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universal6 star tag team

Business or Pleasure?

Started by JordanCut, January 11, 2014, 10:09:59 PM

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Jordan Cut in his locker room very piss off not winning with Tina made him throw steel chair at the wall. Jenom calms him down asking him to sit down on the sofa with her, so Jordan Cut started speaking to Jenom about Tina!

You know something babe! I don't know what to think about this lost, because I don't know if Tina joining forces with me is all business or pleasure, so I really got to find out what Tina is up to something clearly if we going to be "Golden Cutters" which people are calling us. I need to know from Tina if she is all business going to that ring kicking ass, or she all about my cock going inside her ass.

Jordan Cut lays back on the sofa as Jenom is about to speak suddenly Tina comes in Jordan Cut locker room.

Taylor Andrews

The Golden Gal standing in the doorway with a sinful look of lust on her face and exotic as ever in a tight form fitting dress cut low to just under her ass while the top is revealing a bit of curves leading down to her firm tits. Tina steps in clicking her high heels on the floor and her blonde hair swings in pigtails as she sways that ass over to straddle Jordan's lap looking at him a bit sarcastically serious.

So what is this, the Golden Cutters you say their calling us, well then let's go with it and so what if we lost on Anarchy. We had fun didn't we?

Jordan nodding yea as he stares at her tits packed into the dress glancing up to look her in the eyes too.

Sweetheart, its all about business which is why we can tag anytime to take down the Tag Team Champions and earn more in SEF. No reason we can't have some fun and give each other pleasure, but you stick it in my ass and I'll break that little dick off!

Tina hopping up and reaching to Jordan's nuts grabbing them firmly and looking him in his eyes with lust and an arrogant sarcasm.

We get better has a team and earn another title shot and take them straps, but don't give up focus on being number one cause the Golden Goddess is marching straight to the top no matter who I go through. But if we be friends, then we can mend each other's wounds and who knows what the future holds, but wrestling is my true love, for now. Now let's get busy boy!

Tina yanking his shorts down and strokes his cock hard, then kneels over over to ride Jordan while Jenom begins kissing the cool cutter. The Golden Gal using her hips, tightening her pussy and bouncing her tits up and down on Jordan, then Jenom climbs up over the back of the sofa kneeling over the cool cutter's face. Jordan holding her ass and licks Jenom's twat as Tina keeps bouncing, moaning a bit with the cool cutter thrusting up. The Golden Gal getting a taste of Jenom's juices also fingers her pussy as Jordan licks the clit and soon all three are cumming together and Tina climbing off to re adjust her panties, then sits on the sofa with Jenom between her and Jordan who pulls his shorts up looking relaxed. Tina laid back as well and leans on Jenom nuzzling her shoulder a bit sarcastically, then leans back.

So is everything all good now? Were the Golden Cutters looking to shine bright as we cut our way to the top, but breaking for a few rounds of sex!?!

The Golden Gal looking sarcastic and amused enjoying herself as always and loving her life.


Jordan Cut place his hand on Tina gut then looks at Jenom kiss her on the lips, so Jordan Cut moves his hand down Tina gut started speaking again.

I guess we are cool! Little pleasure wouldn't hurt!

Jordan Cut grabs Tina breasts then starts kissing her for a long time, and he stick his cock inside Tina as he goes in and out hard as Tina screams and moan, so Jenom join on the fun.

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