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Devils Playground have a New Years Eve Party.

Started by The Perry Family, December 31, 2023, 08:50:08 PM

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The Perry Family

Jade and Cruella and Sierra perry is shown relaxing in their church home the Wolf Nikita perry is outside getting some fresh air, drinking some Liquor by the Bottle, and not even sure where she is at, or what going on she is sitting on the roof of her Wolf car, drinking more Liquor and everyone is waiting for the ball to drop but Wolf got other things on her Mind, like destroying The Career and Life of Tonya Walker,  she been shown destroying pics of Tonya in the burner they got outside, and nothing else seems to be on her mind, she Blames her for devils playground careers ending, in Sef,  anyway  Cruella Sierra and Jade are inside having a new years eve party, inside their church, Sierra is raising her baby on her own taking care of her along with Cruella and Jade west,  Cruella perry smirks and she drinks more Wine and Sierra is drinking a energy drink she then begin to talk.

Cruella Perry. oh Soon it is going to be new Years Eve, come on Girl u got to party drink some liquor, Bitch u know before you had your baby you use to be fun and enjoy Life and now you like i don't Know but your not the same as you use to be!

Sierra Perry. What are you talking about im not the same, iam to the Same just having fun i got a little baby to take care of right Now Somebody else need your attention my Attention and lil Shane needs me, iam going to be a very good Mother, my child is going to grow up being just like me!

Jade West i know your going to be a good Mother and i hope 2024 is going be a new year for all of Us soon, you got nothing to worry about i don't think we need Wrestling anymore there is a hole world out there for us to do and now we got all the time in the world to do whatever.

Sierra Perry. i know i did not get to do much for my career though but maybe your right there is a hole world out there just need to find time to do anything but my baby needs me and that is all that matters right Now Nothing else, we got each other and that all that matters right Now! anyway is there just going to be us tonight or is anyone else coming over.

Jade West. we got everyone and all of the Liquor drinks we need expect my pg rated soul sister Sierra! is not Drinking anymore u do know after u had your baby u can stil enjoy Life you Know, you can still enjoy yourself and enjoy life you dont got to give up all of the good things like drinking on a Holiday that stupid.

Sierra Perry. hold on Jade Hold on, I did not say i was going stop drinking or giving up the fun things in Life just because i had a baby but my baby is the most important person in my Life right Now and i want the both of us to stay Healthy, and alive it is un Healthy to drink after giving Birth, it is a long story im not getting  in to it right Now.

The Wolf. Hey Guys it looks like there is somebody coming up the road think somebody is coming to crash our party.!

{ they go outside to see who is coming up their road and coming to their church.

tbc by anyone please reply

Jade West

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