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Extreme 138 {7/19/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 22, 2014, 12:09:00 AM

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Taylor Andrews

July 19th, 2009

The last Extreme before Golden Glory and here we are in the sold out Idaho Center in Boise, the crowd is hot and ready for some action as the opening pyro blasts off from the stage. We then hear "A New Level" by Pantera rip through the pa and really pump these fans up.

Nick Miller: What's up everyone!? Nick Miller here as always and we got a good show for ya tonight just one week away from Golden Glory. Tonight we find out who faces Orton for the World Title next week when Scorpion, Nick Torres, and D-Von Dudley clash in a triple threat match. Orton will be in action as well when he faces Suicide Hank, the Internation Champ, this match is non title. The team of THC, Xanthus and Corez face the team of Mack and Jordan Brooks in what looks to be a match to steal tonights show. No doubt were gonna see a great show and starting things out is Killa Wolf battling Taylor Johnson.

Singles Match
Killa Wolf v. Taylor Johnson w/Chris Orton

Wolf acted cocky at first not taking Taylor seriously, but paid for that when she hit him with a flurry of punches, then sent him out of the ring. As he looked in stunned Taylor flew out at him taking Wolf down, then the two would fight up the aisle some and not paying attention got counted out.

Sapporo: This match has been ruled a draw due to both competitors being counted out!

After the announcement they both stopped fighting and looked to the ring, then Wolf whipped around with a kick to Taylor's stomach and ripped her up hitting a brainbuster on the ramp. Orton got behind him and as Wolf got up he got dropped with the CKO, then Orton helped Taylor to the back.

Tag Team Match
Xanthus & Corez v. Jordan Brooks & MACK

Mack started for his team and began mocking both opponents, taunting them to hurry up and get their ass kicked. Xanthus ended up facing off with Mack to start this great tag match. He was cocky and Mack schooled him with some takedowns and chops in a corner, looked a little cocky himself. X rallied back with punches and had Mack reeling after a hard spinning kick, but went to the air a couple times and missed once. Mack was quick to take back control and didn't let X live down his mistake. He made a tag to Jordan who came in looking to pummel X at first, then took him to the mat trying to wear him down. Corez yelled for him to tag out, but Jordan kept X away and after a few minutes tagged Mack back in. He wenty to the mat as well to wear down X, targeted his legs. He got up a couple times and almost made a tag, but Mack took him down and even dropped Corez to the floor. Jordan was tagged back in and he got X on the top rope, then nailed a superplex on him, but in ran Corez kicking him in the back before a pin made. Jordan yelled at him, then turned and got a V-twist from X and both men were down. X rolled to his corner reaching for a tag and Jordan picked himself up going for X. The tag was made and Corez flew in over the top rope with a clothesline to Jordan, then lifted him up and hammered him with punches into a corner. Corez pulled him out and hit a side effect, then ran over towards Mack who saw in time and just as Corez got there, Mack dropped down, but grabbed Corez pulling him down on the top rope. Corez snapped back holding his neck and turned, Jordan sprung up and hit BAD, then went for the pin. Xanthus came sliding in the ring kicked Jordan in his head, then Mack came in and charged at X clotheslining him over the top rope. The ref forced him back and X got a chair and came back in slamming it down across Jordan's back. Mack came back in at X, but Corez leapt in front him tripping Mack, then X slammed the chair across his back, the ref seeing this and calling for the bell.

Sapporo: Here are your winners of the match...........Jordan Brooks and Mack!

Jordan had rolled to the floor and X slammed the chair to Mack again, then dropped it and ripped him up delivering the Ghetto Busta on the chair. Corez pulled Mack up now and hit the Insanity Driver on him, then he and X raised their arms in the air to boos. Corez picked up the chair and told X to pick up Mack, but Jordan came back in holding his own chair, so THC spilled out and ran to the back.

Non Title Singles Match
Suicide Hank v. Chris Orton w/Taylor Johnson

Hank tries to jump Orton early, but misses and gets dropkicked into a corner. Orton gets up and hits him with a his modified backbreaker, then drops a knee to his head. He backs up to a corner and charges Hank looking for Darkness, but Hank moves out of the way and jumps up clubbing Orton across the back. He spins him him around, but gets a european uppercut and then droipped with the CKO and pinned.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.............Chris Orton!


We see Nick Torres standing next to Smokey McWeed ready for an interview.

Smokey McWeed: So Nick, tonight your in a match to earn a World Title shot. This year man, you've been stepping up a lot, so ya think this is truly your time?

Nick Torres: Yea, I do believe it is, I know it is, Nick Torres is the next World Heavyweight Ch-

He's cut off when a chain smacks him across the back sending Torres falling forward and Smokey backing away. Scorpion come sinto view holding the chain, then smacks it across his back again and drops down wrapping it around his neck choking Torres with it. He really rips at him, but we soon see a few guards show up and pull Scorpion off getting him away from Torres.

Main Event
Triple Threat Match
#1 Contender To SEF World Heavyweight Title
Scorpion v. Nick Torres v. D-Von Dudley

Despite being jumped seconds ago Torres comes out in a rush and right for Scorpion chasing him out of the ring and around it. D-Von makes his way out now and Scorpion gets back in the ring and drops an elbow to Torres as he gets in. Scorpion hits a baseball slide dorpkick sending Torres to the floor, then jumps up and charges over at D-Von who's getting in and slams a knee to his head, then pulls him up and hits a ddt. He went for a pin, but only got two, then put him in a sleeper and really wrenched it on. Scorpion kept on D-Von even after he fought out of the sleeper. D-Von tried for a belly to belly, but got his eyes raked and Scorpion spun out hitting a russian leg sweep. Torres came back in the ring finally and ripped up Scorpion hitting a spinebuster on him, then pulled up D-Von and tried for The Westside. D-Von slipped out and almost got Torres with Saving Grace, but he spun around slamming D-Von down on his back. Scorpion drops an elbow to Torres back, then rips him up running his shoulder to a corner sending him into the ringpost, then rolls him up and gets a foot on the ropes. Torres still kicked out and Scorpion just began punching him like crazy. D-Von got up and kicked Scorpion in the back, then went for Saving Grace on him. Scorpion flipped backwards over D-Von and as he came down pulled D-Von down backwards driving his knees into his back. Scorpion saw Torres getting up on the ropes facing away from him and quickly went for the setup to SIN, but Torres ducked the superkick and brought a knee into Scorpion's face. He bent him down and ripped him up turning around and delivered the Gangstas Edge to him. D-Von bolted up at Torres with a spear knocking him through the ropes, then he turned and pulled Scorpion up hitting Saving Grace and pinned him to win a World Title shot.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match...........D-Von Dudley!

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