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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 132 {5/31/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 21, 2014, 10:38:16 PM

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Taylor Andrews

May 31st, 2009

The last day of May and the last Extreme before Reckless Rebellion and we kick the night off with the usual pyro blasting off the stage. The sold out crowd is screaming loud and "A New Level" by Pantera roks the Lawlor Events Center in Reno Nevada.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to Extreme! Were just one week away from Reckless Rebellion, so we may see some crazy action leading into that big event, especially with the six man tag we got. Its Scorpion and Matt Ward this time with Suicide Hank taking on Chris Orton with D-Von Dudley and Nick Torres. We've been seeing Scorpion and Orton face off in tag matches for a few weeks now and they all ended chaotic, this one could be different being so close to the pay per view. The return of Xanthus and Corez, The Hardcore Connection as they have been calling themselves and they each have a singles match tonight, Xanthus in a hardcore bout against the man he decimated with a chair last week, Phoenix Winterborn. The young fighter Taylor Johnson takes on half the Drakmen brothers when she faces Joey and the other brother Josh gets an IC Title shot against Mack. Should be a good math there, least on Mack's part, should be a good night overall, so lets get on with it and watch some real hardcore action that only SEF brings to ya!

Hardcore Match
Phoenix Winterborn v. Xanthus

Xanthus came to the ring with a singapore cane and destroyed it on Phoenix leaving welts all over his body. Got a ladder and table in the ring, used a cheese grater to rip his head open, then wrapped barbed wire around Phoenix like a mummy in bandages. X finished him off with a new move in his repitore Swanton Suicide which is a swanton flip into a leg drop. He did the move off the ladder to Phoenix who was on the table and then pinned him to win.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Xanthus!

After the one side, dominant match X rolled Phoenix from the ring and kicked his ass up the ramp right outta SEF much to the crowds delight.

Singles Match
Justin Cage v. Corez

Started off with Corez taking Justin to a corner, lighting up with some chops before backing off due to a count. Corez controlled most of the match keeping Justin grounded a lot, used a basic side headlock, but worked on his legs too. Justin did have a moment where it seemed he may turn the match to his favor, but fell victim to a V-twist followed by a moonsault. Corez stalked him and nailed the Corez Effect to win the match.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match..........Corez!

Singles Match
Joey Drakmen v. Taylor Johnson w/Chris Orton

Joey was cocky at the start, but was put into his place real quick after getting a couplearm drags from taylor and then dropkicked down. He almost walked away from the ring, but Orton blokced his path and Taylor would fly over the ropes splashing Joey to the floor. From there she annihiliated him with some hard elbows and kicks, hit a hurricanrana off the top rope and then a went back up and hits a senton bomb. Taylor then delivered The Last Kiss to win the match and afterwards celebrated with Orton.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match........Taylor Johnson!

Singles Match
SEF Intercontinental Championship
Josh Drakmen v. MACK(c)

Mack starts off respectfully, but Josh refuses a handshake and tries slapping him. He misses and gets tackled to the mat and kept there for like ten minutes being schooled by Mack. After that Mack brings Josh up in a corner laying in Flair like chops on him, then whips him around the ring some hitting arm drags and dropkicks and a hurricanrana, pretty well dominates the match. Josh does reverse a suplex on Mack and then tries a leg drop, but misses that. Mack hits him with a low dropkick and goes up top hitting X, his flying elbow to Josh's heart. Josh pulls himself up and gets Da Shows Ova and Mack falls on him for the pin.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match..........MACK!

After the match Matt Ward comes running out and gets in the ring behind Mack, waits for him to almost turn and charges booting him in the head. The crowd hates Matt for this and he just pickcs up the IC Title raising it up, then lays it on Mack before leaving.

Main Event
Six Man Tag Team Match
Scorpion + Matt Ward + Suicide Hank v. Chris Orton w/Taylor Johnson + D-Von Dudley + Nick Torres

The match begins with Scorpion and D-Von locking up and then getting into a good back and forth sequence trying to one up the other. D-Von with his power and intensity rocks Scorpion for a bit and then he tags in Torres who really puts the hurting on Scorpion. Doesn't dominate as Scorpion fights back and gets in some moves, but Torres really takes it to him. Scorpion gets a low blow in though and gets over tagging in Matt Ward who barrels in and overwhelms Torres with a power assault. Matt seems on fire, but when going for a splash in the corner he leaps up and Torres ducks out. Matt hits the ringpost and Torres drops him with a neckbreaker, then goes to town with a headlock and moves into a rear chinlock from there. He ends up tagging Orton and they give Matt a double suplex, then Orton drops a knee to his head and applies a side headlock on him. Matt fights up eventually, but gets taken down with an arm drag, then a backbreaker. Orton gets matt in a camel clutch, tears away at him for a while, but Matt ends up getting up and faklling backwards on Orton. He rolls near his corner and Scorpion tags in rushing at Orton with kicks, lifts him up and hammers him with elbows, then whips him to his corner and rushes in with a knee, tags Hank and he comes in punching and headbutting Orton. Hank goes postal just beating the hell out of Orton, gets hit with some moves from Orton, but for the most part keeps him down and after a while Scorpion tags back in. He targets Orton's legs and ends up going for the Deathtrap, but gets wrapped up for a small package and a two count. Scorpion is livid and goes wild on orton with punches, an irish whip, but reversed and a double clothesline downs them both. A five count by the ref and Hank runs in as Orton raises up first and kicks him in the head. He's met by Torres and tackled to the floor. Scorpion pulls himself up and kicks Orton, then looks for the Deathtrap, but gets kicked backwards into his corner. Matt tags in and rushes Orton who ducks his big boot, then drops him with the CKO. Scorpion looks to charge him, but D-Vin flies in spearing him to the mat as Orton pins Matt and wins the match.

Sapporo: Here are your winners of the match.........Chris Orton, D-Von Dudley, and Nick Torres!

Torres and Hank are fight up the ramp now as "#1" by Nelly plays and Taylor comes in the ring raising Orton a nd D-Von's arms, the three stand tall as the crowd cheers and the show comes to an end.

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