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Street Fight

Started by Danika, January 21, 2014, 08:35:08 PM

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Josh drops a weight back on the bench with his eyebrow raised and an amused smirk on his face.  Once Simon's promo finished playing he snaps his fingers.  Marissa Fox, the youngest over with bootie shorts, a halter top, and a camcorder

Josh:"Are you fucking serious?  You think one semi-decent win is enough to make anyone respect you?  Then you want to cry like a whiny little bitch about how you got screwed by A Native Americano.  Big fucking deal!  It's the nature of the business and if Big Daddy Cool was really your father then you'd know that.  So let me ask you this.  You talk about all these big wins you have but is it just me or does nothing outside of SEF really matter in the grand scheme of things?  I could run my mouth like my ex-whore..."

Marissa:"Which one?"

Josh chuckles

Josh:"We'll drop that particular bomb later.  Stop fucking interrupting me.  This is business.  Simon is a little pussy that needs to learn his place.  First a street fight on Anarchy and then a Dark Chaos match on WAR....you are a stepping stone, Simon.  You are not half the man as it appears my opponent on War will be.  Brady Henderson and don't get your panties in a bunch Simon, Native Americano.  You really are so far beneath me, literally and physically Simon.  he shrugs There really is not much to say about you except the only thing I ever saw suck as bad as you as when I had Kristin Fox on my jock.  He snickers Then again you might not be the biggest pussy running around SEF.  Here I am and Barry has yet to say shit.  I mean I grab Kris and repeatedly call her a whore and yet he does nothing.  He hasn't confronted me or even went whining to the powers that be about me walking in here, getting a contract.  Yet, he doesn't have one or does he?  Is he to busy on his knees keeping Kristin interested in his jock?  he crosses his arms Maybe one of you, Simon will get your head out of your ass long enough to give me a decent enough fight so I can be warmed up for Henderson and Americano."

Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash has been on a roll as of late. Now He will be going one on one with Josh Rodgers. Josh made some waves the first day into the SEW when he called out and question the younger Nash after Simon won on a Street fight on WAR. Josh question Nash about being a true street fighter and that he would kick his ass. Well Simon would not back down from a fight and after hearing all this. Carlos Mitchell the general manager jump on the chance to have this as one of his big fights of the evening on the upcoming Anarchy event. Now Simon Lee Nash is chilling in the locker room with Taylor Andrews as they are listening to Josh Rodgers and Marissa Fox cutting a so called and weak ass promo.

Simon: He might be strong in certain areas but he must be one of the dumbest mother fuckers i know.

Taylor: Why do you say that?

Simon: Well it's pretty simple. He is like that i am a nobody, He thinks that I am just a stepping stone to him and that i am beneath him. You have never step in the ring yet. You haven't even walking a fucking mile in my shoes. All i am was a former Light heavyweight champion, Former king of Chaos champion. I am the number one contender for the World Title and i am going to get another chance at the Light Heavyweight Champion some day. And he has the nerve to say that i need to learn my place?

Simon: Listen up you cock sucker. I don't need to listen to a pump up bitch like yourself. I know my place and i know where i belong on this federation. I am happy where i am. Right now i am at the top of my game.  literally and physically half of the SEW could bend you over and treat you like a bitch and you will like it and take it up the ass. Brady Henderson, Jordan Cut, Phoenix Winterborn, Shady Mack, Native Americano hell even this beauty right here Taylor Andrew would beat the living shit out of you and would do it with her eyes close.

Simon: You talk all this shit and you have not even been in the ring. you talk a huge game but i have dealt with the likes of you before. You all big bark and no fucking bite. So WOOF WOOF you pussy ass bitch. Let's see what are really made of in the ring. You know me. I am always looking for a fight. I have dealt with some of the best in this company and oh by the way.

Simon: Normally i wouldn't be jacked up for a fight but Josh someway, Somehow you did. you push the right buttons and now more then ever before i want to beat the living shit out of you.

Simon: SO let me properly welcome you to the SEF at Anarchy with a BIG Fat fucking Loss to your record books right beside the name of JOSH RODGERS.

Simon rest and relax as the camera fades to black.

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