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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Friday Night Evolution

Started by Da Gangstas, July 27, 2024, 01:15:08 AM

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  • Evolution 88
    WAR Arena in Flint, MI

Da Gangstas

Date/Time: Friday, July 26th, 2024
SEF General Manager: Samantha Fame
SEW General Manager: Stacy Wayne
WAR General Manager: Nykky Delight
Assistant Manager: Sara Marie
Venue: WAR Arena in Flint, MI
Theme: Welcome To The Family by Avenged Sevenfold
Womens Evolution Championship Submission Match
Tonya Walker v. LBD(c)
Tonya running into LBD like a crazy woman ready to ride off the rails and the Womens Champ using the momentum to send Tonya into a corner where she is lit up with knife edge chops. LBD letting Tonya stagger out of the corner and kicks her in the midsection to grab her in a facelock snapping back into a ddt. LBD into a crippler crossface on Tonya who looks crazy enough to hold on forever, but screams in pain yelling.
Tonya Walker: I QUIT!
The ref calling it and LBD lets go to get up.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner, LBD.
Back From The Dead by Halestorm plays over the pa as LBD gets her title and shrugs off a quick victory.
Frank Malone: Another quick win for LBD who is not getting paid by the hour, although she is pulling off double duty as she is in the main event tonight.
Bill McLane: And like last week she better get ready to lose her second match!
THC Championship Hardcore Match
J X CA$H v. Daddy Mack(c)
Cash with the ring littered after driving his shopping cart full of weapons out and Mack shrugging just kicks a trash can at his opponent. Cash jumping over it and ducks into a sprint past Mack to bounce off the ropes into a spinning wheel kick. Mack ducking it to let Cash roll on to the mat and springs off the ropes himself into a shining wizard knocking Cash flat out. Mack grabbing a singapore cane and cracks Cash in the ribs several times, then pulls him up into a white russian leg sweep. Mack grabbing the trash can to slide over Cash's head and heads to the top rope flying off with the Detroit Drop smashing the can with Cash in it. Mack rolling away holding his ribs as Cash tries to get out of the can and The Showsteala on his feet to yank the can off. Mack putting the boots to Cash and lifts him up for a piledriver, but gets a back body drop. Cash grabbing a road sign and smacks Mack across his back with it, then grabs him in a waistlock executing a release german suplex. Cash grabbing a singapore cane and cracks Mack in the ribs now and pulls him up looking for the white russian leg sweep, but Mack with a roundhouse kick to Cash's head and a knee to the midsection, then hooks him for the Mack Attack and a pin, but Cash kicks out at two. Mack snarls like he wants it to be over, but gets up ready to do what he has to do and stomps on the head of Cash because he can. Mack rolls out of the ring and grabs a table sliding that in to roll back in and set it up in the middle of the ring. He grabs a chair slamming it over Cash's back, then drives it to his left knee, then his right, then left, right, left right, left left, right again and left, then right twice and left, right. Mack tossing the chair away and pulls Cash up who can't stand, so he gets positioned on the table and smacked in the head a few times by Mack's right hand. Mack heading to the top turnbuckle to soar off with X to the heart of Cash smashing him through the table and Mack goes for the pin, but rolls away at two as Cash is about to kick out. Mack on his feet looking side to side as Cash gets up and BAM, Da Shows Ova drops Cash and Mack falls on him hooking the leg to secure the pin.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner, Daddy Mack.
Don't Tell Me How To Life by Monster Truck plays over the pa as Mack stands up a bit arrogant and bows like a god to his hometown crowd that treat him as such.
Frank Malone: Always a good match between those two and Mack not letting up on his old friend.
Bill McLane: Mack won't have a choice when his last run is over!
Frank Malone: Yea, but that may not be for twenty years!
Main Event
SEW Impact X Championship Ladder Match
LBD v. Jack Hines(c)
LBD into a lock up with Jack, but knees him in the midsection and clamps on a side headlock taking the Impact X Champ down looking to wear him down. Jack fighting up and LBD looking for a bulldog, but gets shoved to the ropes and Jack charges for a shoulderblock. LBD baseball slides under him and pops up for a shoulderblock to the back of Jack's left knee. LBD running to the ropes and springs back with a dropkick knocking Jack down, then she rolls from the ring to grab a ladder sliding that in and getting one step closer to the title. LBD setting the ladder up in the middle of the ring and grabs Jack to bash his head off a rung of the ladder, then run him into a corner and hoist him up to sit on the top. LBD climbing up to leap into a hurricanrana taking Jack over to his back and LBD climbing back up to leap off with a moonsault to Jack. LBD pops up and turns to the ladder heading up when J X CASH comes running down in a limp to yank LBD off the ladder. LBD ducking past Cash to nail a roundhouse kick to his head, but gets tackled by Jack and pummeled with quick rights and lefts. Jack pulling up LBD and looks for The Corez Effect, but Daddy Mack sliding in the ring to drop him with Da Shows Ova. Cash on his feet and Mack runs into him taking both of them ou tof the ring as LBD climbs up the ladder to grab the title.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner and NEW SEW Impact X Champion, LBD.
Back From The Dead by Halestorm plays over the pa as Mack slides in the ring and LBD stands tall on the ladder hoisting the title high.
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