  She's got the right attitude.  She's taking the negative and putting it into her determination to prove she belongs here."

Justin:"Yeah?  I'm just pissed, but I'll tell you something right now.  I heard that there could be an SEF vs FFE match somewhere down the line.  I'm tired of kissing ass and trying to curry favor.  The legends know they are the shit.  Why blow smoke up their asses?  Why not just say fuck it unless like me your unfortunate enough to have to face them?"

{Someone groans, turns out its Matt}

Matt:"Christ!  You guys are whining more than Owen and he's not even a year old!  Thanks for the loyalty, Justin, but if you're going to be a crybaby, then what the hell are you going to do when it comes down to this match we don't even know for sure is going to happen and if it does there is no SEF without Mack.  What would you do then?"

{A man snickers}

"He'll be at confession begging for absolution cuz Mack will kick his ass!"

Justin:"Fuck you Jagger!  I don't see you doing shit but getting your ass kicked on Wildside and not being a man when your wife was hurt."

Jagger:"Kiss my ass, Justin!  At least I fucking care what happens to my wife!  I don't have her on t.v. every week dangling her like she's fucking DC bait!"

{There are sounds of a scuffle and sounds of Matt, and apparently Ash trying to force them apart.}

Matt:"Would you guys calm the fuck down?  Damn!  It's like a damn kindergarten class in here!"

Sara:"Not with that kind of language, babe!"

 {There is a heavy awkward silence before Gracie speaks again}

Gracie:"I came here to prove that I belonged not just in this business but in this family.  Before I had to listen to everyone sing the praises of the Prodigy, The Mat Master, and Foxy Maegan Fox!  I finally get put into a match where I can do that and everyone starts bitching and complaining.  Then Chey, you have to start crying because you got turned down by some guy and run through the SEF hallways with your hands covered, and Dusty lets the world think that I'm running around here bawling my eyes out because some jerk thinks he's going to take me out because he thinks I'm looking past him.  I'm not.  I relish the fact that I have to fight three men in order to earn something that I so desperately want!  {she sighs} So, I apologize for thinking about stepping away from the safety of the Kindred to earn something that's not handed to me on a silver platter by my father or bought with the blood, sweat, and tears of my big brother!  Mom and Aunt Katie were never given the opportunities that SEF is know for handing out to women who are willing to gut it out and earn it!  I'm also not afraid to bleed or break a bone to get it!  And you, Matt, I don't think you should discredit Cody's abilities in the ring!  I've trained with Cody and Shane.  I know that they are good.  They are just distracted!  {someone starts to interupt} No, I'm talking now!  All of you guys are running around with all of your personal shit and letting it distract you but the one thing people should be worried about is Gabby.  She's been gone for almost a month and only Jagger has tried to find her!  What did he get for his trouble?  Carly tricked him into a locker room where Jake and Knox for laying in wait for him!  I know what I have laying in front of me on Extreme 190 and if I win what lies ahead of me on 192.  So that leaves Episode 190.  You know what I'm going to do then?  Just watch."

{The sound of the chair being moved is heard.  She looks the camera dead on.  She looks back over her shoulder and shrugs} 
This Layout Was Made For The Kindered by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker


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