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universal6 star tag team

Taking Out Some Frustrations

Started by The American Tradition, January 25, 2014, 11:33:42 PM

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The American Tradition

So...by the skin of his teeth, Phoenix Winterborn retained the SEX World championship on WAR, but proceeds to get jacked around the rest of the evening. So much for getting a measure of respect around here. Now, he's being forced to team up with Jodan Cut, the same man who cost him the Tag Team championships a few weeks ago against Mack and Taylor Andrews.

...Go team.

"So, I go out there and I try to be respectful, and I still get dropped? I don't understand what I have to do to get a measure of respect around here, honestly. I suppose it is what it is, though. Still, I hear talk of people getting screwed here and there. Taylor? check your problems at the door. I beat you air and square in that ring. You're just sore that I proved you wrong when you were sitting there popping off at the mouth, and in the end? You couldn't back it up."

He looked down at the SEX World championship around his waist. Some said he was lucky to still have it after WAR.

"I even had to come in with a disadvantage with ol Big Kev coming down, and jacknifing me for grins and giggles, so don't talk to me about getting screwed, dear. I about had the ol screws put to me. Quite simply? I should not have won that match, but here I am...still the World champion."

He paused for a moment, scratching the bridge of his nose.

"As far as Mack goes? Man, I still can't really read you. I can never tell if you want m to do good, or if you're in business to just mess with me very chance you can get. That's gotta be the reason you keep bringing me out on the Hardcore hotel each week. And yet, like a dumbass...I keep coming out there. Maybe I'm something of a glutton for punishment, I don't know anymore. All I know is this."

Phoenix pulled on one of his wrestling shoes, and the matching kickpad.

"If anyone wants to take this championship from me, they're gonna have to pry it from my cold dead hands. I invite anyone to do so. Mack, you're already in line. Taylor, you want another shot? Sure, we'll even do things your way this time. One fall to a finish. I really don't care at this point. All I know is that if someone wants this championship, they'll have to kill me to get it."

He calmly stood up, before suddenly launching the folding chair he was sitting in against the wall in frustration, and who could blame him after the events of WAR?

"Now, as far as this match tonight goes? I know that it's going to be nothing more than a handicap match, since I can't count on Jordan Cut as far as I can throw him, so Taylor and Mack? I may be beaten and bruised from WAR, but I DAMN sure am not out yet. So bring on whatever you got! Hell, I'll even take on both of you at the same time. I have no problem with it anymore! COME THE F-"

Sudden static.

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