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The World Title is One Match Away.

Started by The American Tradition, December 18, 2013, 12:27:43 PM

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The American Tradition

Open scene on Phoenix Winterborn in the middle of downtown Chicago, Illinois. It was a cold day in the Windy City, as Phoenix was walking over one of the many bridges standing over the Chicago River.

"Happy motherf***in holidays, peeps. Phoenix Winterborn omin back like I forgot somethin here for that title shot at the Apocalypse. Now, I'm not gonna take up a lot of your time cause it's cold as balls out here, and as you can see...I'm not exactly dressed for the weather. So it's like this. Coming up tonight in front of my people here in the Chi, I'm taking on three people I've beaten in the past to get a shot at the World title. Now, normally I would say that this is nothing new to me. Hell, management has had it out for me since I came back to this company. It's all good though, I suppose. I'l just have to get back to tearing through people until management doesn't have any other choice but to give me the credit I've earned since day one. I hope that people are watching this week, cause when it comes to Steve Weigel, Johnny Camaro, and Tristan Darland? Phoenix Winterborn is just better, and I don't plan on losing in my hometown. Get used to it, kids. Phoenix Winterborn is gonna be the next World Champion. Get on my level."

Static as we fade scene.

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