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Started by Taylor Andrews, July 15, 2024, 12:18:15 PM

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Taylor Andrews

Two years ago Taylor Andrews won the Universal Champion, although she did win the World Title at Wrestle X two years ago, she would go on to see that title unified with the Universal Title and then in June of twenty twenty two she would become Universal Champion for the second time and is still currently enjoying that run right now as she has yet to lose the title.
Will she make it to three years or will someone knock her off before the end of 2024?!
Taylor Andrews could care less because after what she did at this years Wrestle X with a woman she honors above all else, Taylor feels ready to lose it all. A dangerous champion that makes her for she feels she has done enough in this run and may be reckless, perhaps she will be daring and with that comes cunning and devious for the Golden Gal is on top of the world. And there is only one direction from here, down.
(Taylor Andrews sitting down on a sofa with her legs crossed in a pair of old blue jeans and white sneakers. A white baby doll top covering her top and her blonde hair in a ponytail with a pair of diamond earrings in her ears. A silver necklace around her neck with a cross on it and the Universal Championship sitting on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Taylor just smiling bright like she has been doing since day one.)
Taylor Andrews: At twenty four I was poised to be the number one wrestler in SEF. Plans change though and nothing we could do in the ring could stop those plans from changing. But here I sit at thirty three years young as the number one wrestler in not just SEF, but the whole f'n world. There is no one that can knock me off my perch, off my high horse, there is no one that can stand toe to toe with the Golden Goddess and come out the winner, let alone Universal Champion. I run this entire f'n industry and everyone better recognize that or I will bring it to its knees like every single person I face in the ring. One by one they all fall and I stand tall.
(She smirks.)
Taylor Andrews: My name is Taylor Andrews and nothing else will I answer to as I have no friends left to call me by a nickname. Though I may still answer the wolfpac sign should any of my brothers or sisters throw it up, but they know me better than anyone to address me as anything, but Taylor Andrews. I don't care who you are, what you have been through, where the hell you have been because you have not been where I have nor have you been through what I have nor are you any where near my level of name recognition. I have been name dropped outside SEF for over a decade because some people don't have the skill to step to me in this company. And I honestly have forgotten most names I heard doing this, plus I will never give them the recognition of dropping their name from my mouth because I don't need to ride off their name like they do mine. I rode my skinny blonde ass to the top kicking off any passengers trying to get a free ride, I made my name on my own two feet by kicking down every door I had to. Not a day goes by that I have any regrets because I did it all on my own and I sit here alone, as the number one always does while on top, and I wait for the supposed next big thing to come along and try to knock me down. I am ready and waiting, the hardest part of being a champion is what I excel at. Which is why the easiest path to being a champion is one I could care less about, being hungry. I am going to enjoy the fruits of my labor, the spoils of my war, and be comfortable, and if anyone enters MY comfort zone, they will find out real quick why I am too damn dangerous to have to remain hungry in order to remain champion. This is my world, my championship, my goddamn right to sit here and wait for the next in line because I'll be damned if I didn't earn it.
(Taylor crossing her arms across her chest looking a bit serious now behind them bright blue eyes.)
Taylor Andrews: Three years ago I almost quit this business, wrestling, I nearly gave it all up to go home and hide, to isolate myself from the world because I almost had enough. I don't know what made me snap out of it and I am not even sure I shouldn't have went that route, but something inside of me said to keep shoving this business down everyone's throats, so I did it, I did it, and I will keep doing it, as long as a real challenge comes along to threaten my time on top as number one. Come on boys and girls, come knock me down and sit here alone waiting as I am because I doubt there is anyone else in the world who can fill my shoes right now. Its easy to be hungry and fight for a title, to try to be champion, but to hold on to it while sitting here looking prettier than ever, than anyone else in the room, and still be a fighting champion that no one can beat, that may be impossible, for most. For me, well, just look at me, I ain't going nowhere. Hell, I am feeling a bit isolated as number one being all alone, so I did make the right choice to not give up on wrestling. I got what I wanted three years ago and I got the two biggest championships in the business under my name, so bow to your Golden Goddess because you're all living in my world as I have allowed you to. And I will allow you all to live under me whether you bow down or not because up here on my thrown looking down, you all bow before me without even knowing who your goddess is. I am your Golden Goddess, then Golden Gal chosen by Whitney Mar-, I mean LBD, and no one can make a better choice, not even her. You all can keep fighting for the right to ascend up to my level and go another round with me, but you will all fall back to your knees or be forced down by this skinny little blonde, he he.
(Taylor with a smart ass smirk on her face as she lets out a giggle mocking what everyone called her when she debuted in the business.)
Taylor Andrews: There is no one on my level and no one even close because if anyone thinks they are, I'll do to them what I did to Mack last time he and I stepped in the ring one on one. Daddy Mack will not be a forty time World Champion on my watch, so he best saddle up next to me and enjoy his last ride or just go away cause SEF needs no one except its Golden Goddess, the woman before you right now allowing you all to live in my world and the name is Taylor Andrews, but ya all already knew that, so put some goddamn respect my name when you speak it or I will force to bow or break you down.
(Taylor uncrossing her arms and legs to lean forward picking up a hand rolled joint from behind her belt and a pink BIC which she uses to light up the joint she sticks between her red lips. The Universal Champion dropping the lighter to the table and slouches back on the sofa puffing away on her joint enjoying her solitude as the number one wrestler of all time.)

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