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universal6 star tag team

WAR 2/5/2014

Started by Liz, February 04, 2014, 01:16:01 AM

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11:59:59 PM on February 5th, 2014
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Whitney Marret
The Owner handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.

SEW WAR General Manager
Kira Darland
The GM handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.


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Wachovia Arena in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

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Opening Match: Number One Contender-ship Tag Team Match
The Winner Will Receive A SEW WAR Tag Team Championship Match on WAR 156 on February 12th, 2014
A Native Americano & Phoenix Winterborn w/Whitney Marret vs. Simon Lee Nash & Matt Ward
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match Two: Ambulance Match
To win, you must lock your opponent in the back of an ambulance.
Josh Rodgers vs. Earl The Hobo
Referee: Tom Walker

Match Three: SEW WAR Tag Team Championship Match
The Showtime(c) vs. Golden Cutters
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Main Event: Stripped of All But Pride "You're Fired" Match
Description: Match takes place in a House Of Hardcore Structure. To win, you must strip your opponent nude and then take on pinfall or submission.
Whitney Marret vs. Kimberly Pain
Special Guest Referee: Phoenix Winterborn

Card Is Subject To Change



Shouts the voice of SEF who is always excited as ever come Wednesday night cause he is the biggest fanatic of SEF.

Nick Miller here and we got Whitney Marret returning to the ring in perhaps an effort to show just how much she has not lost a beat, then again, Kim Pain ain't much of a challenge!?! They battle in a House of Hardcore cage match with the stip of Stripped of all but Pride and its a Your Fired match. Needless to say, Kimmy is about lose her job, but maybe not, what do you think Shady!?!

Shady Smack getting his high on with a bottle of Jack and blunt just laughs.

I wanna fuck Kimmy before she goes away! Goddamn Mack, why does he get all the broads!?

Nick says.

Not sure, everyone just accepts it and very few challenge The Showsteala who gets bored and owns 'em all when some of them have the talent to stand toe to toe.

Shady responding.

So why don't fucking do it, why are they so goddamn lazy?!?

Nick says.

Not sure, but a couple of them may have been lazy heading into WAR tonight, however, the ones who weren't decided to make WAR another good show to see. We saw Simon Lee Nash and Matt Ward come together for this big opening tag team match which sees the winner get a Tag Title shot next week on WAR. A Native Americano here for Justice as always and embracing his wife in a standard Mack set for SEF years ago. Speaking of both Mack and the Tag Titles, we got a title match tonight with The Showtime facing the Golden one Taylor Andrews who seems to be having trouble with her partner, Jordan Cut.

Shady chiming in.

I'll tag with her if she fucks me!?!

Nick says.

She may have a partner in mind already since Simon Lee Nash seems to be ready to go with her on the drop of a dime!?! Before that decision has to be made though we see an Ambulance match between Josh Rodgers and Earl The Hobo who seems to only care about finding his brother. Bit up first is the tag team match to decide who gets a title shot next week against whoever the champs are in tonight's Tag Title match!?!

Opening Match: Number One Contender-ship Tag Team Match
The Winner Will Receive A SEW WAR Tag Team Championship Match on WAR 156 on February 12th, 2014
A Native Americano & Phoenix Winterborn w/Whitney Marret vs. Simon Lee Nash & Matt Ward
Referee: Doug Melvin

A Native Americano starts the match against Matt and the two lock up struggling for position until the Director forces the Ward to a corner with authority. Matt bouncing out for a clothesline, but A Native Americano ducking around into forearms across the back of Ward's back. A Native Americano latching on a waistlock squeezing tight, then yanks Matt up and over into an old school takedown to the mat spinning around into a front facelock. The Director lifting Matt up who shoves A Native Americano back to look for The Smack. A Native Americano catches the foot in time to pull Matt into a thunderous clothesline rocking the Ward to the canvas. The Director leaping into a knee drop over Matt's head driving down hard, then clamps him into a sleeper squeezing it on with that thick arm flexing up. Matt struggling to get free and fights to his feet elbowing his boss in the midsection, then tries for a back suplex. A Native Americano with a couple punches to the head breaking the hold and kicks Matt in his midsection looking to pull him up for a powerbomb. Matt pulling back to tag in Simon and the son of Nash stepping in with his stare fixed on the large Director of SEF. A Native Americano waving him on ready to take 'em all on, so Simon moves in for a lock up, but quickly moves around behind his boss to latch on with a waistlock and try for a german suplex. The Director staying on his feet and drives elbows to Simon's head staggering the son of Nash back. A Native Americano running to the ropes looking to spring off for Smoked, but Simon able to leapfrog in time, then catches his boss with a jumping calf kick. Simon into the pin,




kickout! Simon pulling A Native Americano up into a side headlock, then drags him into a running bulldog, but gets sent into a corner and the Director rushing in to bury a knee in the son of Nash's spine. A Native Americano dropping Simon with a neckbreaker and pulls him up whipping the son of Nash to the Renegades corners. A tag to Phoenix who comes and A Native Americano just steps out as the Americano Tradition steps in to a few kicks at Simon's midsection. Phoenix with a scoop slam out of the corner to Simon and backs up the turnbuckles to dive off with a fist to the jaw. The American Tradition pulling Simon up to whip the Son of Nash to the ropes and looks for the Reign of Fire. Simon ducking and tagging Matt, then springs back into a clothesline on Phoenix bringing A Native Americano in with a hard shoulder tackle to the son of Nash. Matt into a swinging neckbreaker on Phoenix, but the SEW Champ spins out and holds Ward yelling for the Director to tackle him. A Native Americano looking over with a snarl and yells.


The boss barking that order before rushing over for a hard tackle, but Matt not held good enough and slips away letting Phoenix get rocked to the canvas. Matt off the ropes into a kick against the Director's head rolling him out of the ring, then pulls Phoenix up into Hangover Magic and makes the pin to win for his team.

Winners: Matt Ward & Simon Lee Nash

"Kick It In The Sticks" plays over the pa as Matt gets up shocked, but smiling proud over his big win while Simon staggers up holding his midsection to raise a hand with his partner. A Native Americano looking in the ring at Phoenix and just walks to the back leaving him to pick his own ass up as Nick Miller says.

I guess the Director isn't happy with Phoenix, but Simon and Matt are loving this moment for they get a Tag Team Title shot next week on WAR. A good match, quite a battle the Renegades of Peace weren't letting anyone win with any ease.

Match Two: Ambulance Match
To win, you must lock your opponent in the back of an ambulance.
Josh Rodgers vs. Earl The Hobo
Referee: Tom Walker

Earl out in his rags asking fans at ringside where his brother his and if they can spare some change. A few actually offer some money which he pockets. Josh having enough comes after Earl telling him its time for their match. Earl just looks at him crazy eyed.

You seen my brutha?

Josh not sure.

Is it Black Bob?

Earl snapping.

Who the fucking you calling black, nigga?!?

Josh with his hands up and smirking a little as Earl is hot and shaking his head like he gonna snap. Josh trying to calm him down, but suddenly sucker punches him and dives in taking Earl to the floor with a hard clothesline. The Rodgers pulling the hobo up and just tossing him across the floor into the side of the ring rail. Earl in pain holding his back yelling for drugs. Josh running up with a kick to the midsection and pulls Earl up walking him into the aisle and delivers a belly to belly suplex up the ramp. The Rodgers getting up and pulling Earl up to toss him off the ramp to the side of the stage and hops off to kick the hobo across the floor towards the ambulance. Josh ripping Earl up into the Border Toss slamming him back first against the back of the ambulance doors. The hobo crumpling to the floor and josh coming over to open the doors and throw Earl in the back, then shut the doors and win the match.

Winner: Josh Rodgers

"Tom Sawyer" plays over the pa and Josh raises his arms in the air, then heads to the back as Nick Miller says.

Earl not really interested in the match and Josh taking care of business to take a bit of an easy win, but a win is a win.

Match Three: Singles
SEW WAR Tag Team Championship
The Showtime's Brady Henderson(c) vs. Golden Cutters' Taylor Andrews
Referee: Smokey McWeed

So a repeat of Sacrifice it seems as Simon Lee Nash comes out after Taylor raises the wolfpac sign in the air!?! Mack doing the wolfpac sign too cause we all know his affiliation to that symbol runs deep and grabs a microphone to make an announcement.

Alright, Simon Lee Nash, keep yo ass in the back cause tonight I'm a set out here at ringside and join Nicky an Shady to call a one on one bout between Brady and Taylor for the Tag Team Titles and if Jordan shows up, it'll turn into a tag match then!?!

Mack slapping Brady on the shoulder motioning to get in as The Showsteala hops out to head over and take a seat next to Shady. Brady climbing in and locks eyes with the Golden Gal ready to start this match. He and Taylor begin the match with Brady running into an arm drag to pop up and get taken down with another. He pops back up and leaps into a dropkick, but Taylor dodging to swat him away and runs to the ropes skipping over Brady. Taylor springing off the other side and ducks under a leapfrogging Brady who grabs Taylor for the Vampire Black Out. The Golden Gal slipping around to nail a European uppercut on Brady and delivers a roundhouse kick to his head. Taylor dropping down for the pin,




kickout! She leaps up dropping a knee to Brady's head, then Taylor pulls him in a side headlock running him facefirst to the mat with a bulldog. Taylor turning Brady over and gets stomping on him, then climbs to the top rope leaping off for the 450 splash. Brady rolling out of the way letting Taylor crash to the mat and the Tag Champ getting to his feet. Brady stomping on Taylor just trying to wear her down, then drops elbows to her chest popping up quick to nail four before leaping high to hit a fifth. The Tag Champ into the pin,



kickout! Brady pulling Taylor into a sleeper hold looking to wrap his legs in a body scissors, but eats elbows to his head. The Golden Gal keep his legs apart and twists her way out and up to drive elbows to Brady's midsection. Taylor into a back suplex on Brady bridges for the pin,



kickout! Brady flipping out and over to his knees as Taylor rolls up to her feet and rushes in for a clothesline. The Tag Champ ducking and whipping around for the Blood Mist, but eats elbows and Taylor turns into a sto taking Brady down to lock in the T & A. Brady screaming and trying to get free, but Taylor locking it in all the way with her legs in the body scissors and just holds on. The Tag Champ trying to muscle is way up, but weakened a bit too much as his partner at ringside looks on while smacking Shady Smack around and Nick Miller says.

Your partner in trouble Mack, and those Tag Titles in danger of switching in hands in a historic event where a one on one match decides their fate!?!

Mack shrugging.

Ah, yea, maybe I outta go help him out? Or maybe since Jordan ain't here I outta let Brady fight it out cause the kid need show me something since he wanna try to be solo when we got Tag Titles to defend?!?!

Mack taking Shady's blunt and inhaling deep, then hands it back slapping the midget for letting him have it and coughs up the smoke.

Where da fuck you get that shit from?!?

Mack all sarcastic and Shady responds.

From you muthafucka!!!

Mack grinning innocently and slaps Shady some more, then swigs down some of his Jack Daniels as Nick Miller says.

What a riot, but we have made history indeed now that Brady has given up the match.

Mack hopping up to go for the Tag Titles.

Winners: Golden Cutters' Taylor Andrews

"Foxy, Foxy" plays over the pa as Mack enters the ring with both Tag Titles and Taylor stands up looking winded as she gets her arm raised. The Mack taking a title in each hand and hands both over to the Golden Gal and takes them lifting the gold high.

Take care of Jordan and I'll see what I can do with him in the dojo.

Mack smacking Taylor on her ass and plants a wild kiss on her, then spins around to exit the ring as Taylor poses with the gold and Nick Miller says.

A wild turn of events here with Mack making this tag match a one on one for the titles and apparently Taylor won the belts for her and Jordan who no showed for the second show in a row. Not bad, winning a title when your not here, but we all know who did the work to get them and its that foxy blonde in the ring.

Main Event: Stripped of All But Pride "You're Fired" Match
Description: Match takes place in a House Of Hardcore Structure. To win, you must strip your opponent nude and then take on pinfall or submission.
Whitney Marret vs. Kimberly Pain
Special Guest Referee: Phoenix Winterborn

Kimberly entering naked and once the cage is locked into place she offers Whitney a fuckathon, but gets a slap to her face spinning mis Pain around. Whitney grabbing her for a german suplex sending Kim over to her stomach to try and kneel up. The SEF CEO getting up to help Kim up into Southern Pride and turn her over for the pin,





Whitney pulls Kim up off the mat and up into a double underhook yanking her up to slingshot her legs off the top rope and over to smash the back of her head off the CEO's knee as Nick Miller shouts.


Whitney into the pin a bit laxxed, but wins the match. As if there was any doubt?

Winner: Whitney Marret

"The Catalyst" plays over the pa and Whitney stands up getting her arm raised, then the cage lifts up and "Justice plays over the pa. A Native Americano marching out the music in his swat gear and walks around the ring to get a microphone, then slides in and stands up. He embraces Whitney with a hug whispering in her ear making his old lady smile, then places an arm around her shoulders as he lifts the mic up.

A nice win for ya Whitney and the move looked as good as anyone could pull off, congratulations. And congratulations on becoming the true majority stock holder of SEF cause I'm signing my shares to you and I will maintain the CFO duties since I know numbers best. You take care of SEF on your end and I'll make sure the show never stops which brings me to you Phoenix.

A Native Americano looking over at Phoenix who remains out here with his team.

Where were you earlier in our tag team match? Where was your head? I told you to hold him and you failed me. Next time you try to direct, make sure you can handle what you got on your own fucking plate. You want to save SEF, then give us a World Champion we can be proud of, one I know you can be if you dedicate yourself to this brand.

The Director lowering the mic and drops it to raise Whitney's arm in the air. "The Catalysts" playing again and A Native Americano slapping Phoenix on the shoulder to head out with them as Nick Miller says.

Whitney in a dominant win as expected as she prepares for the Dominant Player, Viper, at Sacrifice fifty. A Native Americano giving his old lady his stock in SEF making her sixty percent Owner and the very big boss lady now!!! A little pep talk to Phoenix who was not in to the match they had earlier which saw their team lose. In two nights Phoenix better get his head right if he expects to retain the SEW Title against Taylor Andrews. We got more gold on the line and more action on Anarchy, so see ya then and until Friday, goodnight.

Dark Main Event Match: Singles
The Mack v. Taylor Andrews
Referee: Smokey McWeed

The Mack via submission from the Show Strangla @ 58 Minutes 19 Seconds

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