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WAR 12/4/2013

Started by mysticbabydoll, December 03, 2013, 11:31:25 AM

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Roleplaying Deadline
11:59:59 PM on December 5th, 2013
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WAR General Manager
Kira Darland
The GM handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.


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Peoria Riverplex Arena in Peoria, Illinois

Theme Music

Match one: Four Way Falls Count Anywhere
A Native Americano vs. Johnny Camaro vs. Phoenix Winterborn vs. Steve Weigel
Referee: Bill McLane

Match two: Tornado Tag
Tristan Darland & Akbar Kali vs. Brady Henderson & Billy Nuts Dexter
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match three: Four Way
X Divas Championship
Betty Nan Dexter(c) vs. Taylor Andrews vs. Julie vs. Maegan Fox
Referee: Nykki Dee

Main Event: Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guests: Kimberly Pain, Kasey Winterborn, Skull, Zilus Zion

Main Event Match: Triple Threat Chicago Street Fight
The Mack vs. Jordan Cut vs. Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Card Is Subject To Change


Match one: Four Way Falls Count Anywhere
A Native Americano vs. Johnny Camaro vs. Phoenix Winterborn vs. Steve Weigel
Referee: Bill McLane

Once all four men get in the ring we see A Native Americano charge across the ring at Phoenix who tries to stop norm with a shoulderblock, but gets sent crashing to the mat. Steve and Johnny meeting with punches are no strangers to each other, but A Native Americano springing off the ropes launching himself missile like into both his other opponents sending them crashing to the mat as well. Norm on his feet kicking both in the head, then turns to see Phoenix rise and runs into him with a hard kick to the head. A Native Americano yanking Phoenix up for a suplex, but the American Tradition slipping down behind norm to deliver a Russian leg sweep. Johnny getting up to run into Phoenix with a leaping calf kick taking the American Tradition down. Steve getting up and Johnny comes flying at him for a clothesline, but Weigel ducking and charging behind Camaro with a clothesline sending him over the top rope to the floor. Phoenix and A Native Americano get to their feet meeting with punches. Steve running at both, but Phoenix kicks norm in the midsection and doges the attack letting A Native Americano get taken down with a knee lift. Phoenix into the Reign of Fire on Steve, then drops him with the FireStorm. Johnny leaping to the top rope, but Phoenix comes over to collapse him on the ropes and deliver Eternal Ashes. Phoenix with the hold locked in, but A Native Americano runs over dropping a leg across the American Tradition's neck. A Native Americano rolling up to stalk Phoenix to his feet, then cuts him half with Smoked locking in the clutch as Johnny rolls to the floor. Weigel out of it on the other side of the ring as Phoenix looks that way trying to turn around and get free. A Native Americano holding on tight keeping Phoenix grounded good and the American Tradition having enough decides to give up and fight another night.

Winner: A Native Americano

Match two: Tornado Tag
Tristan Darland & Akbar Kali vs. Brady Henderson & Billy Nuts Dexter
Referee: Doug Melvin

Billy slams into Tristan with a full head of steam taking the Darland into a corner while Brady and Akbar collide in punches. Tristan turning Billy to a corner and unloads with punches while Brady forces Akbar to a corner. Billy punching his way out of the corner and kicks Tristan in the midsection turning to grab the Darland by his head and go for a cutter. Tristan shoving Billy to the ropes and sails in the Dexter with a shoulderblock, then the Darland is up as Brady whips Akbar out of the corner. Akbar with a reversal sends Brady into Tristan with a clothesline from behind. Brady ducking a clothesline from Akbar and nails him with the Vampire Black Out. Tristan pulling Brady up from behind into a suplex on his stomach. Billy comes off the ropes with a flying high knee slamming to Tristan's head, then heads to the top rope soaring off with the Dexter Dive to Akbar making the pin to win the match for his team.

Winners: Brady & Billy

Match three: Four Way
X Diva Championship
Betty Nan Dexter(c) vs. Taylor Andrews vs. Julie vs. Maegan Fox
Referee: Nykki Dee

Julie and Tina side by side bringing the other two girls to the middle of the ring with Maegan getting in front of Julie who eyes Betty. The Queen with a kick to Maegan's midsection though and Tina with a quick swinging neckbreaker taking the Fox girl down. Julie flying into a roundhouse kick takes Betty down and The Queen leaps up with a knee drop to her head, then pops up to see Tina work Maegan into a camel clutch, but sitting on her lower back. Julie pulling Betty up to attempt a ddt, but the X Diva Champ twisting out to slam an elbow to The Queen's head. Betty with a kick to Julie's midsection and now drops her with a ddt. The X Diva Champ up and running into Tina with a dropkick to her face freeing Maegan, but pulls up the Fox girl to execute a suplex. Maegan blocking it and counters with her own suplex floating over into the pin,




kickout! Taylor with a kick to Maegan's head not even a second later and the Golden Gal yanking up the Fox girl into a hiptoss, then lands a knee drop to her head. Tina latching on with an armbar  moving into a front facelock and buries knees to Maegan's head. Betty getting up to clobber Tina across her back with a forearm, but Julie comes flying over with an sto taking the Dexter girl down. Julie sliding out of the ring pulling Betty out leaving her feet on the apron and spiking her to the floor with a ddt. Maegan with knees to Tina's midsection, then whips her to the ropes and catches the Golden Gal with a spinning heel kick. Maegan looking to the turnbuckles, but sees Julie slide in and rushes over to catch The Queen before she gets up. Julie too quick though and moves around behind Maegan to roll her up for a school girl, but stands up to grab her legs and catapult the Fox girl right into a superkick from Tina. Julie grabs Maegan for the Dirty Drop as Tina runs to nail a spear at the same time The Queen drops the Fox girl. Tina into the T & A sleeper cinching it in as Julie just stands up backing off to keep an eye on Betty. Tina holding on for life and Maegan tries to fight it, but decides its best to give up.

Winner: Taylor Andrews

Main Event: Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guests: Kimberly Pain, Kasey Winterborn, Skull, Zilus Zion

"Lowlife" by Kid Rock plays over the pa bringing the crowd alive as hot as ever during WAR cause they know its time for the Hardcore Kid to check into the Hardcore Hotel. The Mack strutting out all sarcastic and cocky letting the fans reach for him as he moves on down in a cool stride not giving a fuck for anyone except himself. The Mack hopping to the apron and spins on into the ring dropping into a muscle pose, then pops up in a crotch chop. He eyes his guests who are already in the ring standing back to give the host room since he commands it. The Mack dropping across his bed in a corner where Kasey and Kimmy lay in a short, tight dressed. Kimmy's is black and held up by thin straps while Kasey wears a red sleeved dress that is black from the waist down. The Hardcore Hotel blinking overhead on the ropes with the vacancy sign glowing and Mack all arrogant as he brings the microphone to his mouth while the girls rub on him a little.

Well, well, what do we have here? Couple hot broads who are my guests looking for something more perhaps!?! So fuck it, not like any of ya all got anything going around here, so you two chumps, hit the showers, The Mack got better company right here.

Skull seems to be ready to leave, but Zilus motioning not to let this go and do something to Mack. So they decide to work together and come that way looking for a fight. The Mack seemingly oblivious is able to leap up rather quick and spring into a flying roundhouse kick taking Skull down. Mack rolling up and springing off the ropes into a dropkick to Zilus' chest knocking him down. The Mack on his feet and Skull staggers up to eat Da Shows Ova and tumble from the ring. Zilus getting up and Mack yanking him up to the ropes, but skips over with Da Shows Ova catching him before he bounces back to send Zilus to the floor. The Mack strutting arrogantly back to the bed and pulls Kimmy and Kasey back over to slide his arms around both, then he feels up their dresses smirking.


The Mack pushing Kimmy down on the bed to her elbows and knees, then pulls the front of his tights down as he gets up behind her to slide his cock inside her cunt. Mack lifting Kasey on Kimmy's back laying her back. Kimmy laying facedown on the bed in a slant and Kasey on her shoulders with Mack burying his face into her pussy while fucking Kimmy. The crowd shocked and awed and into the live sex show with their phones out tweeting, liking, snapping shots, or whatever the fuck they do. The Mack is doing what he does when he be waiting for his match which is the main event and it is next.

Main Event Match: Triple Threat Chicago Street Fight
The Mack vs. Jordan Cut vs. Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Smokey McWeed

The Mack laying up on the turnbuckles just a grinning like a chesire cat for sure after the pieces he just knocked off live in front of us all on WAR. Jordan and Simon looking to work together trying to move in on Mack, being cautious for when he leaps. The Mack sliding down casually in the corner just a twirling a finger to each ear looking all sarcastic. Jordan shoves Simon forward and Mack sidesteps to cock a leg towards Jordan. The cool cutter dodging back and Mack skipping his way only to turn and fly into a roundhouse kick taking Simon down. Mack rolling up on the apron and sees Jordan rushing over, so The Showsteala ducks down to bring a foot up into the cool cutter's head. The Mack leaping to the top rope and flies off in a dropkick to Jordan's chest, then rolls from the ring grabbing a table from underneath and slides it in. He gets a Singapore cane and trash can tossing both in and finds a stop sign sliding in with that. Mack lifting the sign up to smack Jordan across his back, then tosses it at Simon who stands and leaps into a spinning back kick sending the sign into the Light Heavyweight Champ's face. The Mack grabbing the Singapore cane to lay in some shots to Jordan's ribs and back, then gets over his back bringing the cane under Jordan's chin to choke him. Jordan fighting to breath and starts to get winded, then Mack leaps up to stomp Jordan's head into the mat. The Mack picking up the trash can to slam over Simon's head, then pushes the dent out as best he can to slide over his head. The can going over his shoulders and Mack running to the ropes to bounce back into a dropkick knocking Simon over. Mack coming off the ropes into a baseball slide dropkick to Jordan's head, then picks up the table setting it up in the middle of the ring. The Mack pulling Jordan up to roll him on the table, then heads to the top rope looking for X. Jordan is pushed off by Simon a second before impact and Mack crashes through the wood to the mat. Simon covering Mack for the pin,



Jordan with an elbow to Simon's jaw breaks the fall. The cool cutter pulling Simon up to deliver a Rock Bottom and stalks The Mack looking for The Cutter. Mack shoves him away and aims for Da Shows Ova, but Jordan ducking and pulling The Showsteala into a ddt taking him over with a hard spike to the mat. Jordan crawling over Mack for the pin,




kickout! Jordan picks up the Singapore cane and starts laying into Mack's back and just wailing him wherever he can hit him in almost a blind rage. He throws the cane down looking for The Cutter, stalking Mack when Simon comes running over for a spear. Jordan leapfrogging him and Simon turns to get caught with The Cutter. Jordan scrambling up to find Mack and eats Da Shows Ova getting sent out to the floor. The Mack heading up top to soar off beautifully with X to the heart of Simon, then covers him for the pin to end the match.

Winner: The Mack

Dark Main Event Match: Singles
The Mack v. Tina
Referee: Smokey McWeed

The Mack via Pinfall @ 33 Minutes 18 Seconds

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