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universal6 star tag team

Tag Team Championship Yes

Started by mysticbabydoll, December 18, 2013, 04:33:30 PM

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Brady just got done training, and he is teaming up with The Mack to take on the Sexy Sensual Sweeties Taylor Andrews and Julie. He isn't worried at all, and he has no problem teaming  up with someone other then his best friend. He knows Tristan has his own match to focus on, and this would be a hard match still he will put everything he has in it. He looks at the camera, and gets talking.

Brady Henderson: I am teaming up with The Mack, and I am down to tagging you. I know this is the first time we teamed up together, and I know this won't be an easy match at all. Julie and Taylor you two are great I will give you that, but in this match I will help Mack out with putting you two straight down and taking the Tag Team Championship away from you. I will not give up, and I am more then ready to strike as there is no telling how this match will turn out. I want to become a champion, and this will be the way to do it so no hard feelings at all girls so be ready cause it is time to rock and roll.

Brady walks off, and the scene fades to black.

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