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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Started by Taylor Andrews, May 20, 2024, 05:40:15 PM

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  • Evolution 85
    WAR Dome in LA, CA

Taylor Andrews

 Date/Time: Friday, May 24th, 2024
Venue: WAR Dome in LA, CA
Theme: Welcome To The Family by Avenged Sevenfold
A New Evolution GM Will Be Named

An Open Challenge From The Impact X Champion
Main Event
SEF Universal Championship Match

 All Promos For This Event Go in the SEW Friday Night Evolution Event Promos
ix titlewomens evolutionus tag team

Da Gangstas

A New Evolution GM Will Be Named
Famous Monsters by Saliva plays over the pa bringing out the new SEW GM Stacy Wayne dressed in similar attire to what she wore on eXtreme only instead of a tank top she sports a halter top revealing her pierced belly button. A microphone in her hand as she stands on the stage smirking.
Stacy Wayne: So its Friday night and time for Evolution and my second order of business, to name a new GM for Evolution. And it should come as to no surprise who she is, so here she is, mY sister, Nyklky Delight.
Famous Monsters plays again and here comes Nykky in a black business suit and high heels, no tie with a silk shirt underneath and her own microphone in hand. Nykky brushing her dark hair back smiling at Stacy.
Nykky Delight: So my first order of business concerning Evolution is the Womens Evolution Champion who will be in action at our next SEF TV event Fight Night on June twenty second. Her challenger will be announced on Evolution 86 on June twenty first, the night before Fight Night. So with that said, we're going to go back to running this show and brand while J X CA$H lays down his open challenge.
Famous Monsters plays over the pa as Stacy and Nykky raise their hands up together, then Samantha Fame comes out dressed  in a red dress with her hair down and wearing matching high heels. She pats her friends on the back and steps between them with arms around their necks, then the three head to the back.
An Open Challenge From The Impact X Champion
Venom by Eminem plays over the pa and here comes J X CA$H dragging the Impact X Title out with a microphone in hand dressed in black baggy sweat pants and shirt with the hood up. He wears a pair of white hi tops and sneers as he heads to the ring rolling in and leaping up to his feet raising the mic.
J X CA$H: Cut that f'n music and do not ever play that again for me or I will quit!
The music stops and CA$H pacing a bit, a bit uneasy as he looks around.
J X CA$H: This is the way I am and always have been and always will be and I ain't ever gonna say I'm the best, I can never say that, but I will never stop moving until the day I die. I will wear this Impact X Championship with pride because my time in Impact X Makes me proud more than almost anything I've done in wrestling, in this business.
He pauses for a second to reflect on what he just said, a long career for this relatively young man.
J X CA$H: So an open challenge, no pressure on me except this damn title, but I can handle that. So whoever signs up for this fight with me better be ready to handle an ass whooping. And they better be ready by Monday June third because Anarchy 94 will be the night where I defend the SEW Impact X Championship. Against who though, who, who, man, I don't know??
X lowers his mic ready to wait when The Purge by In This Moment comes over the pa bringing Cliff o Clink swaggering out to the beat, but one all his own as he commands his way to the ring. The CoC hops into the ring and gets his own microphone before standing in front of CA$H in his ring gear and a leather jacket.
Cliff o Clink: There is no one else except me to give you the challenge you need, to take that title off you and carry it better!
X smirking and nodding yea.
Cliff o Clink: Anarchy 84 huh, well I will be there and if you got the guts I'll see you in a steel cage just to keep this friendly!
Cliff lowering his mic and extends his right hand. X shaking his hand.
J X CA$H: You got it Cliff, I'll beat your ass in a steel cage at Anarchy 84!
Cliff leaving the ring and heads to the back as The Purge plays him out, then X thrusts his title in the air and drops the mic doing a crotch chop. He catches his title slinging it to his shoulder, then exits the ring and The Way I Am by Eminem plays him out.
Main Event
SEF Universal Championship Match
Sara Marie v. Taylor Andrews(c)
Sara into a lock up with Taylor and they seem evenly matched with Sara's height and Taylor's technical prowess. The Golden Gal schooling Sara into a waistlock and takedown to her stomach floating over to a front facelock looking for the T & A. Sara forcing them into the ropes getting the ref involved to force a break. Taylor getting up as does Sara and the champion waving her challenger on. Sara looking for a lock up again and Taylor engages to struggle around the ring before getting the edge on her in a corner and lighting Sara up with chops to her chest. Sara staggering away holding her chest and Taylor with a chop block to the back of her left knee. Taylor grapevining her leg around Sara's while hooking her foot under her arm and lays back wrenching away. Sara screaming in pain as Taylor seems to enjoy stretching her challenger out. Taylor letting go to roll up while holding her leg and twist Sara up in a figure four leg lock laying back to wrench that on. Sara sitting up in pain trying to get away as Taylor holds her foot not letting her go. Sara tries reaching out and then tries rolling over going both ways to get some momentum to flip over on her stomach. Taylor letting go fo the foot and feels the effects of the leg lock showing pain on her face. The Golden Gal rolling into the ropes now and forces the ref to break them up. Sara limping up to her feet as Taylor slowly gets up. Sara running into a swinging neckbreaker and rolls up to scoop Taylor up into a body slam, then runs the ropes springing back into a leg drop. Sara on her feet to pick up Taylor who quickly drop toe holds her and floats around to slam knees against her head. Taylor into a bow and arrow lock now and rolls on her back curving her back so her shoulders are off the mat. Sara screaming in pain with nowhere to go, but tries shifting her body to make it harder for Taylor to hold her up. Taylor keeping her up and Sara swinging her elbows eventually throws the Golden Gal off balance. Sara rolling backwards with a somersault of sorts to get on her feet running into another leg drop to Taylor, then rolls her up looking for a powerbomb. Taylor counters with a hurricanrana snapping Sara over into a pin almost, but the Golden Gal snaps up to run the ropes into a baseball slide dropkick. Taylor into a fujiwara armbar ready to make Sara tap, but the challenger edging herself to the ropes catching with her foot. The ref gets involved to force a break and Taylor rolls away to her feet skipping around the ring. Sara getting up to just narrowly avoid the 3T ducking and skipping ahead to nail the Sweet Kiss on the Golden Gal. Sara falling back on Taylor for the pin and just barely does Taylor kick out. Taylor and Sara pushing themselves up and Taylor with a headbutt to Sara, then latches on to her with a front facelock and swings her legs in to a body scissors locking in the T & A to eventually force a submission and retain her title.

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