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universal6 star tag team

cutting down to size

Started by Simon Lee Nash, December 18, 2013, 10:35:28 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash and Jason Cut has been going to alot of battles and now this could be the end with a win he would send Jason Cut packing once and for all. A victory will give Jason Cut the pink slip and Simon will get to keep the Light Heavyweight championship title as well.

Simon: You know Frank. I know this is tough cause you have myself and Jason as your Clients and this is just as tough cause if i win this match tonight you will lose a client in Jason Cut. Don't bet me wrong he is a hell of a wrestler and it was on honor to fight in all those matches. But it's time that i make a name for myself and make sure that with one man gone i keep my journey to become the next World Champion.

Simon: i have been thinking about what would happen with life without Jason Cut. I have to say i know there would be some people that would miss him like hell and there would be some that would not give two shits about him leaving as well.

Simon: For me, i have to say that i have alot of respect to you Jason Cut but now the journey has to come to an end. You are coming after me and my title again and you know better then anybody else when it comes to my championship. I am not going to give you an inch. I need this belt. It's been pretty awesome to know that i am the only person in this history to be known as the only SEF Light heavyweight champion of the world.

Simon: Now you have been dealing with alot. However, to me it doesn't matter. You are going to be in your last match ever in the SEF once i get done with you. Now i realize that you have this mystery woman that you seem to care about. Women are nothing but trouble when i was younger i made alot of mistakes and i never got to the level that i was falling in love. Keep your private life private and my professional life professional.

Simon: I have never mixed business with pleasure and look at me today. One of the top stars in the SEF and i am going to remain the Light Heavyweight Champion. So you better kiss your mystery girl good bye causse tonight you will be kissing your wrestling career in the SEF good bye right here tonight when i get done with you.

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