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Started by admin, May 28, 2011, 07:43:59 PM

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ok, so I revised the Guidelines a little and just recently, as in a few minutes ago. Biggest thing is that all accounts in this forum are allowed to play only one character/tag team, however, you can sign up for as many accounts as ya can handle, just gotta roleplay as them all, lol, plus ya change the display name of the account to anything ya want. you can take a break as some whenever ya want, just gotta let me know and don't pull characters who are fueding or have titles obviously, we'll go over that on an individual basis, nothing that needs to be a rule or guideline. who knows, i'm probably just talking to myself, but we do have one member, plus my wife is a member, so hey, its a fresh start as stated in the r/p as Viper, lol. anyways, ya can find the said Guidelines by clicking here or by clicking the link at the top of the forum which is actually the news header, lol

so I just changed one more thing in the guidelines and its just how to send in stats as I forget no one really uses email to send emails anymore, except spammers, lol, so yea, just send them via the pm system like someone already did, no posting though, stats do not get posted on a board as i make web pages anyways. this should be the last revision as I shoulda probably not tried to use an email anyways, i just happened to have that one from my own site, lol

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