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A Double Champion Will Cause Chaos

Started by mysticbabydoll, January 21, 2014, 09:36:33 PM

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Brady is celebrating become the new Light Heavyweight Champion, and he is still one half of the tag team champions. He is getting ready for the Dark Chaos match on WAR, and he had to thank Kira for signing this match cause his opponents are A Native Americano and some new guy by the name of Josh Rodgers. He didn't know who this guy thinks he is, but showing the champion disrespect like that is what is going to him a beat down, and  Brady isn't a fool. He wasn't even listening to what this fool had to say, and he isn't anything special. He shakes his head, and held up his championships. He takes a deep breath, and looks at the camera, and gets talking.

Brady Henderson: Just who in the world is Josh Rodgers, and the way he just showed me disrespect that won't be appreciated cause I am a double champion as he hasn't done anything in this company yet. I don't know what your problem is Joshy, but your in my ring that is right boy. I am the Light Heavyweight Champion and 1/2 of the Tag Team Champion, and that is not how you treat a champion son. You are not even worth anything, but I have faced A Native Americano though. He is tough, but you are just a newbie coming into this company and already thinking your all that when I know your not. I know how to spell  chaos boy, and you just crossed the wrong person. Josh your not a threat at all in this match, and it was the WAR GM that booked this match, and I know her. I am not sure she will be pleased to hear you putting down one of the superstars that puts out ratings for this show and your looking at him. Native Americano I know you will give me a fight, but this punk don't know the meaning of a fight. I mean look at him, and what is he a thug please this is funny. I fought better then you Josh, and to be honest I am the one with gold right now. You can try to keep up with me, but I have been in this business long enough to know how to respect the other superstars and divas even if I don't like them. You don't get my respect since you ran your mouth about me, and this match won't be easy. You don't know what I am capable of, but once this match starts you will.

Brady smirks, and talks again.

Brady Henderson: Kira I know you will be watching from your office, and I got to thank you for signing this match. This is different, and I got to say that your improving as a GM. Josh you will find out that I am dangerous when I step into the ring, and you will pay for what you said about me. Native Americano there is no hard feelings, but when this punk put me down he made a huge mistake. I don't have anything against you, but there can only be one winner so I say one of us will be walking out the winner to bad Josh that it won't be you cause you don't know how to treat a champion then you will get a lesson in respect so I will see you both in the Broiler Room when the match starts.

Brady holds up the championships up again, and walks off laughing as the show cuts to a commercial break.

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