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A new week, a new life

Started by kstancil13, February 10, 2014, 05:40:05 PM

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{Kristin walks into the arena with a whole new look/attitude.  She is dressed a little sexier in a short black dress and doesn't have her glasses on like she normally would coming to work.  When she sees Mack.  She blushes unsure if she should approach him and look like she's a stalker.  She finally does}

Kristin:"Shane? Thanks for waking me up.  I mean to everything.  Like I said after, y'know it was amazing.  I didn't know it could be like that.  Josh and Barry were all I've ever known in that regard.  On the hotel, its not normally what I would do but the after was {she brushes her hair back} worth it.  From here on though, I don't want to just be an exec.  I want to wrestle and prove why I want to be here."

Daddy Mack

Mack looking distant with baby blues off in another direction like he is waiting for someone, so he offers no response, may not even be listening!?! Kristin unsure if Mack is listening just places her hands on her hips only adding to her beauty flaunting a sexual attitude despite claims she has made against being of that nature. Then again, after Anarchy, she may have a new 'tude!?

Mack, you hear me?

The Mack glances over out of it and widens his eyes with a big grin staring at the tits practically being bared.

Uh, what!?!

Kristen blushing still.

Up here Mack, its me, Kristin, I just wanted to say what you did to me woke me up.

Mack confused and darting his eyes down the hall, but back to Kristin's tits as well, back and forth.

You were asleep? Maybe that's why ya were so unresponsive?! I just figured it was cause I was too small to fill the grand canyon!?!

An arrogant sarcastic smirk and Kristin getting evil eyes with a wide mouth.

Hey, I remember that look from last Friday, right before ya polished my knob!!!

Kristin slapping him on the shoulder and Mack pulling her back against the wall holding a finger up to motion silence with a hand holding her back, conveniently places between her firm titties. Kristin looking down, then up with her brow cocked as Mack looks around the corner and then swings away from his boss to nail a kick about mid height for him. Shady Smack flies back to the floor and Mack stomping on the midgets nuts, then rips the impact X shirt off his little body revealing his chubby, pale upper torso. Mack tossing the shirt away and does crotch chops over Shady barking down at the midget.

Look boy, we had some fun, but you need to realize that Daddy Mack is done with you an iX is dead. Stop infringing on my shit, Viper did enough goddamn damage!!!

Mack stands up cheekily grinning like he just tackled a giant and set off a revolution, then steps over leisurely hanging an arm around Kristin's shoulders staring back at her tits.

So yea, no sweat honey, enjoy your light, be a wrestler, glad I could help, but still ain't sure what I did cause I don't even know what your all on about!?! I strolled these halls for years before SEF busting my balls for one goal, to be the showsteala, to be the whole show and nothing, but the show, so go show us what ya got, I'll be hanging out till belltime if ya ever need an ear, or something else!?!

The Mack moving to Kristin embracing her with a soft kiss on the lips dipping her back slightly, then spins around to lean against the wall folding his arms up over a bare chest. Mack resting his eyelids as Kristin stands there and The Mack hanging back like he said.

Unless ya got something more to say, but you probably said enough cause no matter if it been erased, I saw, I know, and no matter how many want take blow by blow to my legacy, I continue to grow and I ain't no rap gamer, just a boy in a man's body who can do anything better than anyone else!!!

A sarcastic grin evident that he never took himself serious, so if anyone else did, shame on them.

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