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Mr Bones and his First Match

Started by Mr. Bones, October 04, 2023, 10:16:42 PM

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Mr. Bones

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Date Posted:15/12/2010 11:14 PMCopy HTML

OOC: Good luck to Oktober and Grace.
Mr. Bones was walking through the hallway of the arena when someone walked up to him and informed him that he was given his first ever wrestling match. Mr. Bones smiled big and then clapped his bony hands in delight.
"Oh goody! I hope I do well with this wrestling gig I am in. I think I remember some of the moves that nice trainer fella taught me." He said. Mr. Bones was to face two females on a show called Extreme. Their names was Oktober Summers and Grace Payne. Mr. Bones pondered on their names and then spoke out loud.
"One is named after my favorite month and the other is named after you say when you want to pray to Jesus."
Mr. Bones started walking further down the hall when he was approached by a really sexy female named Samantha Winters. She flings her pretty hair out of her face and then smiles in front of the camera as she spoke with such kindness in her voice.
"Hello folks, Samamtha Winters here with newcomer Mr. Bones. Mr. Bones welcome to SEF!"
Mr. Bones smiled and the waves at the camera that was in front of his bony face and then spoke back.
"Why thank you Samantha. What lovely last name you have."
"Aww how sweet. Thanks Mr. Bones." She said with a smile. "Mr. Bones, you face Oktober Summers and Grace Payne on Extreme. What is your thoughts going into a match like this?"
Mr. Bones thought for a moment as he was trying to search for the right words to say in this interview he was having. He smiled and then said.
"I think it's so grand that I get to get in the ring with such lovely females. I never fought in a ring before and can't wait to test out the moves that was taught by this nice trainer guy I met. I wish the girls good luck and I hope that my family in Halloweentown is watching. They are so excited to hear that I came here to have fun."
Samantha nodded and then asked another question to Mr. Bones.
"Mr. Bones, what brought you here to SEF?"
Mr. Bones again smiled and then folded his bony arms in front of his skinny frame and answered her back.
"I saw a flyer in my town and was very curious as to what this was all about. So I caught a bus with my trusty dog Lucky and headed here to try it out. Sadly, Lucky couldn't be allowed in the building so I told him to find shelter and wait for me until I make some money so he can eat."
Samantha nodded and then reached out her hand to shake his and she ended the interview with one last thing to say.
"Well Mr. Bones, it was a pleasure to interview you and good luck in your match and again welcome to SEF!"
Mr. Bones shook her hand back and then he watched her walk away, cameraman in tow as Mr Bones turned and walked in the direction he originally was going.
TBC BY ???

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