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Party Crashers Have a Convo About The 80s

Started by BunnySummers, September 09, 2024, 09:31:44 AM

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Bunny summers is listening to Madonna on her Walkman and looks so happy she then begin to talk to Tonya

Bunny Summers hey Tonya, i was watching MTV Today it was so awesome omg they got the best music ever like Omg Hello like this one song by madonna i know all her music oh ohh papa don't preach i love that song

Bunny Summers omg MTV Should always stand for Music Television Video omg i love Cindy and Madonna if they are touring again we should go meet them in person what u say, it be so much fun ya know We need to get tickets and go, we can make a hole night of it i dream of meeting them face to face and get our pictures taken how cool would that be

Bunny Summers i think Taylor Andrews should hang out with Us, sometime  but she busy it happens, anyway i need go clothes shopping and get other things at the mall i miss going to the mall

Bunny Summers . i can not wait until we defeat the Perrys again they really need to losing up you know what i mean like omg hello,

she keeps on dancing to her music and drinks her slushie and begin to talk again

Bunny Summers music is where its at you know if more people just listened to music they be so much happier so when does the malls open i want go shopping again,

Bunny Summers last time i went to the mall it was so much fun loud music happy people omg the food courts are so much fun i love their music video stores and listening to the music on the loud speakers is the best part people need to be happy it don't take much

Bunny Summers anyway i got tell you something Tonya since i met you omg we have had so much fun together been such a blast, you know im having so much fun, i hope we become tag team champions again sometime that be so much fun, are they really look tell me the truth about this please let it be a rumor

Bunny Summers omg i just can not believe this rumor are they really raising the price of designer jeans i heard someone say they was i hope not i mean i don't mind, spending more money at all it does not matter to me i mean they really need to keep prices the same

Bunny Summers everything just seems so much simpler and easier i don't have a care in the world right now and Hulk amania is still in action so all is good with the world

Bunny Summers so what u want do tonight? the night is all ours we can have so much fun u know what i mean
Bunny Summers

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker Anything You Want Do Tonight is Good With Me im in the Mood, for just about anything we can go to the mall look around hang out at food court and talk about how we are going take down the Perry Sisters Once Again, it should be easy, and it schould be fun we been defeating them at every turn so we got nothing to be concerned about, we got this in the bag, this is our chance to defeat them once again and work our way up the Ladder of Sucess and trust me the top of the Ladder is waiting for us it is going be ours to climb and stand tall once again and trust me nobody is going to take our place at the top i mean Nobody!

Tonya Walker. How About We Go to Dairy Queen and Hang Out and Have Fun the World is Ours Bunny Nobody is going to take it away from Us and we mean Nobody! we don't Care How Many People we have to beat in ordor to climb to the top just as long as we do because the top belongs to Us and Nobody else U Me and Nikita Perry the Wolf, all belong at the top and at the Top of the world we are going to stay,

Tonya Walker i got to talk to anyone who is in charge and get U and me and Nikita Perry some matches all together she has been us for a long while Now and not has teamed up with us once this is going to be our chance at glory and i want Nikita the Wolf up there with Us!

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers, Yes the 3 of Us need to reign supreme i mean there is so much we all can do together we are a family we are not blood related but that does not matter right now we are a family, a true loving family, we need to band together and team with each other as a family! us 2 and the Wolf we can do it all go through the coemption this is the world of the 1980s anything is possible anything can happen there is nothing we can not do! the 1980s believes in us and the world believes in the party crashers!

Bunny Summers, good things happend to the people who wait! i mean won't it be wonderful awesome if all became champions at the same time you know we believe it can happen it can happen the Party Crashers is going to make history soon just like the awesome former wrestlers of the 1980s to us Now anything is possible i mean anything

she wait
Bunny Summers

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