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One More Fight

Started by Daddy Mack, December 16, 2024, 06:09:16 PM

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Daddy Mack

(Mack is finally sitting down in a dressing room by himself backstage at the Underground Arena in Detroit taping his wrists while wearing his ring pants and boots, hair down and a bit out of place in his eyes as he focuses on getting ready for Anarchy of WAR.)
Chris Orton could prove to be my biggest challenge in months, if the guy shows up, otherwise I'll find a spot at the bar and have a few drinks with the boys and girls paying to get in this place. I hope you show up Chris, I almost miss being 6 Star Tag Team Champion with you as what we did with LBD was special man, we all came from a time in SEF that was transcended this company, we are all legends in our own right. My legend is always growing though cause I refuse to step away from this business and its not a knock against anyone who does, its just who I am. Hell, it could be a knock against me cause I don't want to grow up or out or away from wrestling, I am gonna die in that ring, this is my retirement. Meaning I won't ever retire, not as long as I can move cause if I can't move, if I can't walk into the ring on my own two feet, well then, I won't. I ain't thinking about that though, I have no idea on what I would do because I don't think like that, naw, I think about Anarchy of WAR tonight and whooping Chris Orton one more time if I shows up, so I can get my hands on him. I always liked fighting him cause he never stopped either, he is resilient and loyal to SEF and that is why he does not have to show up now, he is a legend, already proved his loyalty. We know what he could do if he showed up and even if he does once, it wouldn't matter. He's done all he needs to do and can't go back, none of us can. That's why I will hold this WAR TV Title into the new year and from there I am only moving up. But before the new year there is this Christmas break, but before the break we find out if Chris Orton shows up to go one on one with The Showsteala, one more time, for old times sake, c'mon Chris, bring it on.
(Mack reaches for his bag pulling a title out showing off the WAR TV Championship, then lays it on his right leg and leans forward hanging his head down, hair falling in his face and his hand reaches out brushing the door shut.)

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