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08.28.24: The Next 6 Months, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Starting Over Fresh

Started by Taylor Andrews, May 23, 2011, 10:25:32 PM

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Taylor Andrews

So here it is, finally SEF is returning to the air and finally on its own, the stage is set inside a large banquet room at the Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan. A podium stands on one end of the room with a table on either of it. To the left is Nick Torres and Troy Storms while on the right is Joe Dumar and Frankie with Destruction standing off to the side in their gear. The room is filled with fans and some press, photographers with Tom Walker getting some good shots. Then the sound of Metallica’s The Unforgiven is played bringing on cheers and after a minute of now buzzing from the crowd we see Viper step into the room from a door and make his way to the podium raising his fists in the air. The fans in there break out with a chant for the legendary Viper clad in his classic leather pants, jacket, and even gloves.


His hair tied back tight and now Viper removes his sunglasses hanging them on an open pocket of his jacket. He rest his hands up on the podium and smirks at the ovation, then says.

Thanks, thank you, it truly means a lot to hear that every time I walk into a crowd of you people that love d watching me do what I love!

A loud pop for the thanks to them and Viper then says.

Now SEF is in dire straits, thought to be dead, laid down and put to rest, I say fuck that!

Viper gets a little more serious, but still calm and says.

The anniversary show was cancelled and then nothing was booked after that, so essentially, unofficially SEF was dead, but officially I am here to tell you that it isn’t. In the beginning there were two of us, well technically four, but only myself and my current wife were in front of the camera and we had a great time back then. Whitney and I were able to buy out SEF some months ago and it was a bit of a mess to fix, hell, we almost gave up and let it die. Changes had to made and sacrifices at that like no more pay per views except that Wrestle X will happen every year, including this year!

A surprise and a pop and Viper says.

Yea, August twenty eighth we will see Wrestle X number six and the man who earned the opportunity at the World Title, Corez, he will face SEF Champion, Nick Torres in the main event. As you can see all the champions are here and will remain champions until they are beaten in the ring which could happen at our return show on June thirteenth. That night we will bring back the WAR to Monday Night and Ares who earned a shot at the IC Title will face the champ Troy Storms in the main event. Opening the show we will see Destruction take on not two, but four men, two teams, Jay and Mesa teaming with Xanthus and Corez, if one of them wins the match, they and their respective partner and the new champs!

Loud cheering for these matches and Frankie shocked nods in respect to Viper at the challenge knowing Destruction needs that kind of match to truly test themselves. Viper continues.

Now that leaves Nick and the Underground Champ, Joe Dumar, so you two will face each other one on one on the return of WAR with the winner getting a title shot at the loser’s belt the very next week. Now there will be more matches added by the new manager of SEF who will be introduced live on Monday Night WAR!

Cheers and some buzzing about who it may be when Viper says.

Myself and Whitney will not be on hand for a while as we have business to take care of outside SEF, the reason for a new manager, someone who can fill our shoes while were gone. We will not let SEF die though, I promise you all that much, so enjoy the many more shows we look to bring you and goodnight everyone!

Cheering and a lot of questions yelled not made out very well are heard as Viper turns to Storms and Torres who stand up and the three do the classic gangsta sign touching hands as they do. Viper shakes hands with Joe and Frankie as well as Destruction, then pumps his fists in the air for the crowd one more time and exits out the door followed by the others and so fade to black.

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