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Perry Family Have A Convo About Their Match.

Started by The Perry Family, August 18, 2024, 08:17:03 PM

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The Perry Family

The Perry family is shown inside their own Locker Room, Sierra is drinking a cold beer she also is relaxing on her comfy recliner and is drinking yet another beer, she smiles and yet drinks another beer and she then Cruella then begin to talk.

Cruella Perry look Sierra if this is how you going to be during our match which we had better not fucking lose, cause if we do i don't know what we will do but trust me if it's your fault well it just better not be!

Sierra Perry Look Bitch i told you we are going to win we are going to win all right! now get off my case all right, i may be drinking now but i promise out there im going to be all business we are going to defeat Tonya and Bunny and Taylor Andrews!

Sierra Perry and nothing is going to stop us from getting that win tonight the Party Crashers are going down and there is not a damm thing anyone is going to do about it! Now i admit Taylor is going be a fixture in their being powerful and dominate out there because let's face it nobody defeats Taylor Andrews and Tonya and Bunny are going to be a handful they can come at us from anywhere trust me i know!

Sierra Perry but u see we got the Devi's Hell Angels out there rooting for us and with them on our side and with our energy and darkness and don't forget we are more powerful and dominate then they would ever be! they can not beat us we wil win and il be right there by your side like i always was !

Cruella Perry look im not sure what would you are in right now, but you got to bring yourself back down to reality we need to keep our focus on tonight's match we need to make Damm sure we win i don't care how we win but we got to win under any Circumstances our mind and focus must be how we are going to win tonight! 

Sierra perry keeps Drinking beer and waits for reply 
Jade West


Black Crow, look i got a question here are you sure we can trust Sierra the drunken Lush over here cause it seems like she is favoring the Party Crashers over here because since we been here she been talking very Highly about the Party Crashers saying thing's like how

Black Crow Bunny and Tonya and Their Partner Taylor Andrews is the toughest strongest smartest one of the match tonight and how they are going to be Hard to beat, and how they are going be beating us down and they might get the win over us let me ask you Sierra who's side are you on you know since you started dressing like a damm Drunken Hill Billie you acted more like a dam drunk then you ever do a decent tag team partner hell last week

Sierra Gets in her Face as Black Crow begin to talk again.

Black Crow. You Was To Busy Getting Loaded and paid no attention to the match and Bunny and Tonya end up winning so how you know she not going to pull the same thing again !

Black Crow look Cruella im with you and this Lush over here im going be the strength you need in tonights tag team match and you don't got to worry we got your back u got nothing to be concerned about

she waits.

The Perry Family

Sierra perry looks at them and begin to talk.

Sierra Perry yeah you can count on me Iam going be right there with you all, tonight Party Crashers are going down 

Cruella Perry Great Great now let's do the Perry Family Devils Signature we do Every Week and lets go get ready for our 6 Woman Tag Team Match Tonight.

Cruella and Black Crow do Their Hand Signature, but Sierra hand is Not Touching their Fingers at all she then begin to talk to them.

Sierra Perry hey what if Nikita interferes tonight on Party Crashers Behalf you know she might come after Black Crow for defeating her last week we got to have our eyes everywhere, ringside and up the ramp anyone can come up from anywhere, 

Cruella Perry look you don't got to worry about Nikita im sure she knows her place, and look there no telling what' is going to happen tonight just be on the lookout and be ready all we got to say

Sierra Perry now let's talk about who is going do what tonight, but first i need some fresh air to much hot Air in here il be back.

they wonder why she is leaving them for some fresh air as they continue to talk about their match or what Sierra is up2
Jade West

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