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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Evolution Card

Started by Da Gangstas, August 04, 2024, 03:17:17 PM

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  • Evolution 90
    Underground Arena in Detroit, MI

Da Gangstas

 Date/Time: Friday, August 9th, 2024
SEF General Manager: Samantha Fame
SEW General Manager: Stacy Wayne
WAR General Manager: Nykky Delight
Assistant Manager: Sara Marie
Venue: Underground Arena in Detroit, MI
Theme: Welcome To The Family by Avenged Sevenfold
Hardcore Match
Nikita Perry v. Black Crow
Tag Team Match
Sierra & Cruella Perry v. Bunny Summers & Tonya Walker
Main Event
8 Star Tag Team Match
Da Gangstas v. LBD + Daddy Mack + Simon Lee Nash + Taylor Andrews

 All Promos For This Event Go in the SEW TV Event Promos
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Da Gangstas

Everyone is getting excited for another Night of Evolution and are waiting for Nikita perry vs Crow Blackheart, and they hear from a backstage interviewer, that Nikita has a surprise awaiting Blackheart Crow, in middle of the ring.
Nikita Perry usual Music hits and fans are cheering and are waiting for her arrival just soon after her music hits it ends. And everyone is wondering what is going on, just then The Wolf by Heart hits, and The Wolf comes out in total Crazy Wolf Attire and is so ready to rip Blackheart Crow apart.
Hardcore Match
Nikita Perry v. Black Crow
Crow charges Nikita with a boot, but she ducks and comes back with a spear like The Wolf she is. Nikita on her feet pacing around to kick Crow in her head, then lift her up looking for the Ace Crusher. Crow powering out to shove Wolf into the ropes and catch her with a clothesline. Crow pulling Nikita up for a neckbreaker, but Nikita spinning out and kicks Crow in the midsection, then knee lifts her in the head. Nikita with a german suplex to Crow and gets up running the ropes to deliver a shining wizard to her head. Nikita picks Crow up to deliver the Ace Crusher and Crow is out or seems to be as she kicks out at the last split second possible. Nikita pulling her up with clubbing blows as she does and looks for a powerbomb, but Crow back body drops The Wolf over her head and runs to the ropes springing back with a boot to Nikita's face putting her down. Crow lifting Nikita up into the Devils Powerbomb and makes the pin to win.
Greg Boone: Here is your winners, Black Crow.
No music plays and the crowd kinda boos as they got excited for Wolf who lays in the ring out of it. Black Crow standing on the turnbuckles with her arms crossed just looks at the crowd menacingly.
Frank Malone: A big return for The Wolf it seemed, but the dominant Black Crow stomped her out, almost literally with that huge boot to the face setting up the Devils Powerbomb.
Bill McLane: Kinda liked seeing that. Black Crow is a force to reckon with.
Tag Team Match
Sierra & Cruella Perry v. Bunny Summers & Tonya Walker
Sierra lets Cruella start the match while she drinks a beer on the apron. Tonya gets Cruella in a side headlock and drags her down to the mat wrenching on her neck. Tonya kind of toying with Cruella who fights her way up driving Tonya to a corner and nails a few kicks to the midsection. Cruella pulling Tonya out for a neckbreaker, but gets twisted around cutter going for the pin. Cruella kicks out at two and Tonya on her with forearms to the face, then pulls up Cruella in a armbar as Sierra finishes her beer and looks for another one. Sierra hopping off the apron to go over to the announce table looking for something to drink.
Frank Malone: You have a match going on, your sister is in need of a tag and looks to be in your corner.
Bill McLane: Shut up Frankie! Someone get this woman a beer.
Sierra finally gets handed a beer from a vendor who gets a tip from Bill McLane
Bill McLane: Never bet against the house!
Tonya gets to her corner dragging Cruella in an armbar with her and Bunny Summers tags in climbing to the top rope and dropping a double axe handle smash to Cruella's shoulder. Tonya whipping Cruella to the ropes catching her with a superkick and lifts up Bunny in a powerbomb to drop her on Cruella, then Bunny makes the pin to win.
Greg Boone: Here are your winners, Bunny Summers & Tonya Walker.
Pyscho by Puddle of Mudd plays and Tonya helps Bunny up to raise their arms in the air. Sierra getting another beer and helps Cruella from the ring to the back.
Main Event
8 Star Tag Team Match
Da Gangstas v. LBD + Daddy Mack + Simon Lee Nash + Taylor Andrews
No Simon tonight and the SEF GM Samantha Fame makes this a tornado style match where everyone is in the ring together, no tags in and out. So Troy Storms, Nick Torres, and Jack Hines battle LBD, Taylor Andrews, and Daddy Mack. But J X CA$H shows up out of nowhere to help Da Gangstas keep them odds in their favor since its supposed to be 8 people, and its no one faults except Simon's he no showed. But Johnny Rotten and Nikky VD get involved amid the chaos to help distract Jack and Troy with Nick and Mack chopping it out. LBD with a Southern Pride to CASH and Taylor comes off the top rope with a shooting star press to Cash and the pin to win.
Greg Boone: Here are your winners, Taylor Andrews, LBD, Simon Lee Nash, and Daddy Mack.
Whore by In This Moment plays over the pa as Taylor is helped up by LBD and Mack keeps fighting Torres with both taking a beer break between chops. Troy and Jack dispose of Jonny and Nikky to drag Cash out of the ring and retreat as Taylor and LBD stand tall.

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