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SEW Friday Night Anarchy # 4

Started by Simon Lee Nash, December 17, 2013, 01:06:12 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

11:59:59 PM Eastern on December 27th 2013
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Anarchy General Manager
Carlos Mitchell
The GM handles the bookings for Anarchy and its PPV's.


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Dunkin Dounuts Center Providence RI

Theme Music


Main Event Match
Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guests: Brady Henderson, Phoenix Winterborn, & Jordan Cut

Match 4
X Divas Championship
Taylor Andrews(c) vs Winner of the battle royal
Referee: Nykki Dee

Match 3
Simon Lee Nash vs Johnny Camaro
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match 2
SEW Light Heavyweight Championship
SEX World Title Shot @ The Apocalypse PPV
Brady Henderson v. Jordan Cut(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

Opening Match
Diva's Battle Royal
Danika v. Kasey Winterborn v. Kimberly Pain v. Maegan Fox
Referee: Bill McLane & Doug Melvin


Time for Anarchy and were live in the Dunking Donuts Center on the east coast in Providence Rhode Island two nights after a live Christmas in Detroit on WAR. Tonight is a crucial event leading into the pay per view in just two nights and with us to call the action is Nick flanked by two of Viper's old ladies.

Welcome to Friday night Anarchy everyone! Nick Miller here with Sammy Storms and Stacy Torres who may be feeling a bit down about Viper's loss this past Wednesday on WAR.

Sammy responding with a snide remark.

Shut up Nicky! Viper was double teamed and the match was tainted thanks to Shady Smack.

Stacy sneering at Nick who just shrugs and fakes a smile.

Sorry ladies, just reporting what happened on Wednesday. But tonight we move past Christmas and get on to business with a big match for Jordan Cut or Brady Henderson as the winner between them goes to Apocalypse in two nights to fight for the World Heavyweight Championship. Jordan's newly acquired Light Heavyweight Title is on the line and the former champ Simon is in action against Johnny Camaro. Plus we got the battle royal to kick off or night with the winner of the four divas facing Tina for the X Diva Title right here tonight.

Stacy chiming in.

And don't forget about the Hardcore Hotel which features all the possible World Title contenders for this Sunday. No telling what will happen with all these hotheads checking into the most controversial and highest rated segment in SEF!?!

Nick nodding yes.

No doubt about that, Mack is bound to get some answers or just stir up more shit with a few kicks!?

Opening Match
Diva's Battle Royal
Danika v. Kasey Winterborn v. Kimberly Pain v. Maegan Fox
Referee: Bill McLane & Doug Melvin

Within a minute we see Kasey and Kimmy dumped out of the ring to get eliminated from the match. Danika ducking a charging Maegan to back drop her over the top rope. Maegan landing on the apron and pulling Danika into a suplex lifting her over the top rope. Danika pulling herself down to the apron and grabs Maegan by her hair yanking her off the apron at the same time Maegan pulls Danika down causing both ladies to land headfirst against the guard rail. With both eliminated and a replay seen a couple times, the referee's determine both landed too close to call, so the GM announces it'll be a triple threat later tonight with both Danika and Maegan facing Tina for the X Diva Title.

Winners: Maegan Fox & Danika

Match 2
SEW Light Heavyweight Championship
SEX World Title Shot @ The Apocalypse PPV
Brady Henderson v. Jordan Cut(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

A lock up begins this match with Jordan backing Brady into a corner, then whips him to the opposite corner and charges him for a clothesline. Brady ducking to send Jordan crashing into the turnbuckles and the cool cutter turning around to get hit with a dropkick by his challenger. The co holder of the Tag Team Championship on his feet to climb up the turnbuckles standing over Jordan and rains down punches to his head. Jordan shoving him down to the mat, but Brady stays on his feet, ducks a clothesline and delivers Blood Mist. Brady into the pin,




kickout! Brady pulling Jordan up in a side headlock to drag him down on the mat laying across the cool cutter still clamping his head like a vice. Jordan staying out of a pin and tries swinging his arms around to get free managing to fight up on his feet. Brady holding on with the headlock and tries for a bulldog, but gets pulled into a back suplex. Jordan bridging into a pin,




kickout! Brady rolling away as Jordan rolls up to his feet and charges his opponent with a punt to the ribs. He yanks Brady up who shoots up into a European uppercut to the cool cutter's jaw. Brady with a knee to his midsection and a knee lift to the head into a swinging neckbreaker. Jordan trying to roll away, but Brady pulling back into a pin,



kickout! Brady getting up and backing around to stalk Jordan until he stands, then moves in for the Vampire Drop. Jordan backing into a corner to keep out of it and turns nailing elbows to Brady's jaw. The cool cutter yanking Brady out to the ropes and catches him on the rebound with a nice dropkick on the jaw. Jordan stalking Brady now and waits for him to get up before moving for The Cutter and the pin to end the match.

Winner: Jordan Cut

Match 3
Simon Lee Nash vs Johnny Camaro
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Johnny springing into action first with a jumping calf kick to Simon's jaw, then scrambles over him into a reverse front facelock. Camaro bringing Simon up and twisting around into a neckbreaker flipping backwards and swinging into a pin,



kickout! Johnny pulling Simon up for a suplex, but gets countered into one from the son of Nash. Simon rolling through into an armbar and then goes for a cross armbreaker. Johnny managing to get into the ropes, so Simon let's go Johnny rushing back in for a clothesline, but Simon ducks around to grab him and deliver a german suplex bridging into a pin to end the match.

Winner: Simon Lee Nash

Match 4
X Diva Championship
Taylor Andrews(c) vs Danika vs Maegan Fox
Referee: Nykki Dee

Danika no shows due to blowing Mack in the back, so Maegan comes out to go one on one with Taylor who out wrestles for a few minutes before hitting a superkick and pins her to win and retain the title.

Winner: Tina

Main Event Match
Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guests: Brady Henderson, Phoenix Winterborn, & Jordan Cut

"Lowlife" plays over the pa bringing out The Mack with a swagger all his own that no one can copy even though many have tried. A pair of shades cover them eyes while his hair swings around and The Mack displaying his Wrestling Underground Heavyweight Championship over his left shoulder while his SEW WAR Tag Team Championship is over the right one. Mack sporting a black sleeveless tee reading The Showsteala across the front in red and a pair of blue jeans with camo work boots. The Mack stepping loosely down the aisle dancing past the fans stretching out to touch him and the host of the Hardcore Hotel just slides on through the madness to hop on the apron, steps in without letting his titles go, then spins around to throw each belt out in his hands. Mack dropping into a muscle pose showing off the gold instead of the arms, then pops up in a crotch chop catching the belts. He staggers over to lay across the bed with the belts laying next to him and brings up a microphone with a loose grip letting us see a grin of sarcasm form as he lifts the stick.

So here it is and it is what it is cause The Hardcore Hotel be the place to be whether its its once in a while on Friday Night or every fucking Wednesday!!!! Two nights ago was a fun night and a pretty good match, but I never had a bad one against Viper or Whitney. Tonight I got no match unless I can talk my guests into going one on one with the number one wrestler in SEF, or kick them in the right direction, that usually works better!?!?! But hey, these boys got some big happenings cause Jordan Cut or Phoenix Winterborn could be walking out World Heavyweight Champion in two nights. And maybe when one of them wins they may wanna put up the gold in a real challenge against The Mack?

A pop from the crowd and Mack just lays back full of himself.

But hey, maybe they not ready for that, then again, Jordan Cut did finally agree to face me in the DOGG Fight. So maybe he can answer why he waited so long and killed his momentum from the Deathmatch. The Mack never dropped the ball while he had to wrestle a match last week to win the Light Heavyweight Title or get fired. Congrats on winning buddy, but what makes you think your gonna walk out World Champion at Apocalypse, let alone even match me in the DOGG Fight? Sure, your as full of yourself as The Mack is, I know I am, so what!?! Fact is, Mack shows up all of you by doing what he says instead of saying what he does. I don't rely on reputations, just good old hard work, so who gonna come on out and check into the highest rated spot in SEF to get noticed?!? Yo Brady, you got my back for a tag match tonight if these other two boys want to just have a match?

"Monster" plays over the pa and here comes Brady Henderson with his Tag Title over his shoulder still in his ring gear with a white tee over his torso. Brady moves swiftly down the aisle and strolls on into the ring getting his own microphone and stands near Mack.

I'm good to go. May as well get all the ring time I can.

Mack nodding yes.

Yea, good effort earlier man, too bad Jordan had to take that one. I woulda rooted for ya anyways since I want that boy at his best.

"Don't Give Up" plays over the pa and here comes Jordan Cut in his ring gear carrying the Light Heavyweight Title over his shoulder. Jordan squints down at Mack and Brady looking with a bit of a calm scowl not sure about the situation, but shows its all cool with a cocky swagger to the ring. The Light Heavyweight Champion walking around the ring to get a microphone and then climbs in standing across from Brady while Mack stands up with a sarcastic smirk.

Speaking of the boy, how ya doing Jordan?

Jordan sneering at Mack.

I am doing just fine, but in two nights you can bet your ass I will be at my best when I win two titles adding a lot more weight to these shoulders.

A cool smirk across his face as Jordan adjusts his Light Heavyweight Title arrogantly. Mack nodding yes and then points to Brady's title who shows it off. Mack picking up his two titles and displaying one over each shoulder just a smiling sarcastically. "A Light That Never Comes" plays over the pa and here comes Phoenix Winterborn who has a mic in hand already cutting his own music off.

Ok, enough of this, I am invited out here for this!?

Phoenix walking down the aisle as everyone watches him.

I got better things to do that listen to this garbage, so its lucky that I got out here when I did to save everyone from watching three egotistical fucks from stinking up the joint!!!

Jordan and Brady nodding no way as Mack laughs and almost appears unsure of who this fresh faced Phoenix is as he looks a little different!?! He makes his way into the ring now and steps up between Jordan and Brady across from Mack who appears indifferent as he can with that sarcastic smirk.

Are you Phoenix?

Phoenix looking a bit offended.

Yes, I am-

Mack cutting him off.

Oh, ok, well hey bud, this be the Hardcore Hotel and my gig, now if you don't like it...

Mack trailing off to snap off Da Shows Oba sending Jordan Cut to his back and ducks a clothesline from Phoenix. Brady hitting the Vampire Black Out on Phoenix and Mack yanks the American Tradition up to hit him with the Mack Attack. Mack grabbing his titles as Brady picks his up and the Tag Team Champs raise their gold in the air as "Lowlife" plays over the pa bringing Anarchy to an end.

Dark Main Event Match
The Mack vs Phoenix Winterborn
Referee: Smokey McWeed

The Mack via Pinfall @ 29 Minutes 47 Seconds

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