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universal6 star tag team

Sacrifice 49 {2/1/14}

Started by Taylor Andrews, January 09, 2014, 11:11:12 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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11:59:59 PM on Saturday, February 2nd, 2014
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Giant Center in Hersehy, PA

Theme Music

Match one: Singles
Phoenix Winterborn v. Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match two: Street Fight
Viper v. Griffin
Referee: Tom Walker

Main Event Match: Tag Team
The Mack & Brady Henderson v. Tina & Jordan Cut
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Card Is Subject To Change

Daddy Mack

The Giant Center in Hershey Pennsylvania sold out to the rafters making the cold winter temperatures outside seem like a bad dream with the action fixing to get red hot on Sacrifice which kicks off live. The voice of SEF shouting.


And he calms a bit to call the card for the evening.

Nick Miller here and with me is my pint sized color man Shady Smack ready to enjoy a good show en route to next weeks WAR and Anarchy which is looking good. But tonight we see two men in a non title match open the show in a rematch from last Wednesday when Phoenix Winterborn defended his SEW Title against Simon Lee Nash. Will Simon earn another shot with a win tonight or will Phoenix go two and oh over the son of Nash? And what about this street fight with Viper who is virtually non existant in SEF aside from name dropping from a few higher ups?! Griffin is a big boy, but Viper is the Ultimate Badass, so this could be brutal!?! And the main event, well hell, Daddy Mack versus Taylor Andrews may have been better since Jordan Cut is said not even be here. Heard he was stuck at an airport, so needless to say, who knows what will happen, but rest assured, if it involves Mack, its going to be great.

Match one: Singles
Phoenix Winterborn v. Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Doug Melvin

Simon and Phoenix staring down in the middle of the ring decide to try a lock up like last Wednesday to start the match, but Phoenix with knee to the midsection and clamps on a side headlock to take down Simon to the mat wrenching on his head still. Simon squirming to get free when Taylor Andrews comes running out to slide in the ring and run into Phoenix with a dropkick to his head.

Winner: Phoenix Winterborn

Taylor on Phoenix with elbows and punches to turn into a cross armbreaker on the American Tradition. Simon on his feet confused and not too happy with the DQ loss, but then "Justice" plays over the pa and here comes A Native Americano rushing to the ring in his swat gear. Simon focused on the SEF Director who slides in and the son of Nash all over him with punches. A Native Americano fighting up to shove Simon back, then runs into him with a hard tackle laying the son of Nash out. The Director ripping Taylor off Phoenix and tosses her across the ring with the Golden Gal landing on her feet and staring down A Native Americano with a scowl. The Director motioning to her to jump and Taylor just nods no before leaving the ring while Nick Miller says.

Interesting to see Taylor cost Simon his match, but considering she will be facing Phoenix next Friday for the SEW Title, its not that odd. They should have another good match up, but I wonder if Taylor and Simon will still be getting along after tonight!?

Match two: Street Fight
Viper v. Griffin
Referee: Tom Walker

Griffin making his way out, but Viper rushing out in a pair of blue jeans with a black tee and boots slams a sledgehammer to the back of the beasts head sending him rolling down the ramp. Viper coming down to toss the sledgehammer in the ring, then lifts up Griffin sliding him in under the ropes. The Dominant Player heading up the steps taking his time to get in the ring and allows Griffin to stumble up in a corner holding the back of his head. Viper picking up his sledgehammer and orders the ref to start the match and turns to get speared by Griffin. The Fabulous Beast still feeling that shot to the head as he staggers up to stomp on Viper, then grabs his sledgehammer and backs up yelling.


Viper already doing so and Griffin ready to strike, but the Dominant Player ducking and running to spring off the ropes into a flying knee to the beasts head. Griffin dropping the sledge and Viper picks it up to drive the head down into the beasts knees, then into his midsection. Viper tossing it away and lifts Griffin up into the Unforgiven, the turns the beast over into the pin ending this match.

Winner: Viper

"Hail To The King" plays over the pa as Viper picks up his sledge and lifts in their air with both arms raised up. Then the Dominant Player exits the with carrying the sledge with him over his shoulder grinning over a job well done.

Main Event Match: Tornado Team
The Mack & Brady Henderson v. Tina & Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Mack and Brady waiting in the ring as Taylor Andres stands across from them waiting as well, they wait on Jordan Cut when "We Own The Night" plays over the oa bringing Simon Lee Nash out. The son of Nash making his way down to enter the ring and stand next to Taylor. Mack calling for a microphone and lifts it up with a sarcastic smirk.

Well it looks like we got a tag team match, so I guess since Jordan ain't got the balls to show up, Simon, your his replacement and since I am technically an Owner of SEF, then its official boys and girls and by the way, I am making this a tornado style tag team match!!!

Mack tossing the mic down and Brady flies across the ring meeting Taylor with punches who fires back standing toe to toe. Simon rushing Mack who sidesteps the son of Nash tattooing him into a corner, then laying in knife edge chops to the chest. Brady with a kick to Taylor's midsection and whips her to the ropes leaping up into a dropkick flooring the Golden Gal to the mat. Mack with an irish whip, but Simon reversing to send Mack into the turnbuckles flipping upside down and over the ropes to the apron holding on to the top rope. Simon running over to Mack who ducks down and brings a foot up catching the son of Nash in his head with a boot. Brady with kicks to Taylor and yanks her up into a scoop slam, then looks for the Vampire Black Out on Simon. The son of Nash pulling away to let Brady fall on his back, but Mack coming off the top rope with a flying clothesline knocks Simon down. Taylor up and off the ropes into a running dropkick sends Mack down near the ropes. Brady leaping over Taylor's head as she tries to get up and drives her down with a rocker dropper. Simon off the ropes into a hard spear taking Brady down and rolls him out of the ring to the floor laying in punches. Mack getting up to lift Taylor up into a piledriver, then heads to the top rope flying off with X to the Golden Gal's chest. Simon with Brady up on the floor looks to whip him to the steps, but the Light Heavyweight Champ leaping on to the metal and flips back in a moonsault taking down the son of Nash. Mack waiting for Taylor to rise and snuffs a cigarette out with his foot looking cocky and snapping up for Da Shows Ova. Taylor falling back in time to avoid it and springs off the ropes ducking a clothesline from Mack to bounce back into a flying roundhouse kick. Mack ducking the Golden Gal and waits for her to get up eating Da Shows Ova. The Mack falling over her for the pin to win the match.

Winners: The Mack & Brady Henderson

"Lowlife" plays over the pa and Mack hops up all cocky and doing crotch chops while Brady comes sliding in to celebrate with Mack raising his arms in the air. The Tag Champs gets their belts and pose together with the gold as Nick Miller says.

A good show for Sacrifice tonight wrapped up with a different main event than we expected to see what with Simon replacing the no show Jordan Cut and Mack making this a tornado style match. The action was fast and ferocious with a good outing for the first time team of Simon and Taylor who have a little chemistry it seems. That is all though for tonight and we will see you Wednesday night for WAR, so until then, have a good night.

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