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Enjoying Myself Too Much To Lose

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 04, 2023, 07:56:19 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:28/11/2010 1:00 PMCopy HTML

Stretched out on her bed in a hotel room is Julie wearing a white cotton panties and one of her Queen baby tees, nice and tight and low cut. She lays flat with her left arm over her eyes while her right arm lays on the International Title next to her stretched out as well. She rubs the faceplate, the afternoon sun shining in through window creating a hazy look, a ceiling fan on low and Julie keeping her eyes covered says.
This feels quite nice right now, just laying here...free to do what I want, although obligated as a champion to defend the title, its something I love to do. Its why even after a number of injuries I remain dedicated to what I do in the ring, going out night after night and proving over and over I belong. I go beyond that and erase the stigma attached to women in this industry, not just another pretty face, but someone who's been World Champ plans to hold that title one more time or more!
She moves her left arm up to her forehead, her blonde hair spread out on the bed and her green eyes now look up showing the determination deep inside, her will to go to any length. Julie still rubs her title and smiles now saying.
It begins with this belt which I am having far too much fun with to let anyone take from me, so Matt Matlock, sorry little boy, but no time for you and this belt to get acquainted. We have a very steady relationship now and want to make this last for a very long time!
She smirks seductively and pouts her lips a little, then laughs and says.
Now I suppose I should tell you that I don't look past you as a challenger right? That I see you as a real threat to taking this title from me? Why not, it's the truth and that's why I've been watching you, always have, of course, that's what all of us in Impact X do, we study everyone else and each other. I'm more than ready for the challenge you can bring and am waiting for you to bring it. Just remember Matt, remember the company I keep, my friends, Mack! Next to him you're a cheap substitute, though not a rip off. Point is that you best realize I don't care for the bullshit, I'm in it for the true challenge!
She looks more focused and serious, though relaxed and rubbing her title.
You go the usual route with me and I'll tear you apart, but hopefully your not quite as dumb as you look and already know that much. You know what I've done and I know what you've done, so let the battle begin baby!
She smirks and winks, then moves her arm back over her eyes and then moves her right hand on to her leg rubbing her index finger along her panty line, oh hell yea! Julie then smiles softly and says.
So why don't you turn that camera off and show me some of that real T & A?!
And her finger keeps rubbing the same spot, then Tina moves into view, her back to the camera and she's wearing white booty shorts with a pink baby tee. She stands with her hands on her hips. Julie moving her arm up to see her and smiles. Tina then pulls her shirt off and we can see a slight curve of her breasts from the right side a little, oh damn man. Tina then tosses the shirt back and it lands right over the camera and in a minute or so we start to hear moans, fuck. Which is probably what is going on now, so oh well, fade to black.

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