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Special Christmas Edition of War 149 {12/25/13}

Started by Liz, December 23, 2013, 03:11:25 PM

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11:59:59 PM on December 25th, 2013
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Kira Darland
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Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, MI

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Opening Match: "A Naughty Little Girl" Hardcore Pillow Fight
Both competitors dress up in their naughtiest Christmas outfit and fight it out to see which one is more hardcore than the other!
Julie vs. Taylor Andrews
Referee: Nykki Dee

Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guests: Whitney Marret and A Native Americano

Main Event Match: Christmas Street Fight
An all out street fight with the element of the Christmas spirit!
Viper & An Old Lady Of His Choice vs. The Mack & Whitney Marret
Referee: A Native Americano

Card Is Subject To Change


Its Christmas in Grand Rapids Michigan, but WAR wages on right here in the Van Andel Arena with a stage set up in the tradition of the holidays. A tree, presents, and table of candies and snacks, cookies and pies and all that. the crowd packed in here on another chilly night to heat up the place and get a little loud as Nick Miller welcomes us all to the weekly Wednesday night show that is the flagbearer of SEW.

Hello all and welcome to a special edition WAR on Christmas night which were spending with you and have two huge matches taking place tonight, plus Mack hosts the Hardcore Hotel.

Sammy chimes in.

Mack and Whitney better be ready to lose in the street fight cause I have feeling Viper is gonna clean house without help from any of us girls.

She winks across the table past Nick to Stacy who nods back to her confidently saying.

Viper is man enough to handle three of us, so enough said.

Nick just looking at both women estranged nodding his and shrugging his shoulders.

Whatever the two of you say, but Mack has been going strong ever since he returned a year and a half ago and Whitney, she may enough left to make this a tough match. I don't doubt Viper is a badass who can take on anyone he wants, but he isn't god.

Sammy chiming back in.

He's the King of Gods!

Nick nodding yes.

He is great and needs not prove anything, but will always step in the ring when challenged. Should be an interesting match and an interesting Hardcore Hotel on Christmas. And to kick WAR off on this special night we have a Naughty Little Girl Hardcore Pillow Fight between Julie and Tina. So Merry Christmas everyone and enjoy the show.

Opening Match: "A Naughty Little Girl" Hardcore Pillow Fight
Both competitors dress up in their naughtiest Christmas outfit and fight it out to see which one is more hardcore than the other!
Julie vs. Taylor Andrews
Referee: Nykki Dee

"An American Girl" plays over the pa and out struts Julie in her sexy santa helper's outfit.

Julie skipping down to the ring letting the fans reach for her and even slaps a hand or two before heading up the ring steps. The Queen bending over the middle rope a bit erotically showing her white panties tight to her firm ass. Julie walking over to the bed in the middle of the ring where a couple large white pillows lay on the round red satin. "Foxy, Foxy" plays over the pa now and here comes the X Diva Champion in her sexy santa helper's outfit.

Tina comes skipping down the aisle slapping a few hands before hopping to the apron bending down on one knee with the other leg out and leaning down showing that smooth silky skin. The Golden Gal popping up to bend over the middle rope showing off her red panties and skips over to the bed smiling at her tag team partner. Julie with her hand softly touching a pillow and Tina reaches down to grab the other. The two women smirk seductively at each other, then whip up the pillows to swing into each other. Julie gaining the upperhand and slams Tina down on the bed to wail on her back with the pillow letting some feathers fly. The Queen dragging Tina off the bed into a piledriver, then goes for the pin,




kickout! Julie rolling Tina on to her stomach and applies a front facelock lifting the Golden Gal up for a ddt. Tina blocking it and back drops Julie over to the bed, then drops back for an elbow. Julie avoiding it and locks Tina in a headscissors rolling off the bed on her head. The Queen getting to her feet and bounces off the ropes into a shining wizard to the Golden Gal. Julie yanking up the X Diva Champion to deliver a suplex, but Tina slipping down into a Russian leg sweep. Tina heading to the top rope and leaps off for a 450 plash, but gets knees driven into her midsection. The Golden Gal rolling away holding her midsection as Julie gets up stalking her to drive a knee into Tina's head. Julie yanking Tina up for a belly to belly suplex tossing the Golden Gal overhead, then heads to the top rope flying off for the Spike Super Sault driving the X Diva Champ down on the back of her head. Julie into the pin,





kickout! She rolls over on Tina mounting her with long legs wrapping into a triangle choke. Julie leaning back to lock in the hold, but Tina rolling over to get to the ropes makes it just a couple inches away before getting forced down. Tina screaming as Julie lays back and holds on tight. The Golden Gal stretching over and drags her opponent to make it to the bottom rung. Julie breaking on a four count and rolls away to her feet as Tina gets up rushing into a sto. The Queen ducking around into a sleeper, but drives Tina down into the Dirty Drop, then crawls sexually into the pin to end the match.

Winner: Julie

Backstage we find A Native Americano in his sneakers, jeans, chains, and a long sleeved grey shirt with his hair in a ponytail folded up off his neck. The SEW Director is busy on his phone using a pen to write notes on the small silver cell when a reggae sounding ring plays. Norm answering it with a press of a button and another puts it on loudspeaker to hear the voice of Kimberly Pain.

Hello, is this norm?

Speaking Kim.

Oh, well Merry Christmas and I'll see ya all after the new year.

Ok, so you coming back the following week?


Ok, see ya then and Happy Christmas.

Norm ending the call and goes back to writing when Whitney Marret walks out of the office in a red tank top letting us imagine what those curves of her breasts lead to while showing off the right curves in the booty shorts. The SEF CEO with her wrestling boots on and hair in a ponytail ready for this Christmas special to end in a street fight.

Who was that?

Kim Pain. Guess she is gonna be back the week after next, so that's cool. Ready?

Whitney nodding yes with a hungry smirk.

Of course. Tonight Viper feels our true dominance!

Whitney linking her arm into norm's and the couple walks off down the hall with Whitney swaying that fine booty. A Native Americano unlinking his arm to reach down and smack her ass, then wrap his arm around her back holding her side.

Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guests: Whitney Marret and A Native Americano

"Lowlife" plays over the pa bringing Mack down from the rafters on his bed with two hot hos in santa helper's outfits. The girls throwing shirts to the crowd and the bed lays in the ring now with Mack kicked back between his hos holding a microphone in a relaxed grip. The Hardcore Hotel sign blinking behind him in a corner on the ropes with the vacancy light glowing below. Mack just a grinning as sarcastic as ever on this Christmas night as the ladies settle in next to him in their little to the imagination outfits that together wouldn't make enough material to cover Mack's back!?!

So here we are on Christmas night ready to give all ya all what no one else can, or at least is willing to do. So before we get to our guests, let me just say, or rather...

Mack trailing off to let his mic down, then gets to his feet on the bed to drop his tights revealing merry Christmas across his ass in black marker with a stocking on his cock. The Mack bending over to circle around and show the whole crowd his ass like the juvenile he is, then pulls his tights up and lays back down. The ladies all over him trying to get his tights down again as Mack holds them off to lift the mic and say with a grin of sarcasm.

Its a special night cause we got A Native Americano and his old lady Whitney Marret coming on out to have a good time, so I'm a kick back here and let them do just that, maybe get involved cause lord knows I be doing that for damn sure in that tag team match we got. This street fight may just end up being a Christmas massacre?! Either that or one big orgy? Viper got three hos to supply and I'd love to get in with Whitney, but only if she does, otherwise we fight the broad and his old ladies?!?!?!

Mack grinning so sarcastic ya may think he can't take a damn thing serious, but we all know when it comes to being who he is and being number one, so much in fact that he doesn't even need a title yet he owns two and could own more if he cared to!!!!! "Never, Never" plays over the pa bringing out A Native Americano with Whitney Marret sort of in front of him while the SEW Director almost tries to stay behind his old lady's fine booty bouncing perfectly as the SEF CEO struts confidently to the ring. Both slap a few fans hands on the way to the ring and Whitney heads up the ring steps while norm hops to the apron to hold the ropes open. Mack doing the same and Whitney bending down to face Mack who eyes the boss' rack peaking out of her top with a sly grin. Norm focused on Whitney's ass forcing a cracked smile and then all three stand to head over near the bed. Mack passing a microphone to Whitney and gets his own, then lays back on the bed with his girls to ask.

So boss lady, and norm, what ya doing out here on my show, the highest rated segment of all time?!

Whitney lifting her mic up to smile at Mack.

It sure as hell isn't to do with these two girls you brought, so before you get any ideas, maybe they should go to the back and wait for you to come celebrate the victory we earn against Viper and his ho!?!

The girls getting to their feet and Mack hopping up to smack them on their asses directing them to leave. They do so and Mack comes up by Whitney throwing an arm around her. Mack pulling norm over with an arm around him and leans into Whitney's mic.

Fine by me sweetcheeks, hell, maybe we can have a little action, just three of us, you can have a stud on each end filling two of your holes from head to cameltoe!?!

Mack moving his brow up and down with lust in his eyes as norm appears indifferent while Whitney arches a brow in curiosity.

Um, well, my Native prince fills me up enough on his own, so let's just stick with what we got in this ring with Viper and whatever one of his cheap tramps he brings with him. Viper has a long awaited ass kicking coming his way and you getting a kick in will only be his downfall for tonight the true dominant woman of this ring shows him what true dominance is. And if he doesn't like that, then we got two more words for him and everyone...

Whitney and Mack shouting together.


They do a crotch chop crossing arms in an X, then Mack smacks Whitney on her ass and gives her a kiss before pushing her to A Native Americano who really plants a kiss on the CEO. They get a little wild and some French action going on when "Badass" plays over the pa. Viper walks out in boos, blue jeans, and a black tee with his hair down and wet. Nykki Dee at his side in a referee shirt tied sexually under her breasts which damn near spill out like her ass in the booty shorts. Nykky with platformed heels just struts along Viper who marches to the ring and around it. Nykki laying across the announce table a bit erotically while Viper gets a microphone from Stacy while Sammy stands up in her blue jeans and black baby tee to enter the ring with the SEF COO. Sammy hanging off Viper's arm with her red hair teased a bit sexually while Whitney stands across from them a few feet away with A Native Americano to her left. Mack to her right and the CEO with her arms around both men's backs just looks with scorn at Viper who sneers back, then lifts the mic to speak gruffly with sadism.

You always did look cute when you got angry Whit, but I can't blame ya for being that way. I have felt the same anger for what has happened in the past four years. Fate set into motion something that nearly killed us even after he was gone, but if I wanted SEF dead, it would be. I'm trying to get out, but I will not let any two bit hussy walk on to my turf acting like she done it all. Come in here and be a professional as we have always been in SEF and then my offer gets presented by the one many with the power left to offer it to her. As for tonight's match, Nykki is the special enforcer in cause something happens to your native boy. Sammy here owes you for putting your fine ass over CPS earlier tis year. Tonight in a street fight...

Viper gets a sick grin when saying the match stip due to his fondness for street fights.

It may indeed be a bloody christmas massacre of the most brutal proportions imaginable!?

Viper lowering his mic and tosses it back to the edge of the ring looking ready to go with his arm up around Sammy. A Native Americano moving between the two teams getting to officially start the match.

Main Event Match: Christmas Street Fight
An all out street fight with the element of the Christmas spirit!
Viper & Sammy Storms vs. The Mack & Whitney Marret
Referee: A Native Americano

A Native Americano moving back to let the two teams start fighting, but Mack hanging back with an arm Whitney just grins across the ring at Viper. Sammy moving forward calling Whitney into a lock up which the CEO engages in. Whitney with a knee to the midsection gets a side headlock on Sammy and Vipers moves that way. Mack shoving him back, then cocks his leg, but the COO falling back to hop out of the ring. Mack flying out into a senton drop crashing Viper to the floor as Whitney drags Sammy down to the mat clamping down with the side headlock. Mack with Viper up outside the ring and smacks his head off the apron, then tries rolling him back in. Viper shoving Mack away and runs him into a ringpost, then delivers a belly to belly suplex on The Showsteala. Whitney leaning into the pin over Sammy,



kickout! Whitney pulling Sammy up to run her into a bulldog, but gets shoved into the ropes. Sammy ducking a clothesline from a charging Whitney who runs to the other set of ropes springing off into a dropkick knocking her opponent down. Viper sending Mack into the ring steps and gets a sledgehammer from under the ring looking to drill The Showsteala in his head. Mack rolling out of the way causing Viper to smack the steel steps, then The Mack leaping to the guard rail flies off in a roundhouse kick catching the COO in the head. Mack getting to his feet after pulling a Singapore cane from under the ring and turns to smack Viper over his head. Whitney with Sammy locked in a camel clutch trying to wear her opponent down while Mack keeps laying into Viper cane shots to the head and back. Mack looking for a white Russian leg sweep, but gets an elbow to the head and shoved into the guard rail. Viper with a clothesline sending Mack over to the fans feet who cheer and scream for The Showsteala. The COO stumbling back to motion for a chair from Stacy who folds one up to hand to her old man. Viper waiting for Mack to stand up leaning on the rail and looks to swing his chair when Shady Smack comes from under the ring to low blow the COO. He buckles to his knees and Shady grabbing the chair smacks Viper across his back, but Nykki Dee comes over taking the chair and lays Shady out with it. Mack leaping to the rail and Nykki holds the chair up ready to hit him, so The Showsteala moves quicker leaping into a dropkick knocking the chair out of her hands. Mack stumbling around to his feet spinning back to lay a kiss on Nykki bending her back to drop her on her ass. Then Mack leaps up with a stomp to Viper's head while in the ring Sammy is finally fighting out of the camel clutch trying to hold Whitney up. The CEO letting go shoving Sammy forward, then leaps up with a dropkick to the back of her head. Sammy falling to the mat and Whitney moving over her into a front facelock wrenching it on while Mack has Viper up for a suplex. Viper blocking it and ripping Mack up to deliver a jackhammer on the floor. The COO pulling Mack up into a belly to belly suplex tossing him across the floor, then pulls a table out from under the ring and slides it in under the bottom rope. Whitney still has Sammy in a facelock and Viper crawls in dropping his hands in a sledge motion to her back. Viper ripping Whitney up and pulls her into a powerslam position, but the CEO slipping down and kicks the COO in the nuts. Whitney into a bulldog on Viper planting his face to the mat and gets up to eat a spinning wheel kick from Sammy. The announcer pulls Whitney up for the Sammy Bomb, but Whitney flips over her head slipping behind Sammy to grab her and nail a neckbreaker. Viper getting up and sets the table up, then pulls Whitney up looking for a powerbomb through the table flipping her up gutwrench style. The Mack springing to the top rope as Whitney slips free and then The Showsteala flies through the air with a clothesline taking Viper down. Mack rolling through to his feet and spins around all arrogant into a kick against Viper's head. The Mack pulling him up into a reverse atomic drop, then leaps up to bring the COO down in a hurricanrana. Whitney up to catch Viper in the Southern Sleeper and falls back locking it in tight. Mack seeing Sammy get up and lets her feel Da Shows Ova, then rolls her on to the table and heads up the turnbuckles. The Mack standing up straight with his arms wide before leaping into a picture perfect elbow drop to Sammy's chest smashing her through the table. Mack rolling away to get up leaning on the ropes while Viper struggles in the Southern Sleeper trying to roll into the ropes. The Mack decides to come on over and grab Viper's legs and applies a figure four leg lock on him in while Whitney keeps her Southern Sleeper locked in. Viper knowing he can't escape this and gives up the match.

Winners: Whitney Marret & The Mack

Viper rolling out to get helped backstage by his old ladies while "(Rock) Superstar" plays over the pa and the crowd goes wild for Whitney and Mack getting their hands raised by A Native Americano. Mack hugging both and brushes a kiss on Whitney's lips, then lets the couple get it on and spins around the ring showing off that wild pie eye sarcastic grin as Nick Miller says.

Hell of a tag team street fight with the action spilling out here early on and even saw Shady Smack get involved. Whitney schooling Sammy in the ring until Viper got involved, but Mack not too far behind helped Whitney clamp on the Southern Sleeper. A good night of action for only two matches and hopefully everyone had a Merry Christmas and we will see you again for WAR on new years day, so until then, have a good night.

As I walk into my room, I wonder, does this need to be done!?! But I know it must, so I remove the nine millimeter semi automatic pistol from my duffelbag, pop a bullet in the chamber. Now I just need the silencer...ah, there it is, and a towel to conceal it and since I need to hit the showers anyways...so back to the hallway I go and since everyone is watching the dark match, I can slip away to a more deserted area back here. To a vacated dressing room I go turning the knob and readying the pistol in my hand under the towel. Pushing back the door I find Frank E Dangerously and Bill McLane in the room looking this way with Frankie asking first.

So what did you want?

And before he knows it the towel is flipped up and a shot pumps out into his forehead spraying brains all over the wall behind him. I see Bill coming this way and turn to fire two shots into his chest, then one in his head sending him down as well. Both men cold and lifeless in an instant as they lay on the floor dead. I pump a few shots into both emptying the clip and still no one else is around, so with a casual toss the pistol leaves my gloved hands making a clank on the floor near the bodies. I turn to walk down the hall and hit the showers knowing what had to be done is done.

Dark Main Event Match: Singles
Tina v. The Mack
Referee: Smokey McWeed

The Mack via DQ when Tina low blows him @ 42 Minutes 16 Seconds

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