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universal6 star tag team

The Perry Family Talk About Their Up- Coming Title Match.

Started by The Perry Family, May 29, 2024, 03:29:45 PM

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The Perry Family

Cruella and Cora Blackheart and Nikita Perry, are in their devils playground locker room, talking about their Upcoming tag team championship title match against, party crashers, Tonya Walker and Bunny Summers, people been noticing Cruella own sister and tag team member Sierra perry, has not been in a devil playground playing mode, ever since she had her beautiful baby, she has not been that much of a devil worshiping mode she been known as the nice one and Cruella is more of a evil one, Sierra is not there yet and Cruella then begin to talk.

Cruella Perry. Wow tonight devil worshiping sister me and Sierra are going to go for the Us Tag Team Championship titles and we got to win tonight, the odds are against them, there are 4 of us and 2 of them there is no chance of them winning tonight i can not wait.

Cora Blackheart i do wish it was me teaming with you but you got Sierra, which is all right i mean she is your sister and all and i fear she is lacking, i mean she has not been as evil as she use to be do you think that can cost us the tag team championships tonight.

Cruella Perry. i hope not look i know Sierra if there was a issue, she would tell me straight out yeah she has been lacking but hey it has been a while since we all had matches so the rest did us some good the devil is upon us everything is going to be so evil in the world and oh yeah man downstairs we got this with you on our side.

Cruella Perry this is going to be our Night, there is no worries at all this is going to be our Night and Nothing can go wrong.

Sierra Perry comes in the room, her beautiful hair is soaked and wet, she trying to catch her breathe and regain herself she then looks at them and begin to talk.

Sierra Perry. Omg it is so raining out there its crazy, omg i was going go get us some food but i could not see the road so i came back we can get food later after we win.

Cruella Perry oh Great so where is the money for the food we are hungry over here 

Sierra Perry. ru Serious look we can get food later, we need to talk about our up coming Us Tag Team Championship match, but first i need to dry off fix my hair somehow, Damm it,

Cruella Perry. yeah am go dry off Sierra we can be fine over here, you should of went earlier, but yeah go dry off me and Cora wil discuss our match we are going to win.

Sierra Perry. Begins to cough and cough some More, she goes in the bathroom shuts the door, Nikita comes in and she then begin to talk with concern

Nikita Perry. hey how's it going what going on with Sierra is she all right, 

Cruella Perry yeah she be fine just got a little cold. She be fine, she is in the bathroom. where u been ru ready for everything we are going to defeat Party Crashers with you and Cora Ringside, we got this we got this match.

Nikita Perry. yeah you and Sierra got this the Us Tag Team Championships are coming home to Devils Playground, Shouldn't we be discussing some type of tag team strategy, I'm sure you two don't want to make any mistakes this match is so much important, 

Cruella Perry yeah that is a good idea, i guess since Sierra is busy we can talk about some type of Strategy to make sure we win besides like we said there 4 of us 2 of them we got the Numbers game in our flavor, no way we can lose. 

Cora Blackheart. but first lets go get some drinks  I'm thirsty I'm sure Sierra be fine.

Cruella Perry. sounds good tome im Thirsty we can discuss everything on the way,

they leave the locker room soon after Sierra Perry get's out of the bathroom, sees they are gone and she then begin to talk.

Sierra Perry. Hey Where did you all go im here, Damm it they left without me, where did you all go.

Sierra Perry leaves the locker room, and heads down to where they went, she keeps coughing and gets Lightheaded she relaxes by a wall, 

Somebody comes and checks on her and appears she might of got sick or something, and the other devil playground members got no idea what is going on. they give her some cold ice water, and try make sure she is all right.

Jade West

The Perry Family

Sierra perry. im all right im all right, just not feeling well for some reason but let me say this, Nothing is going to keep us from winning them US Tag Team Championships, and they are going to be around our waist i promise you that.

Cruella Perry. we better win, them Us Tag Team Championships hell i dont think we ever had gold around our waist since we been here i thought at we would at least, would win them at least once.

Sierra Perry im sure we are going to win them soon, it only takes time that all this is Bunny and Tonyas first title reign together i really think we got a chance but i also think Bunny and Tonya are trust me they been on a good run as of late but we may have trouble defeating them.

Cruella Perry what are you talking about Sierra of course we are going to be defeating them, this is a chance of a life time and we can not let it slip through our fingers.

Sierra Perry look im going do my best to help us win ido i don't think, we got anything to worry about, we are going to be champions just need to focus and work hard yes.

Cruella perry yeah that is excitaly what we need to do let's discuss what we need to do during our championship title match and we wil take it from there.

they talk about their plans for the match and hoping sierra is in good enough health to compete in their match.

Jade West

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