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This Time Boys & Girls, I'm Going All The Way!

Started by founder, October 20, 2011, 08:35:11 PM

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The scene opens up to a view of an old empty gym where there are some what appears to be boxing equipment and a ring is set up. In the middle of the ring, there is a man that is sitting on a steel chair. This man is none other than JG Brooks.  He is spotted wearing a dark gray version of his BAD shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of white Nike Airmaxs. He just looks severely pissed off by the wringing of his hands and soon lets out a loud roar like scream from his lungs then looks into the camera.

Midnight, you seem to be under the illusion that your little protest is making you look big and gets some point across. I’m here to tell you that you are wrong. All it’s doing is making you look so fucking ridiculous and hurting your cause. If you truly want the SEF title, like you have been preaching about since coming back, then stay and fight. It’s that simple. You don’t walk out and get things handed to you. You are pathetic, worthless, useless bitch that will get taken out. Either by my hand tonight or by Tina at Halloween HaVoc. It’s going to happen. As far as your knowledge of SEF, you couldn’t be more wrong. Yes, Whitney has busted her ass for this company to make sure that it succeeded. But she didn’t do it alone. She had greats like Michael McMoney, Rapid, Johnny X, Julie, Cassie Michaels, The Showsteala Shane Mack, and my mentor and with pride I say this, my great friend, The British Bastard, Viper to help her along the way to get SEF where it is today. Every since you have been in and out of SEF, you have done NOTHING. Nothing. No impact….nothing to make you stand out other than one of the countless bullshit flings that Mack has had. Nick and The Resurrector would agree with me that in this fight, you are the odd person out. After the shit you have done, you deserve this ass beating that’s coming your way. All you have done since becoming a SEF Superstar is cause problems and bring drama. Your bunch of emo bitches cost me the International title. You know what that feels like? For someone to take your chances to hold gold and crush them? I bet you don’t and that’s why I am going to crush and demolish your dreams of EVER holding the SEF World Heavyweight title. In order to get that title and to hold it, you have it in your heart first of all. And you don’t have it. I do. I’ve had it in me for some time now. I’ve dropped the ball and to me, it all stems from you. Every since I tried to help you out once before, I’ve had bad luck. So, I am going to make sure that you are ripe for the picking for when you face off against Tina when she ceremonially tosses you out on your ass forever. You will not get your dirty, greasy, diseased infested hands on what is going to be mine. Midnight, your time is coming to a close and mine is just starting.

JG starts to calm down a little and takes a breather, clearing his head once more before speaking.

Let me start with you, Midnight. You come up to me and want my help to take out one of our opponents. I would have helped you but you see, I keep on thinking about the last time you wanted my help. Like I’ve said before, it was to take out Mack but that was then and this now. This time, I am going to get a  title and if it means me plowing right through your ass, so be it. You and your niece have a rude awakening come Thursday night. Everyone here in SEF can tell you that I am the one that should have been World champion. I am not going to let you or anyone in this match cost me what I am going after. I want the International title and further more to be back upon my path of getting the SEF World Heavyweight Championship around this waist of mine.

JG takes the bottle of water again and sips on it. This time, he keeps a hold of it.

The man that they call The Resurrector I face as well. I don’t give a damn what you want others to call you but for me, I’m gonna simply refer to you as Storms. You and I have battled over a title once before. Remember? International title. The same goddamned one that I was cost last week. But this time, I will not let anything cost me a chance to go on and face Nick for the title. I’ve got to. Every since last year, evey person has asked me why I dropped the ball and such. I just want all those fucking questions to go away and for that to happen, you and the rest of the people that I face in this match must fall to BAD or submit to that nifty move that I used to get Matt Ward to tap out to I would like coin Brooklyn Screamer because that’s what my opponents and you will be doing when I lock it in, screaming in such pain like you would be in my hometown of Brooklyn. I don’t give a damn what you have to say because you’re gonna try to debunk me and that’s fine. I will let my actions in the ring do all the talking that I need for it say. I know from a punk to a vet, it sounds like I have no respect for you. But that’s not true. I respect you and the rest that came before me to get guys like me to the top. I thank you, man. From me, it’s nothing but that until we step into the ring. And that’s when things get a little bit more complicated. You are going to experience that and a whole lot more.

JG’s nose twitches a little and he just keeps breathing.

Nick, you and I have faced off before…..countless times. You won some and I have won some. But this time, I am going to win and face you for that title that you carry. I am the one that is going be the next SEF World Heavyweight Champion after beating your ass tonight. After tonight, your time as champ is ticking down, Nick. I am going to relish the moment when after landing The Message when I pin your ass to the mat and fight you for that title. Then the moment I am going to enjoy thoroughly is the moment when your Spic bitch watches as her old man gets hit with BAD and I become the World champ. Then, I’ll celebrate with her to show her how a real champ gets the job done. But you see……..

A red headed woman comes into view after walking up behind JG. This woman is JG’s radiant red-headed girlfriend, Sammy, wearing a tight black turtle-necked keyholded long-sleeved shirt that shows a lot cleavage (and looks if one slip, a nip-slip) with a pair of tight stonewashed Daisy Dukes that has a chained belt and a pair of knee high-high heeled boots. She walks around JG and sits down on his lap and looks at the camera.

He’s got a real woman right here. Not some attention seeking whore like your self, Stacy. You and Nick both say that you’re keeping that title. I say bullshit. Stacy, one way or another, that Internet title is coming back to it’s rightful owner. And that’s me.

JG smirks raises his hand up to her chin and turns her head to his as his expression changes from rage to adoration.

I think Nick is totally delusional that what he has is truly what is gorgeous. He’s more fucked in the head that I realized because what I’ve got before me is what that word means in any sense. And you are right. The Internet title is going to be yours.

JG and Sammy both look into the camera as JG crack a grin.

Because SEF, get ready for this couple to make things very interesting around here. With my girl getting her title back and me getting the chance to go on to fight Nick and finalizing my fate as the SEF World Heavyweight Champion that I talked about last year. Nick, I’m winning this match tonight and you are looking dead into the eyes of the most hungriest bastard in SEF and the world. I want what is around your waist and no, it’s not that slut your with. That title is mine just like this match is mine to win. I’m going to be in the record books as another one of those that has the talent to be a SEF Grand Slam Champion.

Sammy looks down to JG and smirks as JG looks up to her with a slight girn on his face.

You’re right about that, baby. Come on, I wanna help you release some of that tension you’ve got.

Sammy winks as JG smiles and she gets up off his lap and pulls at his left hand. As JG gets up, he sighs and smiles once again.

Gotta take care of some “business” with my lady then it’s all business later on slut and fellas. Later on!

JG turns and throws his arm around Sammy’s sexy waist, pulling her to him. He then helps Sammy out of the ring and they walk over to the door and the scene instead of fades to black, the scene whites out with the opening of the door.

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