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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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No Concerns

Started by Taylor Andrews, January 11, 2014, 11:52:18 PM

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Taylor Andrews

A press conference in the Cobo Hall in Detroit Michigan is where we find a crowd of reporters and fans seated in front of a podium which is center stage on a platform. The sound of "An American Girl" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers plays over the pa bringing the crowd to cheers for Julie who walks out in a tye dye looking dress with one inch straps hanging it over her shoulders. The hem at her mid thigh while the top cuts low enough to see a few inches of her firm breasts and her high heels clicking along the floor. Julie stepping up on the platform waving to her fans and blowing a few kisses, then steps in front of the podium addressing the crowd.

Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day The Queen retires from SEF as my health comes first and with what I have done here, I can feel somewhat okay with leaving.

The crowd shocked and gasp a bit. Julie smiling bright as ever with a glow of hunger for the business that won't die, but pain in those green eyes.

I poured all I had into this business and can only hope I made you remember who The Queen of SEF was cause I am an american girl when it comes down to it. America is where I grew up, was raised in ruraltown hickville where the american way is gospel. I was bred by America and and had my life fucked up for I am the last of my name. If Julie is forgotten, then no one can carry my legacy for my kin dies with The Queen.

The crowd listening as Julie begins to tear up realizing she is in danger of rambling. and just smirks.

It is the right time, my body needs to rest. Maybe one more match at Wrestle X, if I make it there!? I have no concerns of any at the moment and can walk away without leaving any loose ties. This Wednesday will be my last match and a fitting one to go out in with one of my best friends, one on one. Everyone thinks we have this bad blood, but no one realizes we are above that as we have been about business. Tina is here for business and I am sadly having to step away, but will not be forgotten. Thank you all for an incredible journey and who knows, I may see you soon and I mean it, if I make it to Wrestle X, I'll have one more match, goodnight and I love you all.

Julie looking sincere as can be with a bright smile as the crowd gives her a standing ovation. She just waves to them and reaches out slapping a few hands, then steps off the platform and shouts.


And with that she blows a big kiss to the crowd and disappears out a door leaving the crowd wanting more of course, but still fired up for what they just heard. A great wrestler, a revolutionary women's wrestler has hung up her boots, or at least set into motion the events that will see this happen. What happens next? Keep watching and find out!

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