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08.28.24: The Next 6 Months, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team


Started by kstancil13, February 11, 2014, 01:00:26 AM

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{Kristin is dressed in work out gear and Talon is across the gym on a cell phone.  Kristin looks up at the camera and gets up.}

Kristin:"This Friday night on Anarchy is another step in gaining my life back.  A major step in kicking the ass of a man who tried so hard to ruin my life but personally he did so much more than he did here in SEF professionally because he hasn't done a damn thing except have sex and beat a guy who doesn't know where he is.  Yet when he gets into it with a real man or a real woman for that matter he gets owned.  As much as it kills me to say so seeing Tina kick his ass was an inspiration.  It inspired me to call him out for a loser leaves SEF match.  He ignores things that challenge his overinflated male ego.  So anytime someone kicks his ass then he pretends it doesn't happen.  After Anarchy though, after my show, he won't be able to pretend anymore!  I'll be debuting my new move, "Awakening" to crash all his preconceived notion that he has built up about me because really when he started messing with me I didn't even know who I was.  I just was hyped because this older guy, a Marine thought I was pretty.  {she snickers} Hindsight, right?  I was a stupid kid and later a blind adult.  I've had my eyes opened and now it's all about me. It's all about my life and what I need to do to make a name for myself instead of building other people up.  As COO for SEF I can do both like others before me; promote the brand by making myself worthy of being here.  So on Anarchy Josh, get ready to kiss your SEF career goodbye because your reasons for being here end on Feb. 12 as I close the chapter on your career and Tina closes the chapter on Claire's third failed attempt here.  At least this time the stupid bitch used her own name.  {she smirks} Then again, if that match doesn't have loser leaves rules applied to its 'Claire loses her stock and can't say Julie's name again' then I guess I'll have to close her mouth myself because she got the shallow end of gene pool when it comes to brains in our family.  Claire has always wanted to be me and Maegan, then she came here wanting to be Tina.  Ultimately I want to be better something I don't think Claire gets.  It's not about being the person who is busting their ass its to challenge them for their spot of being the best.  One day, hopefully by Wrestle X I'll be somewhere in the realm where I can consider challenging Tina but why be delusional.  The day is not today.  Let me take out the trash, meaning Josh and Barry.  Then I'll move on to more important small fish in SEF's pond namely the Light weight title currently held by Simon Lee Nash, a nice guy but I think I'm a better wrestler, and soon I want to prove that.  So Simon stop focusing on trying to get in people's pants and start thinking with the big head on your shoulders because after the trash comes the title and that means you."

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