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Smackdown is Stephanie 54 {2/27/03}

Started by Taylor Andrews, January 13, 2014, 01:19:48 AM

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Taylor Andrews

February 27th, 2003

Pyros shoot off as Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson plays and Smackdown kicks off live from the sold out John Labatt Centre In London, Ontario, Canada! Michael Cole and Tazz begin the show from near the stage at the announce position!

Cole: Hello everybody and welcome to smackdown! I am michael cole alongside tazz and we have a great show tonight!

Tazz: Yes we do! Kicking off the show will be a big free for all involving twelve people, men and women, for the hardcore title!

Cole: That should be a great match, but also tonight shane mcmahon and shawn michaels defend their tag titles against victoria and viper who seem hell bent on dominanting SEF!

Tazz: It wouldn't suprise if they did it to cole! Also though, in singles action, deacon dispair fights matt hardy in a singapore cane match while al simmons goes against james varga!

Cole: Plus tonight johnny will fight lil rocker in a non title match and if lil rocker can win he gets a title shot on raw! Now on to the show!

Free For All
SEF Hardcore Championship
Details: Risktaker, chris herbs, fallon, andy styles, damien destruction, sabre helmsley, undertaker all never showed up for the match so it was only down to 5 Superstars in this brawl. The Match Started with Caliente Throwing weapons inside the ring but Kandice taking no time and rushes dropkicking caliente to the forehead knocking her to the ground. Kandice then went out side and threw her into the steel steps. Caliente holds her back in pain as Kandice continues to Stomp on Caliente,Strife and Rock go at it in the ring as Strife tries to smash rock over the head with a chair but rock ducks and as strife turns back to his,rock DDTs Strife. He Goes for a Pin but only gets a 2 count. From The Outside Kandice Throws Caliente inside the ring and gathers more weapons but as kandice enters the ring Caliente gets up and starts to strike her to the back knocking her back to the mat. On The Other Side of The ring Both Strife and Jeff Hardy double team on Rock trying to keep him down. Jeff Hardy picks up a Stop Sign and goes for Rock's ribs but he moves and ends up hitting strife as he hits the mat,jeff is shocked but from behind comes Rock as he gives jeff a german suplex from behind onto a trash can. Caliente see's rock trying to get a pin fall as she hits in the head with a Garbage cn Making him fall off of Jeff Hardy. On The OutSide Strife Is getting a Table from under the ring as he sets it up to the outside but is dropkicked by Caliente. Kandice hurries around the ring towards caliente and spears her to the outside. Kandice picks up Caliente in a PowerBomb Position and slams her through the table on the outside area laying Caliente Out! The Rock and Jeff Hardy go at it in the ring as Jeff hits a Twist of Fate and goes up top on the turnbuckle for a Swanton Bomb but as he goes up top strife looks to grab Jeff's foot but jeff kicks him in the jaw knocking him back to the floor. Jeff looks to get his balance back but before he can Rock runs up on the turnbuckle and hits a SuperPlex on Jeff onto a Chair! Rock covers Jeff Quickly to get the Pin Fall

Winner: The Rock via Pinfall

Cole: That match sure was full of hardcore action!

Tazz: Yea it was and the rock won! I don't belive it, the rock is the hardcore champ!

Singles Match

Details: Al and james start off brawling and soon spill outside where they each get a chair and lay the other out and the ref declares the match a double dq!

Winner: Double DQ

Cole: Well, I guess neither man cared about winning!

Tazz: I guess not! This one should have been hardcore!

Triple Threat Match

Details: The ref declares the match a no contest when neither beverly, lita, or courteney show up!

Winner: No Contest

Cole: Well, that wasn't very good! I figured all these women would show given their commitment before!

Tazz: Yea, I guess not though, kinda bogus if ya ask me!

Fatal Four Way

Details: The ref declares this match a no contest when m-time, and jerry lynn fail to how, flair calls in, and showtime walks out!

Winner: No Contest

Cole: Another one? Why aren't people showing up for their matches?

Tazz: Beats me cole! Least flair had an excuse though!

SEF World Tag Team Championship

Details: Viper and hbk start off by locking up and viper overpowers hbk, forcing him to the corner where he lays in some punches and chops! HBK battles back and ends up ducking a clothesline and drops viper with a flying forearm smash! He then stomps on viper, then tags out to shane who comes in flying around viper, punching him till viper composes himself and floors shane with a huge clothesline! Viper then suplexes shane and tags in victoria who grabs shane and body slams him near the ropes and goes out on the apron, jumps in and hits a leg drop on shane, then pins, but only gets two! She picks up shane and whips him into the ropes, but gets reversed and shane nails a dropkick on her, then tags out to hbk who comes in and looks to hit victoria, but stops and instead knees her in the stomach and gives her a ddt, pins her, but only gets two! They both get up and victoria swings at hbk, but he just sways back and doesn't hit her back! She ends up nailing him with a right hand which cause him to hit the ropes and he then comes flying off and clotheslines her! HBK tags out to shane who comes in and picks up victoria, looks to hit her with a ddt, but she counters into a northen lights suplex which shane kicks out of! shane is getting up when victoria tags out to viper who comes charging in and clothesline shane hard! Then hbk runs in only to get kicked in the gut and hit with the unforgiven! Viper then picks up shane by the hair, tags victoria lifts up shane giving him sinful! Victoria comes in and gives shane the widows peak and pins him to win the match!

Winners: Victoria&Viper via Pinfall

Cole: Wow, that was a good match! Victoria and viper did a good job and worked well I will admit!

Tazz: Yea they did, but props to shane and hbk for making them bust their asses to win!

Singapore Cane Match

Details: The Match Started as Deacon clotheslined Matt Hardy Quickly. Deacon picks him up but quickly gives him a BrainBuster Suplex. Deacon goes up on the TurnBuckle and Opens his arms wide as it seems he is going for a Body Splash. He Taunts to the crowd and jumps off the turnbuckle looking forwards to hit Matt but instead matt rolls out the way and deacon hits the Mat Hard. Matt takes the Advantage and picks up a Singapore Cane and starts to beat Deacon on the back with it. Deacon screams in as AS matt tries to hit him again deacon grabs the cane and strikes matt on the ankle with it knocking him to the mat.Deacon slowly gets up as Matt Hardy goes up top for a DropKick and as he jumps off the TurnBuckle Deacon is Waiting as he catches him in the air and grabs his throat. Deacon Lifts Matt in the Air for a ChokeSlam and Hits it. He Pins Matt Hardy but before the 3 Count The Ref see's Matt's foot on the Ropes. Deacon Cant Believe it as he enrages looking forwards to hit another chokeslam but as matt hardy gets up he crawls through deacons legs and as deacon turns around facing matt again,matt has a singapore cane in hand bashes deacon over the head with it knocking him to the mat. Matt Pins Deacon for the 3 Count and to win the Match!

Winner: Matt Hardy via Pinfall

Cole: Those two sure took it to each other with those canes!

Tazz: Sure did! Matt got a well deserved win!

Hardcore Match

Details: The match start out with lil rocker flying at johnny who drop toe holds him into a trash can! Johnny then gets a kendo stick and goes to work on lil rockers back! Lil rocker soon fights up and starts punching johnny, but flair jumps in the ring and nails lil rocker in the back with a chair, then johnny grabs him and whips rocker into the ropes, hitting him with a spear! Johnny then bashes rocker with a chair and picks him up, hits the x-ecution and pins him to win!

After the match, someone runs out from the crowd and jumps in the ring, nails johnny with a chair, then bashes flair! He then picks up johnny and hits a very unorthodoxed move laying him out, then grabs a mic and says!

Showtime: My name is Karim "Mr. Descombes and I am the whole damn show! Now let me tell you a story! I was sitting at home and I was watchig tv when I turned it on I saw the SEF champ Johnny X running his mouth about he he's the best, well to give the devil his due he is the champ so maybe he is the best, but to be realistic, he ain't nothing and I mean nothing compared to what you see before you[fans cheer]! I mean lets face it, I am six foot six, two hundred twent two pounds, I can qualify for a cruiserweight, but I've just shown I'm good enough to beat the heavyweight champ and as I'm sure the champ will tell you when he regains conciousness, that I have a devastating finisher, I am the total package, the real deal, the main event, I am Mr' Showtime[fans cheer]! You see janny, I say janny cause when he went to hit meit felt like a bitc just hit me[fans laugh]! No thats not nice as it seems, he did try try to put a lot of effort into maybe like always he's having difficulty rising up to the big occassion, but you see, I don't, thats why I'm called mr. showtime! I have lived every single day of my life being better than everyone and today is no different as I look at johnny I think there is no competition so that is why am putting him on notice! Mr. Showtime is here to take the gold and to beat down anyone that gets in his way, so johnny, seeing as your champ, I got you a gift~! Its a watch! I want you to look after it as time is the most precisous commodity and your time as champ is nearing the end and as for the rest of the talent in the back and my fans worldwide, I know you all have been enjoying sitting back and watching my greatness!

Showtime then leaves the ring and heads b/s!

Winner: Johnny X via Pinfall

Cole: Well, it seems we have a new addition to the roster and it looks like johnnuy does not have to face lil rocker on raw!

Tazz: Nope, but thats the least of his worries with this showtime character on his trail!

Cole: Yea, I wonder where he came from? Anyways, thats it for tonight, so we'll see ya next week!

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