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Where do I sign up?

Started by Daddy Mack, January 26, 2014, 10:57:13 PM

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Daddy Mack

-{Walking across the parking lot is some ratty ass skinny black man with a bushy beard in a torn flannel checkered brown and tan with ripped tan grey slacks. He approached the back door with a half pint of some liquor he swills down as he gets to the back entrance to be stopped by a guard who asks.}-

Security Guard
"Where you do think your going?"

-{The bum looking at the guard like he should know}-

"Nigga please, its be Earl, I was here for the rumble last year! I'm back to find my brutha, ya seen him!?"

-{The guard confused and unsure of who this is}-

Security Guard
"I don't remember you. What's your brother's name? What's he look like?"

-{Earl thinking and swills down some more liquor to help him think.}-

"He look like me, wit no hair, usually carried a sack on a stick, my brutha always did tote around some shit. Me, I ain't got nothing that mean much to me except my brutha. So I gotta get in and get in this rumble, I be here to wrestle muthafuckas, so c'mon, call the brass, they know me, they got records and shit!"

-{Earl all irate cursing himself out and swills down the rest of his liquor throwing the bottle away to make a crash on the pavement busting up. The guard speaking to someone on his radio telling management about this Earl guy and someone is heard giving the ok. Earl hearing it and ready to bolt in.}-

"Yea, ya heard 'em, let me in muthafucka!"

-{The guard stepping aside motioning him trying to apologize, but Earl rushing in passing a few workers stopping one of them to ask}-

"Yo nigga, where can I find the boss?"

-{The man pointing down a hall and says.}-

"Its the door marked SEF Office."

-{Earl nods a thank you glance, then rushes off down the hall looking at each door until he finds the right one and just walks on in blurting out}-

"Yo, where do I sign up for the rumble cause I gots to find my brutha?!? Ya seen him around here at all, is he gonna be in the rumble? By the way, ya all still offer free meals?"

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