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universal6 star tag team

Bunny And Tonya Are Ready For Their First Title Defense

Started by BunnySummers, June 01, 2024, 08:30:38 PM

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Bunny Summers and Tonya Walker are for their Us Tag Team Championship title defense, against Cruella and Sierra Perry, they are in their locker room, watching what is Unfolding with the Devils Playground, Tonya get's a smirk on her face and she then begin to talk.

Bunny Summers. Wow i Hope Sierra Perry is going be all right, she sure is different from her evil sister Cruella i mean what kind of a woman worships a evil person like the Devil i mean that is such a wrong thing to do, i mean iam sure they got their reasons, for even doing what they do,

Bunny Summers. But ido Know we Can Defeat The Perry sisters and they can go behind the Line this is our Chance and we not going to let our first ever US Tag Team Championship Title Defense go down like this this is our time and the 1980s Generation is behind us and we can not let them down!

Tonya Walker Stands there all excited and Listening to Every word Bunny is saying and she then begin to talk again.

Bunny Summers. 1980s Generation is Rising High this is the greatest Generation to Live in Tonya i mean Omg so much has happened, in the past several Months and now summer is here and we got to Party Hardy anyway im sorry im off the main topic again

Bunny Summers i mean im sorry that happens to me sometimes, i get to over excited i forget about what we was talking about the Devils Playground is the one Playground where Little Kids should never go Play at if that where the Perrys want to go hang out at fine with them.

Bunny Summers. But we are the main Owners of our Own Playground and we got the right to live Free Speech the right to be who we are,the right to kick those Dang Perrys out of our Sandbox and kick them out of the Playground of the 1980s Party Crashers!

Bunny Summers. so Cruella and Sierra let me say Good Luck Because you are going to need it these US Tag Team Championship belong with us and not you or anyone from your Stable is going to take them away from us you got no right to crash our party

Tonya then begin to talk
Bunny Summers

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. Bunny dear we are going to be winners tonight, The Perrys do not know what is going to Hit them so Sierra is under the Weather, she going to be fine the fact of the matter is concentrate on the match tonight, everything is going to be just fine remember this is our time, this is our Night, this is our time in the spot light, this is our chance to show everyone out there excitaly what we can do, nothing else matters but tonight and defending our US Tag Team Championships

Tonya Walker. i know we can do it tonight is the Only Thing that Matters, we are going to win, i believe we can do it i mean so far we have been totally unbeatable and soo very Undefeated, and we can stay that way we just need to believe in ourselves and believe deep down in our souls! we can beat once again and totally show the world excitaly what we are made of remember.

Tonya Walker we beat them down we beat them once before. We can do it once again fear Nothing, remember fear is Nothing we don't be scared of anyone, ever i know your new to this game, that why iam here we are going to be a total success and we are going be on the rise straight to the Mountain top,

She relaxes for a while and then begin to talk again.

Tonya Walker. this is our chance to shine we are Magie together and it is like you side the 1980s Generation is behind us, and we can not let them down we not going let anyone down! that why we are defending our US Tag Team Championships tonight we got the hole world behind us and

Tonya Walker. anyway i got a suspicion that tonight the perrys bickering back and fourth is going be a win in our favor and we are going to win and Retain our US Tag Team Championships remember we are the Party Crashers we are going to Crash their party!

they continue to talk about their Plan For Tonight and Bunny smiles gives her a hug and they continue to discuss their plan to win and walk our stil the champs
Tonya Walker.

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