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universal6 star tag team

Xtreme 129 {2/16/07}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 21, 2014, 10:22:30 PM

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Daddy Mack

So it all begins now, the five year anneversary show of the company that took MSN by the balls and topped every company over on that network, so it moved on to new heights now and tonight is a show to honor one of the elite companies. Were live in the Cobo Arena, fans packed in, a sold out crowd and their all going crazy. "Bad Religion" by Godsmack comes over the pa blasting out loud pumping the crowd up even more. The cameras just roam around like usual and its just nuts in here, fucking insane, no show like an SEF show.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to our special anneversary show Friday Night Xtreme! We have six matches for you, all with big build to them, two matches will feature four people who are probably the best that SEF has ever had to offer, Victoria Kalispell and Whitney Marret one on one, Mack and Viper one more time!

Sean Martin: The night is gonna be huge, the card is stacked and hyped up, its so big its crazy. Five huge matches and that one with Matlock and Sly, looks to be an awesome night.

Nick Miller: Yea, anyways, we got this hundred stitches match with Neo and Xanthus, first one to require a hundred stitches loses, thats just crazy. Nick Torres defends his IC Title against Jakob King while Troy Storms defends his Heavyweight Title against Jordan Brooks in a powerbomb match.

Sean Martin: Some damn good matches there, Neo and X is gonna get real bloody, then we got the young cats getting set to take out the old news Westsiders!

Nick Miller: I don't know about that, they ain't that old and are good, but all of them guys are good. Vickie and Whitney is gonna be a nice classic, those women are just great, I can't say much more, their just great.

Sean Martin: True they both are, but Whitney has the DVF on her side, all for one like Viper said who has the same on his side against Mack.

Nick Miller: Unfortunatley that is the case, but I believe Mack knows what he is getting into and can handle himself, I hope so at least.

Sean Martin: I have no doubt Mack can handle himself, but I believe its Viper's time.

Nick Miller: Both are great and everyone knows why their the main event. Frankie wanted the best match possible! So with that said, lets get on with th....wait, what's this?

"Bad Religion" hits over the pa and here comes Frank E Dangerously wearing a trenccoat over a suit, backstage pass swinging around his neck and he carries a cellphone in his hand, wears his Detroit ballcap. He just swaggers to the ring, the fans cheer him and Frankie just has that smirk as he make shis way into the ring and gets himself a mic.

FED: Well ya know, tonight is gonna go down in history as exactly what I wanted this event to be, one fucking awesome show!

The crowd pops loud for that and huge SEF chants can be heard, Frankie just smiling.

FED: I had to come out here and open the show myself cause its not just my idea for the show, but it feels fucking great to be in this company that dominated MSN and now looks to dominate and rise up higher than ever! I also have another reason for being out here, the SEF Your Vote Annual Awards for last year. The ceremony, it was scrapped, well never really planned out honestly, so right now I will give the winners of each award and the first on eup is the Tag Team of the Year for 2006. tag team wrestling everywhere is almost a lost art, but we had some good teams last year, all made impacts and any could have took it, but my team won it, the dominate tag team of 2006, the team of Destruction, Thrash and Slash!

Frankie motions to the entrance as "Iron Man" comes over the pa already partly into the song and we see Destruction come marching out in their leather, masks included. They storm into the ring and stand on either side of Frankie who grins.

FED: They are back, they returned last Monday and they will soon make their in ring return, but for now they work for me. Now lets run down these other awards like say the Best match of 06. Too fucking many to count, SEF did awesome with hot matches, but the one to take it was the Japanese Deathmatch from a year ago at Barely Legal, Whitney Marret and Daddy Mack, that was great! As for the Shut Up and Kiss Me award, we had Xanthus and Cassie in the running, but Mack and Whitney took that award. Now their split, but last year they were the hot couple as was the case every year before. The most anticipated return, well had a few big returns and myself, I am partial to Mesa's return, he made the single biggest impact last year hwen he returned, but I cannot say the winner of the award didn't earn it because Triple V.....Viper won that award.

Frankie clears his throat now.

FED: Ok, the favorite fued of 06, now that is a tough one, lot of rivalries, some intense ones last year. Mack and Bubba was off the charts, McMoney and Orton last a long time, but not as big and we also had a great stable fued between Impact X and the Hardcore Hellraisers which is what won that award. Now then, the rookie of 06, a close one I thought, but ou tof the rising stars last year Chris Orton took that award!

The crowd cheers loud for Orton even though he is no longer with SEF.

FED: He was good I admit. Now we have two left, the two top wrestlers of SEF, Miss SEF and Mister SEF, but who were they. Well, to go with the last four years would be a safe bet, these two once again were the best of SEF. The Miss SEF of 06 was Whitney Marret and the Mister SEF of 06 was this man, the one and only......

"Cocky" comes over the pa now and the crowd just goes crazy, every fan jumping to their feet as Daddy Mack comes a strutting out. Frankie tries to talk, but he can't be heard, the noise deafening, a reaction like no other for Mack who just dances down the aisle and high fives some fans, but they grab at him pulling him over, the women kissing him and damn near trying more. Mack slips away and struts down the aisle some, stops and shrugs with a smirk, then he heads to the apron hopping up on it and doing a lil dance before stepping into the ring. Mack dances around Frankie and Destruction, fakes being afraid of the leather clad monsters, then he heads up some turnbuckles raising his hands up in a kilq sign. Mack soon does a crotch chop, then hops down spinning around and walks over in front of Frankie. The crowd continues their cheers and chants for Mack who just smiles and shrugs at Frankie who just shakes his head smiling.

FED: I guess its easy to understand why you got the award for the fifth year in a row, I think my hearing went out!

D-Mack: What'd ya say?

FED: I think my-

Mack is grinning big and Frankie realizes the joke.

FED: Anyways, how's it feel Mack, still going strong on top of SEF, voted by your peers as the best of SEF yet again?!

D-Mack: Well ya know something mean dangerously, it feels incredible for all these lil mackamaniacs to vote me in one more time. Let me tell ya something brother, the rush I get when these fans chant my name is great, so whatcha gonna do when Mack runs wild on you!?!?

The crowd is rip roaring laughing now as Frankie lets out some laughs, Mack just looking all intense and fired up.

D-Mack: All my mackamaniacs can be just like me too, all ya gotta do is smoke a lot a weed and drink a lot a Guinness...I mean, say your vitamins and eat your prayers....no wait. Goddamn it, how the hell does that go again?

Mack holds a finger up pretending to think as Frankie just laughs it up with the crowd.

FED: So brother, how do ya really feel?

D-Mack: Yea, that was a lil fucked up huh? Well my feelings on being the man of the year yet again....same as always Frankie, I feel on top of the world! Many people hate me, many people despise me and why, because so and so hears this or that, takes it and twists out of fucking proportion, but those who know me in the back know all that bullshit is just that, bullshit! Just like these fans know it, its all bullshit, they love those who give their heart and soul to this business and I happen to be a man who does that like no other!

FED: I agree with ya there Mack, man to man, your the man and I hold you in the highest regard! Now then-

But Frankie is cut off now by the sound of "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" hitting the pa system, then we see Matt Matlock come on out to a chorus of boos. He just walks to the ring and rolls on in now and Mack eyes him, shakes his head, Matt getting in his face. Frankie gets in the middle as Destruction stands behind him.

FED: Interesting, why the intrusion Matt?

Matlock: Why not, I do whatever the hell I want and I'm sick of this guy getting all the glory.

Mack just laughs and and says, "not this again", then he turns to walk off and Matt grabs him pulling him back face to face.

Matlock: Don't walk away from me asshole, you know what you do, always calling me a liar when I speak t-

Mack shoves Matt's arm away, then shoves him and yells.

D-Mack: I do know what I do and that is never hold back and as for calling you a liar, I only call people as I see them and you Matt do nothing, but lie your ass off! Don't make claims that aren't true and tell me I always do this or that, ya look like a bigger joke than usual. Now excuse me, I am not getting back into this, its stale what with you claiming I do this or that, its done, I put ya down over it already, I ended that shit long ago, only one who needs anything to prove is you, so fuck off kid. Frankie, I'm out, later.

Mack starts to walk off now, but Matt reaches for him. Destruction suddenly grabs Matt and Mack exits the ring and turns around to see Destruction send Matt to the ropes, then drop him with a double spinebuster. Mack just looks confused, but waves it off and shakes his head in disgust. He just walks off, the crowd cheering for him as well as Destruction who now leave the ring with Frankie, but they head on over to the commentators table. Destruction stands next to it while Frankie takes a seat next to Sean.

Nick Miller: An interesting showdown between Mack and Matlock, Mack wanting no part and Destruction laying out Matlock, what's up with that Frankie?

FED: He tried to jump Mack from behind, so these guys here made sure he didn't. Mack is the man, he is above Matt!

Sean Martin: Yea, Matlock sucks, guess we can all agree on that.

Nick Miller: For the most part yea, but he does have potential, just he has never used it in all these years. But anyways, we got a kick ass show to get on with and the first match is right after this commercial.

So we come back from break and were all set for the first match, IC Title defense by Nick Torres against Jakob King. The lights in the arena dim down as "The Enemy" hits over the PA system. Gold strobe lights flash around the arena as Jakob King walks out onto the stage alone. He just walks down the ramp all serious.

Brittany Fox: Now making his way to the ring from Atlanta Georgia, he weighs 220 pounds, Jakob King!

Jake slides in the ring and stands up. He walks to the center of the ring and just looks out at the booing crowd. Jake then turns facing the entrance as the music cuts. "Regular People" hits the pa and we see Nick come walking out on stage and head down the ramp. He kinda eases his way down in a cool fashion, does some hand gestures and crotch chops, motions his hands sliding as he walks and just grins the whole time.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Seattle Washington, he weighs 280 pounds and is the SEF Intercontinental Champion, Nick Torres!

He casually walk up the steps, then gets into the ring and gets a lil pumped as he stomps his legs bending down while pointing his thumbs to himself. Nick soon stands straight up and spread his arms out quickly bringing them down, then starts the match by throwing his toothpick at Jake, hammers him into a corner, whips him out to the ropes and buries a knee into his gut flipping jake over to his back. Torres rips of fhis title and tosses it at the ref, then lifts up Jake who gets a finger to Torres eye. Jake then nails a european uppercut on him and unloads with some hard rights. He knees Torres in the gut, then sets him up for a ddt. Torres charges him back into a corner, then backs up admonishing the refs call for a clean break. Jake lunges out with a slap to Torres face, grabs the ref by his shirt, then kicks Torres below the belt. The ref shoves Jake back and warns him not to grab the official.

Nick Miller: A low move by Jake there.

Sean Martin: Not really, it just shows he'll do anything to win.

Jake whips Torres into the ropes and leaps up dropkicking him, then quickly moves over to him applying an armbar. Jake rips on his arm, but Torres is able to move up quickly and get on his knees. Jake tries keeping him grounded, but Torres punches him with his free hand, fights to his feet and nails a hard chop to Jake's chest. He nails another rocking Jake backwards, then rushes forward with a quick, but powerful clothesline driving him down hard. Torres went down with the impact, but soon gets back up and pulls Jake up by his hair, the ref warns about it. Torres just shrugs him off and runs Jake into a corner smashing his face against the turnbuckle. He hammers him with punches, backs up showing holding his arms up, then charges forward with a hard clothesline and Jake slumps down to the mat.

Nick Miller: Torres in control here, good match so far.

Sean Martin: It is good, but it'll be better when Jake takes over and gets the win he deserves.

FED: The kid is good and yea he does deserve wins, but so does Torres, that man is good and as earned it too.

Torres lifts up Jake and whips him across the ring, charges him with a clothesline, but Jake gets a foot up in his face, then leaps up to the second rope and nails a missile dropkick sending Torres down. Jake jumps to his feet and leaps up in the air doing a shooting star press landing perfectly on Torres and stays on for the pin, 1.............2.......kickout!

Sean Martin: Beautiful move by Jake, he shoulda won the match there.

FED: A nice looking move isn't always gonna end a match.

Nick Miller: Very true, you gotta put 'em down hard!

Jake has Torres in a side headlock and tries keeping him grounded. Torres fights up to a sitting position and Jake moves behind him applying a sleeper now and wraps his legs around Torres in a scissors lock. he squeezes Torres who just slumps forward now, but then tightens up and tries getting up. Jake just keeps squeezing and holds on as tight as he can, Torres starts to fade again and doesn't fight. The ref checks his arm seeing its quite limp, then he raises it and it drops. He raises Torres arm again and it drops, then raises it again, but Torres swats the refs hand away and starts getting pumped up, the crowd stomping in the arena and Torres tries rolling back, but then swings forward getting to his knees. Jake holds on still and Torres slowly powers up to his feet keeping Jake on his back.

Nick Miller: Torres fights up with Jake on his back refusing to let go.

Torres backs up to a corner smashing Jake into it, but he still holds on and rakes at Torres eyes. Torres backs up again this time getting free and he staggers forward holding his eyes. Jake recovers and backs up to the second rope, waits for Torres to turns and leaps off for a double axe handle smash. Torres sees him in time and sidesteps Jake, punches him in the gut sending Jake flipping over to his back.

FED: Torres got free, Jake thought he had him, but he's now down, great match so far.

Sean Martin: A minor setback, Jake has his number.

Nick Miller: Seems pretty even to me, but we'll see I guess.

Torres has Jake up and sends him to the ropes, looks for a big boot, but Jake ducks and runs the ropes again. He comes flying back at Torres for a cross body, but gets caught and Torres smirks, then delivers The Westside to him. He just sits up smiling now. Torres gets to his feet and kicks Jake in the head, then pulls him up between his legs and spreads his arms out.

Nick Miller: This could be over here, Westsiders Edge coming up.

Sean Martin: Not a chance, c'mon Jake!

Torres lifts him up and over, Jake slipping down behind him. Torres turns and Jake nails a superkick knocking Torres down. Jake climbs up to the top rope now and flies off with a leg drop to Torres, then floats over into a pin, 1.............2...........kickout! Jake kneels up complaining to the ref, but just is mad and starts hammering Torres with punches. He pulls up Torres nailing a snap suplex, then floats over into an armbar, twists Torres arm up bringing him to his feet. He backs Torres into the ropes, then whips him across the ring and charges him for a clothesline. Torres ducks down backdropping him out to the floor, then staggers forward. Jake gets up to his feet leaning on the ring, Torres runs at him and drops down with a baseball slide dropkick knocking Jake into the guard rail. Torres slides out and lifts up Jake dropping him ribs first on the rail, then pulls him up and just powers him into the steel steps sending Jake hurling over them to the floor.

Nick Miller: My god Jake got manhandled on that exchange, Torres is no weak man.

FED: No he isn't actually he's one of the bigger guys in SEF.

Sean Martin: Oh so what, its not all about size, Jake can run circles around the big oaf!

Torres has Jake up against the ring and bends down pulling him back, then rams Jake against the ring hurting his back. Torres pulls Jake around sending him crashing over the timekeepers table, then he elbows him in the kidneys and rips Jake around towards the ring. Jake has the ring bells and kicks himself from the ring and whips back cracking Torres right in the head knocking him to the floor, but the ref sees and calls for the end of the match, no bell to ring, but its a clear dq.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by disqualification and still the SEF Intercontinental Champion, Nick Torres!

Jake goes insane, snapping as he hears that, looks at Brittany pissed who backs up in fear. Jake just looks down at Torres and brings the bell crashing down over his already cut head making him bleed more.

Nick Miller: Good god, he just leveled Torres, but he also gave up his shot at the title.

Sean Martin: He proved he has the champs number though, Jake will win that belt soon.

Jake drops the bell and pulls Torres up into the ring, then hists him up in there and nails Suicide. He stands up now as "The Enemy" hits, the crowd keeps booing him, and Jake soon exits the ring heading to the back.

FED: Kid has passion and he wants to win, but a lil too careless for a match with rules.

Sean Martin: Torres threw him into the bell, he sent him into the steps and the rail, shouldn't that be the same?

FED: Not quite the same as bashing steel into a skull.

Nick Miller: True, but I have a feeling these two haven't seen the last of each other. Our next match just could be the last time the men involved see each other....alive, we got Neo and Xanthus in the hundred stitches match and at ringside are the two doctors, highly trained in their fields, the best in Detroit.

And there they stand at ringside in white coats, so everyone knows them from the ringside camera crew, guess its easy to tell anyways, but whatever. We hear "Revenge" hit the PA and Neo jumps out from under the stage and does a backflip.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring, from Elizabeth New Jersey he weighs 192 pounds and is the SEF International Champion, Neo Monoxide!

He walks to the ring and slaps the fans hands, then does a flip over the top rope to get in the ring. Neo climbs the ropes and taunts. "Public Enemy #1" hits the pa and the first few lines are heard before we see Xanthus come out on stage pumping his fists in the air. He jumps around somewhat, flips off some fans, does crotch chops to others, flashes thug symbols in a mocking manner and just taunts the crowd like an asshole.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, he weighs 195 pounds and is the SEF Hardcore Champion, Xanthus!

Once he gets to the ring X rips his title off and tosses it in the ring, then at the same time he slides in. Neo dodges the title and slides at X dropkicking him back out to the floor. Neo jumps up and runs the ropes, comes charging back to the side X is on and flies over the ropes with a shooting star press lnading on X, both crash to the floor.

Nick Miller: This match is off to a fast start, both men already down after that crazy move by Neo over the ropes, it will continue, but right after this break.

We come back from commercial and we find Xanthus being whipped into the guard rail halfway down the aisle, Neo runs at him, but gets backdropped into the fans. X staggers away from the rail looking in pain a lil. Neo comes to and gets up on the rail flying off behind X with a bulldog to the floor. Neo pulls up X and runs him down the aisle to the entrance going off to the side and sending X into a steel wall next to the curtain. Neo catches X staggering off it and hits an exploder suplex. Neo quickly gets up and runs behind the curtain.

Nick Miller: Where the hell is Neo going?

FED: Who knows?

Sean Martin: Maybe he's scared and he's running!?

Neo comes back out now with ballbat wrapped in barbed wire and X is up, Neo swings catching him in the head, then starts laying in hard shots to his ribs cutting the skin open there. Neo tosses the bat down, then pulls his pizza cutter outof his pocket and makes a slice over X's head. X fights back after that knocking the cutter away, then kicks up right into Neo's nuts and rolls away getting to his feet. X runs at Neo hitting a front dropkick on him, rolls backwards to his feet and starts kicking at Neo. X lifts him up and nails a piledriver right there on the floor, then he picks up the ballbat and lays into Neo's ribs cutting him open. X tosses it down, then pulls a fork from kneepad and starts jabbing it into Neo's head cutting him.

FED: A fork, holy shit, haven't seen that since the days of butcher!

Nick Miller: Yea, quite a unique weapon of choice.

Sean Martin: Its all legal though!

X soon throws the fork down and grabs the pizza cutter making a slice over Neo's head, but soon throws that away and pulls up Neo slamming his head into the steel wall, then walks him through the curtain and we follow them to the back. X drags Neo down the hall slamming his head into a metal box, then just into the wall and keeps dragging him down the hall all the way to loading dock area. X runs Neo into a pile of metal poles sending them and Neo sliding across the floor. X grabs one of the poles and cracks Neo in the back with it, then drops it and jumps on metal box spinning off with a leg drop to Neo. X gets to his feet and finds a ladder standing it up, then he finds a cart and reaches into it grabbing a barbed wire laced singapore cane. He smiles and runs at Neo looking for a hell of a shot. Neo ducks it at the last second rolling through X's legs and holding on to his legs locking in a single leg boston crab. X has the cane, but screams in pain as Neo pulls him almost vertical.

Nick Miller: A hell of a counter by Neo there and X may tap.

Sean Martin: Yea right, the guy ain't tapped to any move anywhere ever, so why would he tonight?

FED: True, I'm more inclined to agree with Sean, X won't tap, dumb, tough, or plain crazy, who knows why it is?

X is yelling like a madman and going nuts, not like usual, but as nuts, well, whatever. X punches the floor hurting his hand, gets the cane twisted around and brings it up into Neo's leg, then keeps hitting it. Neo finally releases and grabs the cane pulling it away. X tries getting up, but Neo cracks him in the back with the cane ripping his skin open, then hits him again and again and again relentlessly before finally tossing the cane down. The doctors are in the back and the ref orders them to check out Xanthus, so Neo catches his breath and one of them checks him out as well since he is bleeding pretty bad too.

Nick Miller: Looks like we got a small break from the action here, doctors checking both me to see if either reached a hundred stitches or close.

Sean Martin: Not even close, X has this match, just leave him be.

FED: I doubt neither are cut enough, but X may be closer.

Sean Martin: Don't matter if he was, he has this match already won!

Nick Miller: We'll see, the doctors are giving their estimates now.

Both doctors tell the ref what they think and the ref uses a mic he has to announce it.

Joe Dumar: The doctors have estimated that Xanthus needs forty seven stitches, Neo needs twenty nine, so the match will continue!

Neo hears it and kicks Xanthus in his ribs, then drops down just beating him in the head with hard fists. Neo pulls up X and has him bent down, then flips over holding X and nails The Slingshot. Neo gets to his feet now and goes to the cart now where looks in and pulls a huge net of barbed wire...huh!?

Nick Miller: What the hell is that?

Neo pulls it all out and lets it fall, then sees in the cart is a trash can full of weapons. Neo pulls it out and empties it, then catches X in the head with the trash can, drops it and kicks X in the gut. Neo pulls him down in a ddt, then gets up and grabs a cheese grater, sits X up and starts to rake it over his head. X falls backwards and brings his legs up kicking neo in his head. X gets up with the cheese grater and clocks Neo in the head, then rakes it all over his face, drops it and quickly nails the Ghetto Busta on Neo. X sits up and soon gets to his feet, blood is all over both men, wepons lay scattered with blood drops all over. X grabs a cookie sheet and wiats for Neo to kneel up, then cracks him in the back, rips him up from behind and nails a reverse ddt. X finds a staple gun and hooks it in his shorts, then finds a table and sets it up near the ladder, right next to it. He then gets another table setting it up next to that and eventually gets two more tables set up and works on a fifth, all in a row. Neo gets up and comes running at X, but X gets the staple gun up sending a staple into his cheek, then knocks him in the head with it and staples Neo in his arm. He nails a snap suplex, then grabs the stapler and walks over to the net of barbed wire.

Nick Miller: X in control, but what is he doing?

Sean Martin: Probably something extreme!

FED: Yea, looks like it may be a moment talked about for years!

X gets the net stretched out over the tables, drapes one end under the table on the end and staples it in place. He goes to the end near the ladder and does the same, then makes sure the net coveres the other ends and now he goes to Neo raising him for a few more staples. Neo blocks X though and knees him in the gut, then brings X up in a suplex, but drops him on his head for a brainbuster. Neo gets up and sees the barbed wire covered tables and smirks. He grabs X and lifts him up, walks him to the ladder and leans him on it. Neo then goes to the other side and grabs X from around the ladder and drags him up it. Neo gets to the top, then reaches down to pull X all the way up. X shoves his hands away, then grabs a rung pulling himself up a few and starts hammering Neo with punches. X smashes Neo's head off the ladder, then pulls him up on to his hsoulders quickly, leaps off the ladder over the tables and spins Neo off his shoulders for an Asshole Cutta dropping him all the way down through the barbed wire tables, X landing on the edge under Neo's face.

Nick Miller: OH MY GOD!

The crowd chants holy shit as loud as they can, the chant echoed through the arena. X rolls away, his shoulder cut up, Neo lays in through two tables and wrapped in barbed wire. X gets to his feet and grabs a chair now smashing Neo in the back, then tosses it away. He gets Neo up pulling the wire off him, then bends him down and lfits Neo up nailing a powerbomb through one of the still standing tables which is now crushed and Neo is cut worse, he is cut bad, blood everywhere. But suddenly we see a long, dark haird man a lil bigger than X, a build like Matt Hardy and he comes behind X with a lead pipe cracking him in his head. X falls forward on the smashed tables, then the man lifts him up and grabs him side by side and lifts him up high swinging him over the table and sends X through it with a side effect like move.

Sean Martin: Who is this guy, this isn't fair!?

Nick Miller: Its fair, just not right, but like ya said, who is he?

The man is bleeding a lil from the wire, but grabs som eof it and wraps it around X's neck choking him and cutting him at the same time, X is now the same off as Neo, then this unknown man just spits on X and walks away out the back door of the arena. The doctors have been checking out Neo, now one goes to X and we wait to see who requires more stitches.

Nick Miller: My god these two are bleeding bad, I hope its over cause they may bleed to death soon.

FED: Its possible, but I doubt it, just got two guys with no will to stop!

Sean Martin: X is stronger willed, he-

Nick Miller: We got an estime, the ref is gonna speak.

Joe Dumar: Ladies and gentlemen, estimates have been reached, although the doctors are unsure of it as they cannot find every lil cut, but they have determined that both men require over a hundred stitches. An exact number is too hard to tell, but it is close, so this match will be ending in a draw, neither man loses their respective title.

The crowd is restless at that and some boo, but most cheer on the amazing bloodbath X and Neo gave them.

Nick Miller: Wow, that was crazy, both men gave up a lot of blood and its a draw.

Sean Martin: X had that won till that asshole interefered, this is bullshit!

FED: I agree there, kind of a disappointment, this was supposed to see who broke who.

Nick Miller: Could still get an answer to that once both recover if both do. But the match is over and up next we got Sly and Matlock-

FED: Yes we do and boy do I have a surprise when Sly gets out here!

Nick Miller: Huh, what is it?

FED: You'll see!

We hear "Back In Black" hit and the crowd pretty much boos as we see Sly walk out now wearing a black trenchcoat and carring a ballbat in his hand.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring at this time, he weighs 185 pounds and hails from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, the Commissioner of SEF, Bill "Sly" McLane!

He just walks no nonsense like to the ring, heads up the steps, and gets in raising his bat up and tapping it in his free hand. He soon removes his coat revealing jeans and an SEF t-shirt, his wrestling attire. We hear guitar chords start to play over the speakers. Eight seconds in, pyro explodes on the stage as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" begins to play. Matt Matlock steps out onto the stage as the crowd boos.

Brittany Fox: Hailing from New Waterford, Nova Scotia, Canada and weighing 235 lbs...he is "The Cornered Animal" Matt Matlock!

Matlock walks down the ramp slowly, and extends his arms out to his side. He spins around in a circle slowly, as we see small sparkler like pyros on both sides of the ramp go off. He gets to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, and heads for one of the far turnbuckles. He raises both arms horizontally as rapid fire pyro ala HBK shoots off inside the ring. He lowers his arms as it subsides, as he gets down and leans on the ropes, talking shit to the fans. He turns and stares at Sly, but we notice Frankie stand up, lower his headset aroud his neck, and raise up a mic.

FED: Before this match begins, I have just another stipulation to add, well, something else on the line, Sly, as per request of the Owner of SEF, your job is on the line! You lose and your done as the commish!

Frankie sits back down now and Sly turns to him and just looks pissed. Destruction who is still out there steps forward. Sly just scowls and yells bullshit, then turns and gets caught with a clothesline by Matt sending Sly out of the ring. Matt rolls out and grabs Sly slamming his head into the commentators table, stays clear of Destruction and runs Sly into a ringpost. Matt lifts Sly up and drops him on the guard rail, then rips him back and rolls Sly in the ring. Matt just smirks and gets cocky talking smack to the booing fans, a chant of you can't wrestle starts, but fades quickly. Matt rolls in the ring and pulls up Sly who yells at Destruction, the ref turns and Sly nails a low kick on Matt. Sly then drops him with a ddt.

Nick Miller: Whoa, Sly with a distraction to the ref and an illegal, but effective move on Matt.

FED: I hate both men, so whoever wins still sucks!

Sean Martin: Yea, I don't really care for either as wrestlers, well, I just don't care for Matt at all!

Sly is pounding Matt in the head now, then pulls him up for a piledriver, but gets backdropped. Matt gets to the ropes and crawls up to his feet. Sly is up and charges him, but Matt bolts at him with a spear and stays on him with punches. Matt soon lifts up Sly and whips him to the ropes, misses a clothesline and Sly comes back with his own. Matt ducks it and goes behind Sly applying a full nelson, then lifts him up and slams him backfirst to the mat. Matt lifts up Sly and into a suplex, lets him hang for a few, then drops him down. Matt sits up, then gets to his feet and singals its over now. He lifts up Sly and hooks his arms for Animal Instincts, but Sly manages to wiggle out of it some, then charges Matt back into a corner. He nails a some shoulder thrusts on Matt, then stands up and hammers him with punches. Sly pulls Matt out whips him to the ropes, then leaps up for a thesz press, but Matt cathces him and turns quickly slamming Sly down with a spinebuster.

Nick Miller: Decent match actually, Matt with a hard counter to Sly and what could be near the end.

FED: I hope so!

Nick Miller: I thought you hated both equally?

FED: Shut up Nicky!

Matt gets up pulling Sly up and hooks his arms, then drops him with Animal Instincts and pins him, 1...........2...........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Matt Matlock!

Matt stands up as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" hits the pa. Sly just lays the crowd boos and Matt smirks. Destruction suddenly slides in the ring and moves to either side of Matt who eyes both looking cautious. Frankie is away from the table now and has a mic in hand, then he slides in the ring.

Nick Miller: Matt winning, but what is going on now?

Frankie stands a few feet from Matt and raises the mic up.

FED: Nice job Matt, thank you very much for ridding SEF of that douchebag Sly, good fucking riddance to that asshole, now then it allows me to do whatever the fuck I want!

Frankie grins now and Matt sensing it swings at Thrash who budges not one bit an fires back, Slash hammering Matt in the back, then the two men send Matt to the ropes, catch him and just slam him back to the mat hard! They rip up Matt into a double suplex, but drop him on his head in a brainbuster. Thrash then hoists up Matt across his knee as Slash gets on the second rope, then comes off with a leg drop and Total Destruction is delivered to Matt who just lays out cold in the ring. Destruction stands over him as Frankie comes between them, the crowd cheering on the destruction, pun intended, of Matlock.

FED: Like I rold Nicky and Sean, I hate you both, Sly is gone, now I do what he couldn't do, I make sure you get exactly what you gave for the past four years off and on......not one fucking thing!

Frankie kicks matt in the ribs, drops the mic right on his head, then we hear "Bad Religion" hit the pa and Frankie exits through the ropes as Destruction slides out and all three head up the aisle.

Nick Miller: My god, Matlock decimated here at the hands of Destruction, was this Frankie's plan all along?

Sean Martin: Seems that way, but who knows with that guy!

Nick Miller: I guess Matt's fight may not be over and neither is this show. We get better matches as we go along to the headliner of a millenium, but it happens after this break.

We come from the break and find the view backstage focused on a showered and bandaged Nick Torres walking along the hall when from behind comes Jakob King with a lead pipe right to his lower back. Jake leaps up and pulls Torres back with a backcracker type move, Jake still looking the same from the end of his match and still pissed. He kneels over Torres hammering him with punches.

Nick Miller: Jake is going crazy here, someone needs to get back there and stop this.

Sean Martin: Why, he shoulda won earlier, but no, on Xtreme there were rules, bullshit.

Jake has Torres up and slams him against the wall, then looks for a ddt, but security surrounds the two and seperates them, Jake is forced away.

Nick Torres: Those two aren't finished as I thought. But now we got the Women's Title match.

"Suicide Solution" hits the pa, then we see Vickie come running out on stage and jump up a bit and come down thrusting up the rock on sign.

Brittany Fox: Making her way to the ring, from Los Angelos California, she weighs 135 pounds and is the SEF Womens Champion, Victoria Kalispell!

She heads down the ramp running and slides in the ring, then jumps up on the ropes banging her head to the music while flashing the rock on sign more. She jumps off them and throws her arms up motioning to make some noise, then hands her title to the ref. "Sidewinder" hits as blue, green, and red lights circle the arena with matching pyro going off. Then Whitney comes out and poses for the crowd at the top of the ramp and from behind her comes Viper dressed in his ring gear and a Dominant Player shirt along with Jordan Brooks who is in his ring gear and a DVF shirt.

Brittany Fox: Making her way to the ring, from Las Vegas Nevada, she weighs 145 pounds and is accompanied by Triple V and Jordan Brooks, she is Whitney Marret!

She and Viper then make their way to the ring and climb the steel steps and Jordan follows them. Once inside the ring Whitney goes to the middle of the middle of the ring and throws her hands and arms in the air while Viper comes behind her sliding an arm around her stomach and leans his head over her shoulder. She lowers her arms to hold his head and arm while Jordan just watches on behind them. The ref holds the title in the air as Jordan exits the ring, Viper gives Whitney a kiss and soon exits, then the bell rings. The title is handed off to Brittany while Whitney and Vickie stand inches apart now staring each other down.

Nick Miller: The tension between these two women is thick enough to cut, this is intense!

Sean Martin: I know, I can't wait to see Whitney show Vickie who is true dominance!

Whitney spreads her arms out motioning Vickie to come get her some. Vickie looks for a slap, but suddenly leaps into the air and on Whitney taking her down, then unloads with punches to her face. Vickie quickly gets up ripping Whitney and up and sends her into a corner, then charges in at her with a clothesline and drags her out with a bulldog, then goes for a pin, 1.........2....kickout!

Nick Miller: Pin this early by Vickie and she got two.

Vickie has Whitney up and sends her to the ropes, then leaps up for a dropkick, but Whitney holds on to the ropes. Vickie lays on her back now and Whitney turns leaping on to the middle rope, then springs backwards turning in a corckscrew while turning sideways and lands a senton splash on Vickie. Whitney rolls to her feet and bends down pulling up Vickie, sets her up for a piledriver and hits it, then pins, 1...........2........kickout!

Nick Miller: A near fall by Whitney this time.

Sean Martin: Shoulda been three, damn slow ass ref!

Whitney locks Vickie in an armbar now and bridges its really applying pressure. Vickie screams in pains and shakes her head no to the ref who asks if she gives up. Vickie tries fighting out, but is kept grounded and Whitney suddenly lets go floating around grabbing Vickie's left leg going for a grapevine. Vickie twists her legs up with Whitney's tripping her to her face, then Vickie flaots over her back and locks her in a crippler crossface of all things.

Nick Miller: Whoa, some nice moving by Vickie who has Whitney grounded now.

Whitney screams in pain now and struggles to break the hold, she fights it and tries pushing up, but Vickie hooks her left arm between her legs and really rips back on her head. Whitney screams and struggles, she uses her free arm to crawl towards the ropes and reaches out for them. Viper gets up on the apron across the ring and yells at the ref getting him to turn around. Jordan is near Whitney and grabs her hand pulling her and Vickie across the mat and places Whitney's hand on the bottom rope. Jordan backs up and Viper grins, then hops down.

Nick Miller: That was pretty unfair, though Whitney probably would have made the ropes, she didn't need the help.

Sean Martin: Exactly, she didn't need it, but she has it and can save her strength for beating Vickie!

Vickie is up and pulls up Whitney to the middle rope choking her on it, clubs her in the back, then she runs across the ring to the other ropes and Viper reaches in tripping her then, walks away acting innocent while the crowd boos.

Nick Miller: What the hell was that?

Sean Martin: What was what, I saw nothing, Vickie is just clumsy.

Vickie gets up to her knees and Whitney comes running at her with a dropkick sending her on her back. Whitney gets up and runs to the ropes leaping on the middle one and flips backwards with a moonsault to Vickie and pins, 1...............2........kickout! Whitney gets up to her feet and stomps right on Vickie's stomach, then pulls her up and hits with a hard slap. Whitney kicks her in the stomach and hooks her arms, but Vickie fights her and reaches down grabbing Whitney's legs flipping her on her back. Vickie holds on to her legs and holds her up, then catapults Whitney into a corner bouncing her head off the turnbuckles. Vickie gets up and catches her from behind and looks for the Dirty Drop. Whitney steps to the side and elbows Vickie in the stomach, then lifts her up nailing a back suplex. She sits up and looks at Vickie, then gets to her feet and pulls up Vickie into a front facelock, applies quite a bt of pressure, knees her in the head, then lets the hold go grabbing her and head swinging her into a neckbreaker. Whitney gets her in a sleeper, but rolls her on her stomach, then lets go and buries a knee into her back. She pulls back on Vickie's head at the same time in a modified camel clutch, Vickie is screaming in pain.

Nick Miller: A good match between these two, so far, Whitney with the pressure on Vickie.

Sean Martin: Yea, the dominant female beating the Women's Champ and fixing to become the new Women's Champ!

Vickie tries pushing herself up and Whitney off, but she can't do it, her back hurts too much. Whitney rips up on Vickie's and she raises her hand up, but slams it down in a fist punching the mat, then tries crawling to the ropes. She inches close to it and just feels the rope with her fingertips. Viper comes over and pulls the bottom rope away from her, but the ref turns seeing him and then jumps from the ring backing him up the aisle. Vickie has the rope, but Whitney lets her up and Jordan comes in the ring.

Nick Miller: What is he doing?

Daddy Mack runs out behind Viper and turns him around hammering him with punches now. Jordan has Vickie up and nails a Big Apple Bomb, then he rolls from the ring as Whitney pulls up Vickie nailing Southern Pride and pins her. Mack lays out Viper and meets Jordan with punches as the ref slides in the ring and counts, 1.............2.............3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall and the new SEF Women's Champion, Whitney Marret!

"Sidewinder" hits the pa and Whitney rolls from the ring grabbing her title as Mack sends Jordan down and comes in the ring. Whitney runs around the ring to Jordan and Viper, the three backing up the aisle and Whitney holding the title in the air.

Nick Miller: Not a very fair win for Whitney, pretty tainted!

Sean Martin: No way, she beat Vickie fair and square, right in the middle of the ring.

Nick Miller: After blatant intereference by Jordan!

Mack helps Vickie out of the ring now as we go backstage to find Sly being escorted down the hall by Destruction and followed by Frank E Dangerously. Sly looks pissed, but says nothing as they head through the garage area and soon out the back door. Destruction stands on either side while Frankie gets between them and watches Sly head for his car, but he turns and looks at Frankie.

Sly: You got me tonight Frankie, I know it was you who got in the Owner's ear, but mark my words, we ain't done!

Sly turns and walks to his car as Frankie just smiles.

FED: Oh but we are!

Frankie then walks bak inside as Sly drives off and Destruction follows Frankie.

Nick Miller: Sly is gone now, he has been fired as per the surprise stip in that match he had. Up next is-, wait, what is going on?

We go backstage again to a different area where we find Xanthus in a locker room all bandaged up and wearing his bloody ring clothes, but on the floor due to the man from earlier who attacked him attacking him again. The man has a chair and just lays in shot after shot to X's head and upper body. He just looks crazed and soon drops the chair, then kneels down.

???: Xanthus...you and me....we never finished it, but now I finish you!

The man sneers and stands up, then he walks out of the room.

Nick Miller: Good god, who in the hell is that man and what does he want?

Sean Martin: I don't know, but he sure doesn't like X.

Nick Miller: Not many do, but what is the bigger story here? Hopefully we find out sometime soon, but we got the Heavyweight Title match coming up next!

We come back from commercial to find the lights out and red and blue lights circle the arena as "You Don't Know" hits the PA.

Brittany Fox: On his way to the ring, from New York, New York, he weighs in at 350lbs and is accompanied by Whitney Marret, he is............. "The Ultimate Protector" Jordan Brooks!

Once he comes out and is a quarter the way to the ring, he squats down and white pyro goes off from left to right as he raises up slowly and raises his fists in the air. Whitney steps out now and walks behind him. He walks down to the ring and Whitney follows him, but stays at ringside as Jordan heads up the steps. Once inside the ring, he goes to the far right turnbuckle and poses for the crowd by pointing to himself. Jordan hops down now and we hear "Drag The Waters" hit and Troy comes calmly walking to the ring. He just stands on stage staring at the crowd for a few seconds, then makes his way down the ramp limping.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Denver Colorado, he weighs 350 pounds and is the SEF Heavyweight Champion, Troy Storms!

He flashes the wolfpac sign, then he gets on the apron and steps over the top rope. Troy then moves to the ropes and thrusts his fist in the air while raising his title in the air. Jordan comes charging behind Storms sending him into the ropes, then Jordna lifts him for a back suplex, but drops him over the top rope and shakes it a few times.

Nick Miller: Jordan getting this match started early.

Sean Martin: Shows he wants to win bad!

Jordan pulls Storms off the ropes and bends him down looking for his finisher, but Storms backdrops him down, then stomps on his head and pulls up Jordan body slamming him. Storms backs into the ropes and comes back with a leg drop to Jordan. He gets up and waits for Jordan to get up, then whips him to the ropes and looks for a big boot, but Jordan ducks. Storms drops his right keg and staggers to the ropes, his knee still hurting. Jordan charges after him with a clothesline, but Storms ducks in time backdropping him out to the floor. Jordan though manages to stay on his feet and clobbers Storms with a forearm to his knee, then grabs both legs tripping him and dragging him out to the floor. He whips Storms knee first onto the steel steps, then lifts him up and powerslams him to the floor.

Sean Martin: Now that is true power, a true dominant star in the making, Storms is finished!

Nick Miller: Jordan is one powerful moster, Storms is hurt, but he is huge too, he may come back, depends on just how bad that knee is.

Jordan rolls Storms in the ring, then he grabs the SEF Title and rolls in the ring with it.

Nick Miller: What the hell is he doing, he can't use the title!?

Sean Martin: Well there is only one way to win, so it should be legal.

Jordan waits for Storms to get up, then charges him aiming for his head, but Storms gets his leg up booting the belt right into Jordan's face knocking him flat on his back. Storms again stumbles into the ropes clutching his knee, then Whitney gets up on the apron, Storms walks over to her grabbing her by the hair. Jordan gets up and comes behind Storms clipping his right knee bringing him down, then he drags Storms to the senter of the ring and applies a spinning toe hold really applying the pressure. After a bit he turns into a figure four cinching it in, Storms screaming in pain. He sits up and wants to swing at Jordan, but the pain forces him fall back and try to struggle free instead. Jordan tries scotting to the ropes and reaches for them, but Storms starts rolling and gets some momentum going. Jordan tries stopping it, but Storms manages to roll over on to his stomach putting the pressure on Jordan who screams, but gets the ropes and pulls himself halfway out of the ring.

Nick Miller: Storms go out of the hold, but the damage may have been done.

Sean Martin: Exactly and now all Jordan has to do is nail a powerbomb, something he already did to Storms when he pinned him.

Storms slowly pulls himself up grabbing the SEF Title in the ring and gets to his feet looking at Jordan who pulls himself up on the ropes. Jordan turns charging Storms immediately, but Storms is ready and bashes him in the head with the title knocking Jordan down.

Sean Martin: No fair, he used the title!

Nick Miller: Jordan brought it in!

Storms lifts up Jordan into position, then tries lifting him for the Westside Bomb, but can't seem to do it. Storms manuevers over near the ropes and powers Jordan up most of the way, leans back against the ropes making it easier to lift him up, then springs forward off the ropes releasing Jordan to the mat and Storms falls as well clutching his knee.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner and still the SEF Heavyweight Champion, Troy Storms!

"Drag The Waters" hits the pa now as Storms stays on the mat in pain, the ref rasing one arm and laying the title near him. Whitney helps Jordan to the floor, but we see Viper slide in behind Storms with a sledgehammer. Storms gets up to his feet starting to raise the title in victory, but Viper swings the sledge right into the back of his right knee bringing Storms down in even more pain. The crowd is booing loud and Viper stands over him looking for another shot. Nick Torres comes out now and slides in the ring, Viper sees him and quickly exits heading up the aisle with Jordan and Whitney.

Nick Miller: Storms managing to win and keep his title, but Viper damaging that knee even more, who knows ho wbad after that shot.

Sean Martin: Like Viper said, Storms is done, hell, he's a marked man and Viper made his mark tonight!

Nick Miller: He did do that, he's an asshole, but he did do it. Up next though is Viper in action against a ten year rival you could say, the main event of main events, its Mack and Viper one on one. But first we have an announcement by Frank E Dangerously.

So we go backstage and find Frankie standing dressed as usual with Destruction behind him.

FED: As you all know Total Anarchy is one week from this Sunday and there we will host the SEF Rumble with the winner going to Wrestle X to face the Hevayweight Champ! Now on that card we'll have a couple more matches and I am here to announce them and I can do it in case anyone is wondering, I talked to the Owner, so enough said! The first match I have to announce is for SEF Tag Team Titles. Viper and Jordan Brooks will defend against these two monsters behind me, Destruction and also against the team, the unlikely team and probably never will be a team, Daddy Mack and Matt Matlock! That should make this interesting, now for two more matches. Neo Monoxide will defend his International Title against the rising star Jakob King and its gonna be a hardcore match. We'll have another hardcore match as Xanthus will defend his Hardcore Title against the guy who attacked him tonight and I know whoit is, but I'll let him reveal himself by WAR and if he don't, then I will. Now also the Hardcore Hotel will be coming back for that night, but the guest, a mystery, knowing Mack though it'll be worth the mystery!

We hear cheers from sound of a good card and Frankie just grins.

FED: The main event is the rumble, everyone will be in it, so be on your game if you expect to win this grueling match and earn a shot at the top title in the business!

The view fades out off Frankie and goes to ringside, then "The Unforgiven" plays for about one minute and the lights dim, then we see a single spotlight shine on the curtain and from it emerges Viper with a Metallica t-shirt on and a bottle of water in his hand which he douses on his head and takes a drink from as he walks to the ring. Whitney Marret is with him and wears a strapless leather dress coming to her knees, the Women's Title over her shoulder.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring now, from Las Vegas Nevada, he weighs 255 pounds and is accompanied by Whitney Marret, he is Triple V!

He heads down the aisle with Whitney, walks up the steel steps getting into the ring and gets a mouthful of water before tossing the bottle away. He goes to the side of the ring and stands with one foot on the bottom rope, another on the middle rope, and he thrusts his right fist in the air while spewing the water out in a mist, Whitney raising her arms up and motioning to him. Viper hops down and rips off his shirt tossing it to the crowd, then flexes on the turnbuckles. He hops down and kisses Whitney who soon exits the ring. The opening chords of "Cocky" are heard and after a couple lines we finally see Mack come dancing out from the curtain. He struts around and dances like the ol' school HBK, does some crotch chops and high fives fans on his way down the aisle.

Brittany Fox: Making his way out to the ring, from Detroit Michigan, he weighs 210 pounds, the one and only, Daddy Mack!

Mack will then step up on the apron and prance on the apron with some cocky steps playing to the crowd, then he steps into the ring circling around and pumps up pointing his thumbs to himself. He drops down in an HBK pose as pyro shoots off behind him, then Mack leaps up doing a crotch chop as the pyro shoots off an X. Mack then heads to the turnbuckles stepping up to the middle one, raises his hands up doing the wolfpac sign and then does a crotch chop before hopping down disrobing his vest and earrings getting ready for the match. After tossing them over the top rope he turns and is leveled with a clothesline from Viper, the bell ringing afterwards. Mack pops up and Viper hammers him into a corner rocking him with hard rights.

Nick Miller: Viper jumping Mack early and the main event is on!

Viper whips Mack across the ring sending him flipping up a corner and over the ropes on to the apron. Viper charges with a clothesline, but Mack grabs his head and drops down to the floor slingshotting Viper off the ropes to his back on the mat. Mack rolls in the ring now and drops an elbow to Viper, then moves into an armbar kneeling right over Viper and applying the pressure. Viper elbows the mat, then struggles to get up on his knees, Mack still pushing pressure down on him. Viper punches him in th egut, then gets up backing Mack into the ropes, whips him across the ring and runs at him for a high knee. Mack ducks and runs the ropes coming back at Viper knocking him down with a shoulder block. Mack looks down at him, then runs the ropes again, skips over Viper and comes leaping in the air for a flying forearm smash. Viper sidesteps him and Mack lands on the top rope, bounces off and spins back. Viper catches him with a spinebuster and snaps around slamming him down hard and pins, 1.............2.........kickout!

Sean Martin: What, that shoulda been three!

Nick Miller: It was two, but a close one by Viper, first pin attempt in the match.

Viper has Mack up in a corner and chops him hard across the chest, then whips him out to the ropes and catches him in a sleeper, but mack quickly moves to the side and back suplexes Viper. Mack gets up and runs the ropes nailing a quick leg drop to Viper, then he gets up and climbs up to the top rope leaping off there with a Detroit Drop, but Viper rolls out of the way and Mack crashes to the mat.

Nick Miller: Oh, no one home for Mack on that one.

Viper gets to his feet and drops a knee to Mack's lower back, then brings his arm back in a hammerlock dropping another knee to his back. He slaps Mack in the back of his head, then buries a knee into his back, right in the middle in his spine. He grabs Mack's head ripping it backwards, Mack clutching at his hands and yelling in pain.

Nick Miller: Viper with Mack locked up here, will he tap or not? We'll have to see right after this break!

Daddy Mack

We come from break to find Mack grounded on his back now and Viper laying on his right leg with it locked under his leg, his elbow buried into his knee, Mack in pain.


Nick Miller: During the break we saw Viper really work over his back, Mack almost escaped the camel clutch, but Viper would release and go to work on Mack's leg with some elbow drops and now do what he is doing now.


Sean Martin: He's picking Mack apart, I love this!


Mack is clawing at Viper's head trying to break the hold, the ref warns him to stop, then Mack brings his other leg kneeing Viper in the back. Viper tries leaning back, but Mack slips his leg out and brings it over Viper slamming it over his neck. Viper releases his hold on Mack's leg, then Mack rolls up to his feet and runs the ropes coming back with a short dropkick to Viper's head. Mack gets to his feet and lifts up Viper for an irish whip, gets reversed and Viper tries a clothesline. Mack ducks it and stops, then looks for Da Shows Ova. Viper catches his foot and smirks, but Mack suddenly kicks up his other leg nailing an enziguri dropping Viper. Mack is on Viper with an armbar fuji style bridging back really applying the pressure.Viper crawls for the ropes, but Mack lets go and flaots around into a front facelock. He raises Viper up and knees him in the face a few times, then turns out of it into a swinging neckbreaker. Mack goes up to the top now and flies off with X right to Viper's chest.


Nick Miller: Mack finding his mark with that elbow drop, hell of a match so far.


Mack is on his feet dancing around the ring and pats his leg, but Whitney gets up on the apron now and yells at him, the ref comes over to tell her to get down. Mack pays no mind and gets ready to nail Viper when Jordan Brooks comes from the crowd and enters the ring. Mack notices him and looks for Da Shows Ova, but Jordan ducks and pulls Mack down, then rips him up for the Big Apple Bomb. Mack punches him in the head, then snaps backwards taking Jordan down with a hurricanrana. Jordan rolls to the floor and Mack is up, but Viper floors him with a powerful clothesline.


Nick Miller: Jordan almost cost Mack the match, but got taken down, the distraction allowed Viper to gain control though, so this could all still cost Mack.


Sean Martin: Don't make excuses now, if he loses, he loses!


Viper rips up Mack nailing a powerslam, then he grabs his leg wrapping him up in a figure four. Mack sits up screaming and Viper inches towards the ropes, Whitney on the other side of the ring causing distraction for the ref. Jordan grabs Viper's hands pulling him to add pressure on Mack's legs.


Nick Miller: Damn it, that ain't right!


The ref checks on Mack and argues with Whitney, but then we see of all people, Matt Matlock runnning down, boos from the crowd, but he runs around the ring hammering Jordan with punches. Viper tries grabbing the ropes, but the loss of momentum allows Mack to roll him over and he's the one in pain now. Viper manages to grab the rope though and the hold is broken, Viper is up first and lifts up Mack into a bearhug. Jordan and Matlock still brawl at ringside, Matlock with the upperhand and he slams Jordan into the ringpost, then drops him with a ddt on the steps. Whitney comes over looking for a slap, but Matt blocks her and backs her up around the ring. Mack boxes Viper's head in the ring and gets out of the bearhug, then runs the ropes and comes back for clothesline, but Viper ducks it and drops him with a neckbreaker. He rolls from the ring and gets a sledgehammer, sees Matt and comes around behind him. Matt has Whitney far enough away and starts to turn, sees Viper swinging and ducks. Viper hits the ringpost and drops the sledge, Matt grabs it and looks to use it, but Viper ducks. Jordan was coming behind Viper and he gets dropped to the floor with the sledge. Viper rolls in the ring now followed by Matt and the sledge. Mack goes for Da Shows Ova, but aims for Matlock and lays him out, then gets kicked in the gut by Viper and given the Unforgiven. Viper hooks his leg and pins, 1..............2...............kickout!


Nick Miller: Good god, Mack kicked out of the Unforgiven, how the hell did he do that?


Sean Martin: Nooo, that was three, you dumbass ref, it was three!


Nick Miller: Settle down, it was really two. Also, why did Mack nail Matt when he came to help him?


Viper is up in the refs face yelling at him and looking nuts. Joe just tells him off and Viper grabs him shoving back, then nails him hard dropping the ref to the mat.


Nick Miller: What the hell, now we got no ref!


Sean Martin: He shoulda called the match fair.


Nick Miller: He did!


Viper pulls Mack up who rolls him into a small package, but no ref to count and Viper kicks out anyways. Mack gets up seeing the ref down, then turns to Viper hammering him with a right, hits a hard shop to his chest, then whips Viper to the ropes and looks for a back body drop. Viper kicks him in the head snapping him backwards, then charges for a clothesline. Mack ducks it and moves forward, stops and Viper turns, then BAM, Da Shows Ova and Viper goes down. Mack falls back on him and hooks his leg rolling him up almost. The ref lifts his arm and slaps the mat..........1.............................2................................3!


Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Daddy Mack!


"Cocky" hits the pa, but is almost drowned out by the earth shattering pop of the crowd going absolutely insane for Mack. Jordan is on his knees at ringside, Matlock lays on the floor holding his jaw while Viper lays out of it in the ring. Mack gets to his feet raising his arms in the air, the crowd still unglued and chanting for Mack. Whitney helps Jordan up and they pull Viper from the ring.


Nick Miller: Three years since their last match and they still steal the show. Ten years of trying and Viper still can't beat Mack, but a hell of a match by him and Mack!


Sean Martin: Viper had it won, he pinned Mack, stupid ass incompetent ref!


Nick Miller: Mack kicked out, everyone saw it, a close fall, but he kicked out, so deal with it.


Whitney helps Jordan and Viper to the back while Matt tries getting up, but just leans against the ring, Mack still celebrates in the ring on the ropes, the fans going crazy for him!


Nick Miller: A hell of a show it was folks, a hell of a show, but its is over now and we got WAR on Monday, Total Anarchy a week from Sunday, so goodnight everyone.


Still Mack continues celebrating and the music switches to "Bad Religion" signaling the end, our camera still roaming and soon the show fades to balck, then the logo flashes............

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