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universal6 star tag team

My Partner May Give Up, But I Never Will

Started by Taylor Andrews, February 12, 2014, 10:48:42 AM

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Taylor Andrews

And so the show rolls on to yet another WAR and tonight it is time to decide the fate of the SEW WAR Tag Team Championship yet again. After winning the titles in a singles match last week, Taylor Andrews must defend them again and it looks like she is going solo, again. Perhaps that would make her not very happy, or at least it would do so to most, however, the Golden Gal knows who is to blame for her partner and that is, Jordan Cut, cause he got no one else to take responsibility for his actions, or lack there of. Taylor is set to defend the gold on her own if need be and not ever give up, lay down, and die for anyone, no matter if she may fuck her challenger!?! Taylor fucks a few of her competitors in the ring because why not!?! She's a woman who got no tie down and a lust for wrestling with a need to release as much as any man and well the Golden Gal may not care what gender she fucks, she does like to get fucked. And she may take both her opponents out tonight for a real ride with the foxiest diva in all of professional wrestling!?! Then again, she may have a whole other plan of action to run its course and shut down the opposition if we see her get a replacement of showstealing proportions!?! Either way, its gonna be a long night for them boys coming to bark down the Golden Gal's door cause she may be down to wine, dine, and sixty nine, however, she be here to stand at number one in the world of pro wrestlers. Tag Team Titles or not, she will stand up taller than any man in this company, so let's go boys!!!

The Golden Gal is always ready to go, always on top of her game, always focused on the night ahead without looking past, without looking over. Taylor Andrews is dead set on bring number one at any and all costs. She throws caution to the wind just like the rulebook, in the tradition of Daddy Mack, but with a cunt instead of a cock, so ride along, but don't whine when ya get trampled. Taylor ain't slowing down for anyone, so Simon Lee and Matty boy, you got the opportunity to take gold tonight, or do you!?!

Taylor Andrews sits up on a bed in her hotel room with her newly acquired SEW Heavyweight Championship belt sitting up against her crotch covering her naked bottom completely. Her legs bent up with ankles covering the side of the belt and her Womens X Diva Championship belt laying over her firm breasts that jut up erotically despite being covered from the bottom as well by the SEW WAR Tag Team Championshop belt she also holds. And laying over her stomach is the XFW Chaos Championship belt while Taylor's head is propped up on a couple pillows and that sarcastically arrogant grin is formed bright with an undying hunger in her eyes to be number one.

I agree Simon Lee, it is not personal when we step inside that ring, its why we can be how we are outside the ropes. Business will be handled by me at least for it seems I may have made a bad decision when forming the Golden Cutters with Jordan Cut!?! He said last time he wouldn't pull this shit, but where he is now is of no clue to me or no concern? I had to get someone else to run the camera in my suite to film the sweetest Golden Goddess you ever laid eyes on!!!

The arrogance beaming from Taylor's eyes as she lustfully looks out with hunger lying deep within.

Matt Ward does not have that bad a rep, not from my point as the guy has not caused much trouble, then again, that is the problem I see is that he has yet to make a scene, to stir the SEF pot up and stand out from the rest of the locker room as more than just one of many wrestlers coming in with a big ego only to get it crushed because this place houses the best talent in the world, all dedicated to showcasing it right here in SEF, so we all give a hundred percent or more!?!?! I know what exists outside SEF, but I made a choice when I got into this business, and that was to remain loyal and earn my opportunity to be number one in SEF. The Golden Gal has done more here in four years than most anyone has done in twenty in all the fed's they ever been to. Its why I am currently holding four different championships and carrying them all like a true champion. Look at me now, representing two different brands, or three since the Tag Titles are branded to WAR despite not many others getting that FACT. I am looking forward to the debut of XFW TV where I defend my Chaos Championship for the first time in this interactive match which I have stated I want to be a Hardcore Heaven. However, its going to be hardcore bloody either way, but that is Friday for St. Violentimes Night, I love that name!!! Tonight is WAR and I know what I am getting myself into and I don't care. I'm the craziest chick you ever met cause I look prettier than any of your skank butch whores yet can wrestle better than any other woman, or man!!! And who knows, maybe The Showsteala will show up to give us The Golden Showtime!?!?!

Taylor winking and arching a brow at that idea with a sarcastic grin. The view is dropped to the bed to show straight up the bed covered with a dark red spread. The shot showing Taylor with her legs still spread and the SEW Title blocking the goods, but her face seen smiling bright. Then we hear the voice of Daddy Mack, unmistakably full of sarcasm as usual.

The Golden Showtime, eh, well then let's consummate this proposal sweetheart!?!

And then the back of Mack is seen as his naked ass takes the focus of the camera moving between Taylor's legs. Not even a shot under his balls as we hear them begin to slap skin with his body pumping back and forth. Taylor's legs wrapping around Mack's waits holding on and riding hard with steady moans, some shrieks of intense pleasure, then the camera is eventually knocked to the floor fading the scene to black.

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