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Anarchy Card

Started by Da Gangstas, May 28, 2024, 10:22:38 PM

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Who do you think will win their matches?

Perry Sisters
1 (100%)
Party Crashers
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1 (100%)
Cliff o Clink
1 (100%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 1

Voting closed: June 04, 2024, 10:24:10 PM

Linked Events

  • Anarchy 94
    WAR Dome in LA, CA

Da Gangstas

Anarchy of WAR
 Date/Time: Friday, June 3rd, 2024
SEF General Manager: Samantha Fame
SEW General Manager: Stacy Wayne
Venue: WAR Dome in LA, CA
Theme: Eye of the Storm by Pop Evil
Event Staff
 Timekeeper - Commentator - Color CommentatorRing Announcer - Interviewer - Interviewer
Referee - Referee - Referee - Referee - Referee - Referee
SecuritySecuritySecuritySecuritySecurity - Security
US Tag Team Championship Match
Perry Sisters v. Party Crashers(c)
WAR Womens TV Championship Match
Julie v. LBD(c)
Main Event
SEW Impact X Championship Steel Cage Match
Cliff o Clink v. J X CA$H(c)

 All Promos For This Event Go in the SEW Monday Night WAR Event Promos

sewwar titlewar womenswar tv titlewar womens tvwar tag team

Da Gangstas

US Tag Team Championship Match
Perry Sisters v. Party Crashers(c)
Cruella and Tonya start this one with a lock up and Tonya into a side headlock wrenching the Perry around the ring. Cruella shoving Tonya to the ropes looking for a shoulderblock, but Tonya standing her ground. Tonya runs the ropes coming back for another shoulderblock and Cruella stands her ground now. They start throwing fists at each other just trying to beat one another down in a bit of a stalemate. Cruella ducking past Tonya to spring off the ropes looking for a big boot, but Tonya dodging to the side and leaping into a dropkick knocking Cruella down. Tonya into an armbar on Cruella wrenching her down and screaming at her to tap. Cruella fighting up to her knees getting Tonya by the throat and looks for a chokeslam, but Tonya slipping out and nails a superkick to Cruella. Cruella falls back to her corner where Sierra tags in to rush Tonya with a spear and hammer her with punches. Sierra pulling Tonya up to nail a neckbreaker near a corner, then climbs to the top turnbuckle and performs a moonsault. Tonya with her knees up to Sierra's midsection causing the Perry to roll away letting Tonya crawl to her corner tagging Bunny who springs to the top rope and off into a flying elbow drop to the chest of Sierra. Bunny sitting Sierra up in a sleeper hold, but the Perry fighting up to back Bunny up to her corner and Tonya tags back in. Sierra not knowing and whips Bunny out to the ropes looking for a clothesline. Bunny ducks and stops next to Tonya who nods and they nails Sierra with a double superkick, then Bunny runs over dropkicking Cruella off the apron as Tonya pins Sierra to win the match.
Greg Boone: Here are your winners, The Party Crashers.
Walking On Sunshine plays over the pa as the US Tag Team Champs get their titles and celebrate in the middle of the ring.
WAR Womens TV Championship Match
Julie v. LBD(c)
A lock up starts this match with LBD overpowering Julie into a side headlock wrenching it on, but Julie lifting LBD into a back suplex bridging for the pin surprising LBD who kicks out at two.
Frank Malone: Whoa, Julie with a near fall this early after that back suplex we haven't seen in a longtime.
Bill McLane: Maybe she'll relieve LBD of the WAR Womens TV Title tonight?
Julie whipping LBD across the ring and leaps up for a dropkick, but LBD stopping short and running in to punt Julie in her ribs. LBD pulling her up in a front facelock looking for a ddt, but Julie spins out looking for a swinging neckbreaker. LBD spins through it to kick Julie in her midsection and try to hook her arms for Southern Pride. Julie blocking her and LBD clubbing her across the back, then grabs her around the midsection to fall back into a piledriver.
Frank Malone: That could be a game changer if not a match ender!?!
Bill McLane: Julie isn't gonna stay down!
LBD getting a two count from a pin attempt, and she even hooked the leg, but Julie showing the fight in her as she tries to get up. LBD hammering her with punches and gets up kicking at her to keep Julie down, then LBD heads to the top rope flying off with an elbow drop to the heart of Julie. LBD back on her feet and pulls Julie up for a Southern Pride, but Julie keeps her amrs from being hooked and finds herself up flipped up for a powerbomb. Julie reverses with a hurricanrana bringing LBD down into a pin for a two count out. Julie leaps forward and looks back at LBD getting up, so Julie runs up the turnbuckles and leaps back with the Spiked Super Sault and heads to the nearest corner climbing to the top turnbuckle. Julie stands up to rotate off into a 450 splash eating the mat when LBD rolls out of the way. LBD getting up to stalk Julie and catches her in the Southern Sleeper falling back with it locked in, her legs wrapped tight, but Julie trying to flip backwards gets free of the leg scissors. Julie flipping over into a pin, but her legs hit the ropes and the ref calls for the break.
Frank Malone: Damn, LBD almost had Julie trapped. Julie showing she ain't lost a step.
Bill McLane: LBD better step up her game if she expects to walk out with her title.
LBD getting up to deliver a roundhouse kick, but Julie ducks to grab her in a waistlock and execute a german suplex. LBD flipping through to her feet stumbling back to the ropes and springs off into a running dropkick flooring Julie. LBD into a front facelock rolling Julie over and to their feet executing a stiff ddt bringing Julie over to her back and hooks the leg for a pin getting a two count. LBD pulling Julie up looking for Southern Pride, but Julie twists around behind LBD to deliver the Dirty Drop and make the pin. LBD kicks out just before three and Julie on her knees a bit shocked. Julie running the ropes to bounce back hitting a shining wizard to LBD, then pulls her up into a sto and looks for the T & A. LBD fighting to keep free of the hold and gets into the ropes getting the ref involved to force a break.
Frank Malone: LBD isn't having any of that move, she knows it all too well thanks to Taylor and her battling this year.
Bill McLane: Can't believe LBD kicked out of the Dirty Drop. Julie has to try something else to get this win!
Julie looking for Sinful, but LBD flips up and over into a sunset flip for the pin and gets a two count. Julie rolling through to dropkick LBD in the face, then hoists her up into a spinebuster to follow through with a single leg boston crab trying to stretch LBD in half, but backwards. LBD trying to reach for the ropes, but then reaches for Julie's leg and Julie quickly turning into a stf trying to ground LBD. LBD reaching for the ropes and inches her away closer to them grabbing the bottom rope. The ref forcing a break and Julie getting up to run the ropes looking to spring back into a kick perhaps, but LBD springs up and around with a slingblade, then she heads to the turnbuckle top deliver a shooting star press. LBD bounces up holding her ribs, but yanks Julie up to finally hit Southern Pride and turns her into a pin with a hook of her leg to win the match.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner, LBD.
Back From The Dead plays over the pa as LBD helps Julie up into a hug celebrating an awesome match as the crowd is still chanting this is awesome.
Main Event
SEW Impact X Championship Steel Cage Match
Cliff o Clink(c) v. J X CA$H(c)
Cash faking a lock up to kick at Cliff who catches his leg and quickly drops Cash with a clothesline. Cliff dropping an elbow to his chest and jumps up to drop a knee to his head, then after jumping back up he runs the ropes springing into a quick leg drop across the throat of Cash. Cliff pulling Cash up into a suplex floating over to hammer him with punches, then move into a cross armbreaker. Cash blocking Cliff from extending his arm and crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up to grab the cage and Cliff hanging on almost upside down now. Cash trying to climb up the cage and Cliff letting go since he can't get locked in and leaps up to dropkick Cash off the cage. Cliff into an arm drag taking Cash up and over to latch on with an armbar holding the champ down. The CoC wrenching the arm of CASH against his knee in a snapping motion, then gets up kicking CASH. Cliff with a stomp to the gut and runs to the ropes springing off the middle rope with a moonsault to CASH. Cliff gets up to pull up CASH delivering a powerbomb and folds him up into a pin for a two count. Cliff pulling CASH into a firemans carry to spin him off into a cutter, then heads to the top turnbuckle flipping off with a senton bomb. Cliff springing up to deliver a standing moonsaut and pulls CASH up looking for The End. CASH flips through to block the knees leap up and around with a spinning back kick to the face. CASH all over Cliff with stomps, then heads to the top turnbuckle delivering a Gangsta Splash. CASH rolling away holding his own ribs and heads up the cage to stand up and soar off with his Swanton Suicide. Cliff rolling out of the way and CASH taking the full brunt of slamming into the ring receives a kick to the face. Cliff pulls him up into The End and gets up instead of going for a pin to scale the cage and here comes Troy Storms and Nick Torres down the aisle to guard the door. Cliff leaping off the top of the cage with The Purge to the chest of CASH and falls to his side, then Jack Hines comes in over the top of the cage to fly off with a splash to Cliff. Troy getting the cage door open and Nick reaching in to pull CASH out and to the floor to victory.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner and NEW SEW Champion, J X CA$H.
The Way I Am plays as CASH is able to stand thanks to Troy and Nick holding him up. Jack crawling out of the ring to drape the titles over CASH's shoulders and pat his brother on the back.
Frank Malone: The SEW Title was also on the line as we were just informed and its official, J X CA$H is the SEW Champion and SEW Impact X Champion, a holder of two World Titles.
Bill McLane: That stomp off the cage was brutal, but Da Gangstas run this show and Cliff is out, a choice he made.
Frank Malone: Don't mean he won't keep fighting on the way out, that is why he can go wherever he wants and will always be welcome back.

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