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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 131 {5/17/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 21, 2014, 10:35:08 PM

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Taylor Andrews

May 17th, 2009

After a week off for SEF stars and fans and staff and all them who make the company go were back with Extreme and inside the Myriad Arena down in Oklahoma City in Oklahoma. The fans sold out tonight quick as a week off is like putting a crackhead in rehab. So their in their full of anticpiation for the show as the opening pyro blasts off the stage, then we hear Pantera's "A New Level" blast pver the pa and this crowd is hot, they love it, the cameras roaming around showing all them diehard fans.

Nick Miller: Hello Oklahoma and welcome to SEF's real Extreme show. Trouble last week cancelled our show, but were not down amd tonight we got a good show for ya all to see. A big old six man tag match and something huge on the line for a rookie here, Ravyn Crow gets a World Title shot if he can pin Chris Orton, the World Champ, in the match. A big task for him as Orton's teammates are Nick Torres and Mack, both champions as well. Ravyn has Matt Ward and former World Champ Scorpion on his side, so his team could win it, but Ravyn needs a lot of luck. In other action we'll see a triple threat diva match and D-Von in action against the young, quicker Drakmen brother Joey. Josh faces new guy Justin Cage and we'll see Suicide Hank in action against the worthless Phoenix Winterborn, so stay tuned for the hottest action around!

Singles Match
Justin Cage v. Josh Drakmen

Justin and Josh are brawling in the early going of the match when we see a man with long dark hair run down the ramp with a chair. From the opposite side from the crowd comes a another man with long blondish brown hair with a chair. Both slide in the ring and slam the chairs to Justin's and Josh's backs dropping them. The dark haired man lifts up Justin delivering a twist of fate move on him while the other man jabs the chair into Josh's ribs, then slams it over his head. He goes to the top rope now as the dark haired man lifts up Josh and plants him with a hard ddt Raven style, then lighter hair man flies off with a swanton move, but when flipping over he lands a leg drop on Josh. The crowd is cheering and screaming for the decimation of the two chumps, then the dark haired man gets a mic and yells.


Loud cheers for that and the lighter hair man rips off his black shirt tossing it to the crowd.

"In case ya don't recognize the new looks, let me tell who I am. I been here in SEF under a few names, maybe ya remember the homicidal, suicidal, arbaian knight Mesa or maybe the X-Cellent X-cutioner Chris Crest, or maybe as V1 or Version II, but why not just call me who I am...Corez!"

Huge pop for the man who apparently is old SEF star Corez and others. He now hands the mic to the lighter air man who is now shirtless.

"Mister X to the muthafucking A is who the fuck I am!"

A huge pop for this with everyone realizing he's Xanthus.

Xanthus: Oh yea, fucking knees better and my bro is back here with me and we want them Tag Titles brought back and we'll get them back by revitalizing the tag team division like we done over these years. My brother, yes boys and girls, this boy here is my blood, my brother from the same mother, but different fathers. Anyways, he told ya who he wrestled as here in SEF, well I was always here with him, mister L...A...Jay or the Priceless Jason Price, although I will admit I neve rheld a title as Jay for during the run as International Champ that was bro here. We've wrestled under each others alias' before, just that's the only time it hapened with a title reign. We've been teaming up for years in SEF though, we are the best team there is and we will hold the top Tag Titles in the business, the SEF straps!

A huge pop for that and Corez grabs the mic now.

Corez: That's right and if ya wanna know what you can call us, this awesome CONNECTION of raw talent in the ring, well hell X, should we tell them?

Xanthus: FUCK YEA!

Corez: Ya can call use THC...


"No Hope = No Fear" by Soulfy hits the pa and each man goes up opposite corners doing crotch chops for the crowd who cheer loud for the returning stars. Loud chants of THC are heard through the arena, the fans loving this moment.

Triple Threat Match
Karmen Moore v. Angel v. Taylor Johnson w/Chris Orton

Taylor owns Karmen, just completely destroys her and wins this match in seconds with The Last Kiss. Angel never showed as she was busy taking it in every hole at the same time by the locker room, but she still gets a loss on her record for it.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.......Taylor Johnson!

Singles Match
Phoenix Winterborn v. Suicide Hank

 Hank yet again blindsides an opponent as he comes from the crowd with a singapore cane cracking it across Phoenix's back, then throws it before the bell rings. He bashes Phoenix with punches, nails a cradle piledriver on him, then easily rips him up hitting the Suicide Bomb and wins.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Suicide Hank!

Afterwards Hank is backing up the ramp and Xanthus charges down flying by him and slides in the ring with a chair. He waits for Phoenix to sit up, then wraps the hair around his head with a hard shot, kicks him and lays the chair over his chest and face. X goes to the top rope and flies off with the mopve we saw earlier, a swanton into a leg drop crushing the chair into Phoenix's face. The crowd loves it and cheers him on as X poses a little before leaving.

Singles Match
Joey Drakmen v. D-Von Dudley

Joey started off flying at D-Von overwhelming him with speed a little, but after ducking out of the corner missing a splash D-Von dropped him with a neckbreaker and just went to town with punches and crossfaces to the sid eof his head. Locked him in a camel clucth tearing at Joey's back, then got him up and after a suplex and backbreaker locked him in a bearhug squeezing the life out of him. He would soon enough put Joey away with Saving Grace and win the match.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.......D-Von Dudley!

Main Event
Six Man Tag Team Match
If Ravyn Pins Orton He Gets A World Title Shot
Ravyn Crow w/Midnight + Matt Ward + Scorpion v. Chris Orton w/Taylor Johnson + Nick Torres + MACK

At first everyone is in the ring, even the girls and Midnight acts all stuck up, so Taylor slaps her across the face, then tackles her through the ropes to the floor. The bell rings after that and Mack hits Da Shows Ova on Ravyn, but gets a big boot from Matt. Torres tackles him out of the ring and those two brawl while Orton tackles Scorpion out of tyhe ring as well. The women are brawling up the ramp now and Mack is coming to. Ravyn lifts his head, but is out of it. Mack gets up and slides over wrapping his legs around his head applying the Show Strangla on him. Scorpion sees and tries putting Orton down to get in the ring, but Ravyn being a bitch taps quick and he can be heard screaming like a girl that he can't handle the pain.

Sapporo: Here are your winners of the match.........MACK, Nick Torres, and Chris Orton!

After that we see Taylor powerbomb Midnight off the stage through table destroying her and Mack dives over the top rope at Matt knocking him down. Torres grabs Matt up and delivers an sto on the ramp, then helps up Mack. They head over clobbering Scorpion in the back, then Orton drops him with the CKO on the floor, the crowd cheering loud for all three as the show comes to an end.

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