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universal6 star tag team

Will Rise Above

Started by mysticbabydoll, February 05, 2014, 09:00:48 PM

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Brady is doing a photo shoot with both his championships, and he does a few outfit changes then it is over. He smirks, and kisses both his championships. He is ready to help Mack retain the tag team championship, and hopefully Jordan shows up. He let Taylor down once, but there is a chance he will for a second time. It didn't seem he even cared, and that was going to be the downfall. He didn't need to waste his time talking about him, and he gets talking.

Brady Henderson: This is it Showtime will defend our tag team championship against Taylor Andrews and Jordan Cut, but there is a chance that he will just let  her down again. He will never be a champion again if he no shows, and at least I show up for my matches. Taylor here we go again, and Jordan just don't know now dumb no showing means. He doesn't deserve in this match, and he isn't what he seems. Your better then him, and he is just a waste of space on this roster. We will do anything to retain our championship, and I am not playing around this time around.

He tilts his head to the side, and talks again.

Brady Henderson: This will be  a great match, and it seems only the three of us will actually have to give WAR rankings since Jordan just isn't that important anymore. He isn't who he says he is, and in this match if he does no show then he will be exposed for the fraud that he truly is. I can't to go through with this match, and fight to the very end so I will see you guys out there.

Brady walks off and, and the scene fades to black.

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