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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 137 {7/12/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 22, 2014, 12:03:48 AM

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Taylor Andrews

July 12th, 2009

Still out on the west coast of California in the city of San Francisco and SEF is inside the Cow palace for Extreme with a sold out crowd ready to rock loud. The pyro shoots off the stage lighting up the place and sending them into a franzy, then "A New Level" by Pantera rocks out over the pa pumping them up as the cameras roam around the arena.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to Extreme! Nick Miller here as always like I love to be, running solo, the best commentating team in the business, heh. Anyways, enough gloating, lets get down to business! The King of SEF tournament is coming along nicely as it always does and we got our last two matches here tonight to determine who faces off in the final round at Golden Glory in two weeks! Corez and Nick Torres battle it out while D-Von Dudley and Jordan Brooks face off. We get to see a rematch of sorts when Scorpion and Mack fight in a triple threat, but a different third challenger as this week its the new kid Killa Wolf in there with the two veterans of SEF. Tag team action happening when Xanthus teams with Suicide Hank and they face World Champ Chris Orton and his girl Taylor Johnson. I'm sure its gonna be a good night as SEF always gives us, so lets get on with the show!

Singles Match
King of SEF 3rd Round
Corez v. Nick Torres

Corez attacked Torres as soon he stepped in the ring and was all over him with punches, backed him into a corner, but got pulled off. Torres stepped out and got hammered some more, whipped into another corner and Corez charged him, but Torres ducked down and lifted Corez up dropping him on the turnbuckles. Torres used some punches, threw his power around by throwing Corez around, then took him to the mat and executed a good mat game from there. He kept control of Corez for a while trying to wear his legs down to keep him down. Corez would come back and hit some high risk moves getting himself back into the match and showing he ain't easy to beat. Went for a superplex, but Torres blocked him and then hiptossed Corez off the top rope out to the floor and that really secured a win for Torres. Corez was brought back in by Torres who went for the kill just sticking on Corez like glue. He eventually put him away with the Gangstas Edge and pinned him to win.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match........Nick Torres!

Triple Threat Match
Scorpion v. Killa Wolf v. MACK

Scorpion came out first and grabbed a chair right away, the ref insisting he can't, but technically in a triple threat he can. Wolf made his way out and begged Scorpion to use it, the ref still trying to stop him kept the two men apart, then Mack made his way out. Wolf pushed the ref away and tackled Scorpion into a corner burying his shoulder to his ribs. Mack came in and walked over looking on and Wolf turned to come at him, but Mack nailed a hard chop to his chest and whipped him to the opposite corner. He hit some chops on Scorpion, then whipped him across at Wolf who came out spearing Scorpion to the mat, then went for the pin, but was kicked in the head by Mack. Wolf was pulled up and dropped with a suplex by Mack who then ran to the ropes and came back with a cartwheel into a moonsault on Wolf. He shot up and lifted Wolf to his feet, whipped him to the ropes and nailed a dropkick. Mack grabbed Scorpion pulling him and chopped him into a corner, lifted him to the rope and then ran up the turnbuckles quickly leaping high and delivered a hurricanrana to Scorpion. Mack rolled up on his feet and Wolf charged at him clotheslining him from the ring. He turned to Scorpion charging at him with a kick to the gut, then ripped him up for a russian leg sweep. Scorpion reached over raking his eyes, then pulled Wolf down with a ddt. He grabbed the chair that was laying in the corner, pushed the ref out of his way and cracked Wolf over the head, then dropped it and went for the pin, but Mack came flying off the top rope with X planting his elbow into Scorpion's back. He waited for him to get up and hit Da Shows Ova on Scorpion, then pinned him and won.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match......MACK!

Tag Team Match
Xanthus & Suicide Hank v. Chris Orton & Taylor Johnson

Hank and Orton started the match off with a lock up and Orton won it, controlled Hank for a while keeping him in the ropes and on the mat a lot. Hank rallied back though and was able to catch Orton with a low kick, then a ddt and made the tag to Xanthus. He came in with that quick, reckless offense dazzling Orton, moving circles around him. Taylor wanted the tag, but Orton didn't seem to want her in and stuck it out, fiought back against X and got him in a sleeper. X fought out hitting a back suplex, then went to the top rope and hit the Gangsta Splash, but only got two when Taylor rushed in kicking him in the head. She was forced back and X quickly got Orton to his corner and double teamed with Hank. They put the boots to Orton, then X got out and Hank went to work punching him out and kicking him all over. He went for a suplex, but Orton slipped out and then dropped Hank with a modified backbreaker. He crawled over and made the tag to Taylor who rushed in kicking Hank in the ribs, dropped down and slammed his head to the mat, started choking him, but let off when the ref got to four. Taylor ripped him up and looked for a ddt, but got shoved into a corner. Hank backed up and charged her, but got a kick to his face and Taylor flew off the turnbuckles with a clothesline taking him down. She went for the pin, but only got two, then pulled up Hank and looked for a kiss, then held a hand to his face and blew a kiss to Orton. Taylor then went for The Last Kiss, but Hank ducked the roundhouse kick. Taylor came around full cricle and got yanked up by Hank for the Suicide Bomb. She slipped down behind and dropkicked Hank forward into his corner. X tagged in and flew over Hank with a clothesline taking Taylor down. X rolled up and dropkicked Orton off the apron, then turned to Taylor who was getting up and hit a spinning wheel kick. X lifted her up and hit the Asshole Cutta, then pinned to pick up the win for his team.

Sapporo: Here are your winners of the match........Xanthus and Suicide Hank!

Main Event
Singles Match
King of SEF 3rd Round
Jordan Brooks v. D-Von Dudley

D-Von won the lock up that started this match and showed off some power early on, but Jordan did good defensively and would end up catching him with an elbow in the corner, then went to town with hard kicks to his gut. He hit a suplex on D-Von, then got him in a sleeper really wrenching it on and had him wearing down a lot, almost out twice, but D-Von kept fighting. Jordan got a body scissors on him, but D-Von would roll over and push himself up with Jordan still latched on, then back up into a corner and got free. D-Von buried his shoulder to Jordan's gut, then lifted him to the top rope and went for a superplex. Jordan blocked it and nailed some punches to his head, then ripped up D-Von and drove him down to the mat with a spinebuster and pinned, but only got two. Jordan got up and stomped alla round D-Von, then picked him up in a facelock, wrenched his arm around D-Von's neck, but got drove backwards to the ropes. D-Von hammered Jordan in the gut, but Jordan drove knees up into his ribs, then turned around ripping D-Von up some laying his legs on the top rope. Jordan looks around at the cheering crowd and then down at D-Von before snapping back with Protection dropping D-Von to his head. He stands up and drops a knee to his head, then falls on to his fists in a stalking position. D-Von uses the ropes to try and get up, gets halfway and Jordan gets up grabbing him and goes for BAD. D-Von raises a knee to his back, then tries for Saving Grace. Jordan twists around and hits a northern lights suplex getting a two count. He rolls away and gets up. D-Von gets up and charges over, but gets caught with a powerslam, then Jordan falls back to the ropes. D-Von slowly pulls himself up, Jordan charges at him for a clothesline, but misses and D-Von tries for a neckbreaker. Jordan twists around face to face and hits a european uppercut, then suddenly hits Bad and pins D-Von for the win.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match...........Jordan Brooks!

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