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Are You Serious?

Started by Taylor Andrews, January 03, 2014, 01:40:40 PM

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Taylor Andrews

A hell of a year was 2013 and the Sexy Sensual Sweeties continue to roll strong into the new year. Taylor Andrews capturing the unified Women's X Diva Championship two nights ago and now finds herself back against the same old stale Maegan Fox. A woman who has had title shot after title shot because management seems to see something in her, yet Maegan continues to flop out because she won't focus on her matches. She runs her mouth about meaningless business that has nothing to do with SEF. Well she may not care what the fans think, she needs to at least offer us a reason to care about her nonsense she drizzles from her mouth. But at least the Sexy Sensual Sweeties are here to give us great matches and memorable moments that will be etched in minds forever. Tina in her young career has already out shined Maegan Fox who likes to boast being born into the business, being trained by so many teachers, some with credible background perhaps!?! Problem is she has yet to back up her extensive training and show that she is indeed as experienced as she claims to be. Its not a question of love or hate with Maegan Fox, its a question of who is she again!?

Tina kicked back in a dressing room backstage wearing a white tank top and blue jeans with a very dark silver tint to them looking like some designer shit. The Golden Gal with barefeet curled up under her firm ass finishes up a joint with a deep drag, then drops it in an ash tray on the coffee table in front of her. Tina with that glaze in her eyes making them almost brighter with that blonde hair hanging down her shoulders. The Women's X Diva Title belt laying on the back of the sofa sparkling in the light as Tina just leans back causing the belt to slide down. She catches it and drags it over on her lap looking at the beautiful belt, then lays it down on her lap to look up grinning a bit sarcastic and downright hungry for more, for someone to challenge her.

So we are set to meet again Maegan, oh great!!! Before I get started on this match we have coming up, let me tell you something that I would figure is quite obvious to see, but you are mighty ignorant. Julie is just that towards you, she does not even realize you exist. To Julie, you, Maegan, are insignificant and invisible. Ever since she heard you group our names in with Mack and Viper in a little tirade you and your Kristin buddy had together. We forget which one grouped us all together, but it didn't matter who did for you both were in agreement, you both need to be shown reality or the door. Julie will not do either for she has no desire to soil herself with what would probably not even get through to you. Now me, this Golden Gal and damn sure the only Golden Goddess in SEW, I'll get as dirty as I have to because I do have that desire. Julie has done enough, proven more than you can imagine, so Maegan, you better bring Kristin to Sacrifice, bring your boy toys, bring your whole miserable, worthless family, even the dead bastards, bring 'em all and I will send each of you packing!!!

Tina all relaxed on the sofa with her eyes glazed and that smile showing she is all business, but loving every minute cause why do something ya don't love!?!

You better bring anyone willing to tag along with you cause Maegan, you come to Sacrifice alone and you stand no chance against the Golden Gal. Remember last Sunday when I made you tap out in seconds to the real T & A!?! Your pathetic and you have no place in a ring against me. This championship I hold is so far above you that it may be impossible for you to grasp with your greedy, grubby hands of a whore that you are. Tonight is a night you have no idea about because sacrifice is something you must do in order to make it big in this business. Your not a big star Maegan, not you or any one of your family of so called Foxes, none of you have any mainstream recognition aside from signing with SEF. That is your biggest claim to fame in this wrestling business. Now I know you band of bitches think your bigger stars, you believe your small time accomplishments have made you stand out more than you really have, but that is your problem, not mine. You have yet to give me a problem which is why facing you is not my idea of a good time. I want a challenge, I want you to come at me with all you have, a full head of steam, not some two bit business bitch who acts like she has no clue what to do inside of a ring. You claim you know what to do, but you act more like a rookie than this Golden Gal who is coming up on her fourth year in this business. C'mon Maegan, grow up, get off your fat ass, and challenge me for once in your pathetic life. Otherwise I may have to retire this championship or trade it back and forth with Julie if she wants another shot!?

Tina shrugging like it sounds better than a one sides affair as tonight is shaping up to be.

I guess though, whatever happens, one thing for sure is that the Golden Goddess of pro wrestling will be moving on up the ladder as I always do, far above you.

Tina reaching forward to the table picking up her phone which she touches the screen of and begins texting something as the scene fades to commercial.

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