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Tonya Walker Gets A Visitor In Jail.

Started by Tonya Walker, March 14, 2024, 01:38:14 AM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya walker. is shown still Behind Bars in a Nyc Jail, she is walking back and fourth feeling her forehead, she not feeling good and not really sure what to do, she keeps walking back and fourth, she then sits down as she rubs her head with her hands, she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker.im not sure why am i here what is going on? what did ido. this place looks scary, i don't want to be here what did Ido to

Tonya Walker can somebody please help me, please can somebody get me out of Here, this place does not look good.

she walks around and not sure what to do she been doing this ever since she got here, she then begin to talk

Tonya Walker. I need Simon Nash i need Simon Nash.

Nikki Taylor who is Simon Nash, Tonya im Nikki remember i don't know Simon Nah is he a friend of yours

Tonya Walker. Nikki Taylor what are you doing here you are a troublemaker you the One who probably got me arrested,

Nikki Taylor yeah i sure did hey i was Bored what did you expect me to do, i had to get food you sure was not feeding me.

Tonya Walker. would u please leave me alone especially u Nikki, besides everyone is looking at me i need to call Simon Nash he can get me out of here. Hopefully

Savanna Walker hey leave her alone i been through this before. Trust me i know what to do now Tonya you are going to Listen to me.

Tonya Walker UH no Im not Listening to either of you, I'm going handle this myself.

{ Tonya Walker hears somebody out the window she jumps on her bed and grabs her cellphone, and she sends Simon a text saying Please get me out of Here.it is me Tonya I'm in NYC jail for 2 weeks already.

she sends it and puts it in her pocket, for while she got vibe rating on and relaxes while the guards, do the walking around the jail cells and tonya lays on her Bed..

some hours later somebody is coming by to see tonya

tbc by anyone
Tonya Walker.

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