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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 157 {1/20/10}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 10:59:40 AM

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January 20th, 2010

Alright, so Extreme is back on air as its Wednesday night and SEF is inside the sold out Mid South Coliseum in the hotbed of wrestling, Memphis Tennessee! Inside the place lights up with pyro shooting off over the ring, then A NEW LEVEL blasts over the pa pumping up the fans. Cameras float around like crazy as Nick Miller starts the show!

Welcome to Extreme everyone and welcome to the beginning of the return of the Tag Team division!

Greg Boone chimes in now.

Hell yea, looking like a good lineup of tag matches for tonight and our worthless World Champ returns, hopefully to get his ass kicked!

Nick responds.

Worthless? Chris Orton got assaulted and had to take a couple weeks off due to it and had it been longer the title would be vacant. He's bound to be ready to get back in the ring and find out who did this.

Greg says.

Who cares? Orton is old news! I look forward to seeing more of these new guys we got recently.

Nick says.

Chris Orton still has it I think, but I do enjoy seeing new talent come in here as well, great to see SEF keep rolling. We got Emmett Murdock who debuted last week beating Sandman, now those two team up against Bobby James and Diamond Dogg.

Greg responds.

A good team there, Emmett I like, but Sandman still sucks and could hurt his team since Emmett has to carry their whole team!

Nick says.

I doubt that, Sandman knows what's up. Both teams in then main event seem to know what's up as their in a tag title tournament match as well. Jay and Mesa going against Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom, gonna be fast and some high risk for sure.

Greg responds.

Yea, they may fly, but their all too prettified, too much flash and not enough talent!

Nick shakes his head and says.

Their all good, hell, Nikky is International Champ. We got another tag title tournament match though, newcomers Shadow Drag and Azreal take on other newcomers Angel and Zacky Shadows. Mack is in action in a fatal four way possibly looking to clean up SEF again.

Greg responds.

That's fine, let him do that and stay out of any big picture, he doesn't deserve nor as he ever!

Nick says.

Mack deserves a lot, more than most realize he deserves. Anyways, we got a sho...no, were going to back apparently for some reason.

And so we see the camera roam down the hall now, but stops where Johnny Camaro is seen leaning against the hallway talking to Mary Jane as she is giggling a bit while he tries to smooth talk her. He continues to speak

Hey baby why don't we forget the rest of the show and me and you go for a ride? Huh how's that sound? Take a drive with a real man for a change unlike these clowns here in SEF.

Mary Jane just looks confused and asks.

Well aren't you the guy who lost last week to Bobby James?

Camaro stops the smooth talk

Boston's Best? He didn't pin me. He pinned that loser Spiderman. Not me. He got what he deserved last week.

She carries on asking a question.

Well you attacked him from behind right? And then he made an open challenge and have been ducking him all week? Then you say you won't fight him. Why is that if you think your better than everyone else here in The SEF if you can't even stand up when you attack someone?

But before he can answer a figure comes into the cameras view with a steel folding chair smashing it into the back of Camaro's head. It is Bobby James with a smug look on his face. Camaro stumbles into the wall while James grabs him by the head and smashes it into the wall. Mary Jane screams for a moment before running off to grab security but not before " Boston's Best " gets one more shot in as he kicks Johnny hard in the gut and drops a hard DDT right onto the concrete hallway. Soon security is grabbing a smirking Bobby James as he looks right into the camera and states.

Camaro you got what you deserve. Ha ha. Tonight I have bigger things to do.

He tries to say more but is escorted off camera by some security guards. A couple guards check on Johnny who groans in pain as we now go back to ringside where Nick Miller says.

Bobby James with some payback after last week on Johnny Camaro, looks like a feud in the making here,

Greg responds.

Bobby is gonna own Johnny worse than he just did!

Nick says.

Well, that was an assault with a chair from behind, not much owning going on. But hey. Lets get on with this show cause we got some good matches and our first one is gonna start right now!

And so we now hear OBSCURE hit the pa and out walks Azreal while Shadow Dragon skips out from behind and pats his friend on the back as the fans not knowing much about these guys doesn't get into them really, but that's why their here and now Nick introduces them.

The following is a tag team match scheduled for one fall and is a part if the Tag Team Title Tournament! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 563 pounds, they are the Mercy Killers.........Azreal and Shadow Dragon!

They head on down the aisle and Dragon gets to the ring rolling in first and jumps up on the turnbuckles as Azreal climbs in the ring and looks around the arena. Dragon hops down now and VAMPIRE HEART is heard. The crowd boos as Angel walks out and she looks all seductive walking down the aisle while Nick introduces her.

And their opponents, first, from Chino California, weighing in at 235 pounds.............Angel!

She stops at ringside when the music switches to BAT COUNTRY and out walks Zacky to the same reaction as Nick now introduces him.

And her partner, from Huntington Beach California, weighing in at 165 pounds.............Zacky Shadows!

Zacky heads on down the aisle trying to act badass, but fails because its an act and not himself, but anyways. He gets next to Angel and the two slide in the ring and stand up. The ref keeps the two teams apart and Zacky starts for his team, so Azreal says he wants to start and it happens, the bell rings and boom, Azreal charges over with a big boot knocking Zacky backwards into a corner and he slumps to the mat. Azreal then charges into the corner slamming a knee to Zacky's head. Angel reaches in slapping Azreal in the face, then rakes his eyes and grabs his head dropping down and slingshots him on the top rope. Zacky gets up and hops on the second turnbuckle, then leaps off with a dropkick knocking Azreal down. He scrambles for a pin, 1.........................2.......Azreal shoves him off and rolls to his corner for the tag. Dragon makes it and leaps to the top rope, then flies off catching Zacky with a Hurricanrana. They both get up and Zacky takes a flurry of punches, then gets whipped to the ropes. He bounces back and Dragon meets him with a running leg lariat. He gets up pulling Zacky up and nails a fisherman's suplex keeping the bridge for the pin, 1.......................2............kickout! Zacky rolls to his corner and makes the tag, so in comes Angel running at Dragon quickly and punts him in the ribs, then starts stomping him. She pulls Dragon up and moves in for Vampire Bite...ok, but it fails cause Dragon knees her in the ribs, bends her down and crosses her arms, then rips her up and drops Angel with The Shadow Out Of Time. He gets up and the crowd is into the match, not a lot though. Dragon sees Zacky getting up and tags Azreal, then runs over diving at Zacky taking both men out to the floor. Azreal come sin the ring and rips up Angel giving her the Fallen Angel Driver and pins her, 1............................2...........................3! The crowd gives a cheer for this one to end as OBSCURE hit's the pa and Nick Miller announces the winners.

Here are your winners of the match, they are the Mercy Killers..........Azreal and Shadow Dragon!

Dragon rolls in the ring as Azreal stand up and the two slap hands and raise up their arms in victory while the crowd seems ok with them. Nick makes some comments now.

Good win for these two guys, looked pretty good out there.

Greg responds.

Yea they did, but Angel and Zacky, please, like they represent SEF or any company they may float to?

Nick says.

No doubt those two may not try like most and so they don't have a high status, anyone can do something, just depends on passion.

Greg responds.

And they clearly have no passion where as Shadow Dragon and Azreal, they seem to have more, but still have to prove themselves instead of just being in the right place at the right time!

Nick nods in agreement and says.

True, that is true, they need to step it up against bigger stars, but we'll have to wait for that cause they had a match and its now time for another!

BETTER THAN YOU hit's the pa now and the crowd starts booing as Dante walks out arrogantly and Nick introduces him.

The following is a fatal four way scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Minneapolis Minnesota, weighing in at 237 pounds...........Dante Davlin!

He heads down the aisle sneering at the fans who jeer him. Dante gets to the ring and gets in via the steps, steps around arrogantly showing himself off. We then hear KISS MY EYES AND LAY ME TO SLEEP play and out comes Spiderman waving his hands around like he is gonna shoot web as the crowd just boos a little and Nick introduces him.

And one of his opponents, from New York City, weighing in at 230 pounds.............Spiderman!

And he now slides in the ring, pops up in a superhero pose, then eyes Dante who eyes him back. They both acknowledge it when FLIRT hit's the pa and out walks Eden acting snobbish to the booing crowd. Nick introduces her now.

And their opponent, from East Hampton New York, weighing in at 122 pounds.........Eden St Claire!

She gets down the aisle and steps into the ring just staring at her opponents like she is looking at piles of puke, what a bitch! But finally these people get to let loose because SLAVE TO THE GRIND pumps put of the pa and they go fucking nuts for the man who gives so damn much he wasted many years not living for himself. And out he walks with a swagger, then gets riled up hearing the cheers and pumps his fist in the air, high fives some fans and has some fun being himself. Nick now introduces him or at least tries to over the noise.

And the final opponent in the match, from the motor fucking city, Detroit Michigan, he weighs in at 269 pounds and is the Ultimate fucking Rebel............MACK!

He stomps down the aisle slapping fans hands along the way, then slides into the ring and jumps up shooting his fists into the air. He brings them down and flips off Dante, then motions him to bring it on. Dante steps that way and Mack seeing Spiderman come at him pops back with Da Shows Ova flooring him to the mat. Eden comes at his side and Mack backhands her across the jaw and she goes down. Dante charges jumping for a knee attack, but Mack bolts forward, a spear, no, he rips Dante around and slams him down with SMOKED then hooks his leg for the pin, 1....................................2...............................Eden kicks Mack in the head breaking the count and the crowd boos loud. Eden kicks Mack again, then pulls him up and hammers a few elbows backing him to a corner. Mack shoves her away and charges out with a hard clothesline knocking Eden full circle to the mat. Mack rips her back up and then rips her up gut wrench style and twists, jumps and nails Sinned right in the middle of the ring, then folds her legs up to her head in provocative pin, 1.........................2................Dante lunges over with an elbow to Mack's head breaking the count and the crowd boos again and Nick now says.

Damn, twice now Mack may have won, but in a fatal four way its even harder to secure a win.

Greg responds.

Mack sucks!

Nick just shakes his head as Mack gets up with Dante and they trade punches, Mack outdoes him due to having more wind and rocks Dante into a corner, then lifts him to the top rope. Mack gets kicked backwards though and Dante quickly leaps off the middle rope with a clothesline taking Mack down. Spiderman is coming to and Eden rolls near the ropes now. Dante pulls himself up slowly as Mack does the same. Dante kicks Mack in the chest, then yanks up into a facelock really wrenching on his neck. He drags Mack near the ropes and keeps the hold on while getting out through ropes to the apron and drags Mack through a little. Dante wrenches his neck and appears to be going for The Guillotine out of the ring to the floor. He tries snapping down, but Mack is too strong as he holds on to the ropes and then swings both arms around clubbing Dante in the back. Mack now lifts him up and shove shim out as he pulls into the ring and down goes Dante to the floor. Spiderman rushes Mack from behind with a club to the back, looks for an irish whip, but gets reversed. He springs off the ropes and Mack charges hitting SMOKED on him and he springs to his feet seeing Eden get up. She fully stands and bam, Da Shows Ova puts her back down, then Mack drops on Spiderman in a laxxed cover, 1..............................2...............................3! The crowd cheers loud, pops insanely loud as Nick announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match......................MACK!

SLAVE TO THE GRIND plays as Mack is standing with his arms in the air, fists pumped high, but Dante dashes in behind him and leaps up driving his knees into Mack's back. Mack goes forward to the ropes hanging on them, then Dante runs up dropping and elbow to Mack's back and rolls from the ring, grabs a steel chair and rolls back in. he stands up and quickly slams it down across his arm and Mack rolls and gets smacked over the back. He tries to get up and Dante slams the chair to his back again, then kicks Mack in the head. Mack kneels up and gets slammed over the head with chair and finally falls to his back, the crowd livid with this cheap attack and Dante just grinning now. He drops the chair and rolls Mack out on the apron, pulls him up through the top and middle rope facing up and in a facelock, then drops him with The Guillotine on the chair. Dante sits up grinning, soaking up the boos and now rolls from the ring satisfied and heads up the aisle as Nick Miller says.

Mack explosive from start to finish laying waste to all three individuals, but Dante gets the jump on him from behind after the match and still made a statement despite losing.

Greg responds cheerfully.

About damn time too, we need more people to step up to Mack and take him out, put him out of SEF!

Nick responds.

Why? What the hell did Mack do?

Greg doesn't answer, maybe he can't, maybe no one can, and really, can they? Who knows?! But Mack isn't down for good as he stirs in the ring, rolls out on the apron and sits up to cheers from the crowd, an ovation for continuing to be a real voice for them all, to be a true rebel against the fucking corporate, greed, standardized society we live in and have to deal with. He hops to his feet and then we hear POLITICS hit the pa and here comes the owner Richard E Dangerously down the aisle with a mic with that devious grin and walk of an arrogant prick. The crowd boos and Mack looks on wondering what he is doing, squats down by the guard rail by his fans and watches on. Ric gets to the ring and looks over at Mack who just smiles and puts his arms up on the top of the rail, the fans engulf him just to touch him. Ric shakes his head and walks over getting a mic, then climbs into the ring and lifts the mic up to speak.

I have something to say to you Mack, but first I have an announcement for everyone to hear, so listen up! February 7th is going to be our next pay per view and it will be titled Crossing The Line and it is a fucking knock on that cheap whore tee en ay that can't even find the line!

A mix of boos and cheers, perhaps more cheers, hmmm, odd, but he just keeps talking showing now care.

At that pay per view we will have the ol' historic SEF Rumble, thirty men and women in, only one makes it to Wrestle X to face the World Champ, so everyone except two men from the roster will be in the rumble and a few surprise will enter also. Now, speaking of World Title shots, Mack.....

He looks out of the ring at Mack who stands up now and spreads his arms out, then falls back on the rail leaning against it. Ric just sneers and says.

You have a shot at Chris Orton, somehow you got one by beating some new kid in SEF, wow, what a credential. You don't deserve that shot Mack!

The crowd boos loud and Mack just flips off Ric and motions to hear the people who begin chanting.


Once they stop, Ric is shrugging a little mad, but says calmly.

You still don't deserve it, but you will get it at Crossing The Line in a hardcore match and also....

The crowd pops for the sound of a hardcore match, then Ric says.

However, on the Extreme before this pay per view, so two weeks from tonight, you Mack, your gonna run a gauntlet against a few wrestlers of my choosing and that's all I 'm telling you. I will choose who you face that night as you stand in the ring waiting to be destroyed!

The crowd lets it rip again on Ric as Mack shrugs because he can't do anything, but fight and he will. Ric now says.

Your excused now, so hit the bricks Mack, get to the back, leave my arena...NOW!

Mack flips him off again as the crowd boos Ric. Mack now hops the rail and the fan there gives up his seat letting Mack plop down and make himself comfortable. Ric just shakes his head and says.

Well fuck you then, I got more to say and it concerns the annual awards for SEF, they are coming back and will be used annually, again, starting back up this year. We'll honor last years best as well the past two years we missed by not hosting the awards show. It will take place on Extreme and on our eight year anniversary on a special day for Extreme, a Tuesday, that we can hold the show on SEF's true anniversary, February the 16th!

The crowd cheers for that, they love SEF! Ric speaks again.

Also on that show is when we will name new Tag Team Champions because this tournament will end there. That is not the only new champion we will crown as also that night, our main event will be an X-Cage and up for grabs will be the Intercontinental Title!

The crowd cheers again, but again, for what was announced, not for Ric. He just lowers the mic now and stares down with Mack who is now drinking a beer. POLITICS plays now and Ric exit's the ring handing the mic back and heads to the back. Nick Miller comments now.

Wow, nice announcement by Ric, well, except the gauntlet match, just an attempt to screw with Mack!

Greg responds.

I loved that announcement, fuck Mack!

Nick says.

Whatever you say, but no time to argue, we got more of a show to go and another tag team title tournament match is coming up!

Mack is up outta the seat by now signing some autographs on his way to the back. As Nick announces the next match.

Now it's time for another Tag Team Title Tournament match and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at 263 lbs. He is Boston's Best Booooooooobby James!

UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE hits as Boston's Best Bobby James comes from behind the curtain in his wrestling gear. He has a microphone in hand and is barely doing anything. He goes up the steps and into the ring before raising the mic to his mouth to speak.

Johnny Camaro, why is it that I have to continually ask you to fight me. You've talked about how crappy I am, but you won't give me an opportunity to prove that I am the greatest wrestler to ever step foot in the SEF ring? Right now I'm challenging you bitch-ass to a match. But not any match. I've looked into your own creation, The Curbstomp Match. I know that you have to pin your opponent for a count of 5 before climbing the stage to grab a title or briefcase. I know it's anything goes, so this is my last challenge. Fight me in a Curbstomp Match.

We hear IN LEAGUE hit the pa and jogs Diamond Dogg, he runs in place warming himself up, then pumps his fist in the air, the crowd into him a little with a few cheers as Nick Miller makes the introduction.

And his partner, from Sarasota Florida, weighing in at 260 pounds.........Diamond Dogg!

He runs down the aisle slapping fans hands, then dives into the ring, rolls and springs up to his feet leaping on the turnbuckles nearest him and pumps his fists in the air getting a few more cheers. The crowd really cheers when ENTER SANDMAN hit's the pa and the crowd begins singing along as The Sandman comes from the crowd drinking his beer and wielding his cane like only he can and Nick introduces him.

And the opponents, first, from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds............The Sandman!

He gets to the guard rail now, appropriately he is by a hot chick in a tank top and cracks a beer. Sandman looks at her and she smiles, then he yanks her head back by the hair, pours the beer down her chest and slurps it up to a huge cheers. He lets her go and the chick smiles as Sandman finishes the beer and tosses the can in the ring at Bobby James who dodges it with little effort. Sandman slams his cane to the ropes, then rolls in the ring and stands up opening another beer and slams that down. He crushes the can to his head and tosses it at Nick who moves and gets sprayed by beer from Sandman's mouth. Nick just shakes his head gets ready to announce his partner as some gray and goldenrod lights flash as THE EXTREMIST plays over the pa and Emmett is seen with his back turned to everyone who boos him. After a few seconds he turns pumping his arms in the air and then begins to calmly walk down the aisle while Nick introduces him.

And his tag team partner, making his way to the ring, from St Gabriel Louisiana, weighing in at 230 pounds.........Emmett Murdock!

He heads up the steps still calm and gets in the ring stretching on the ropes waiting to begin the match. Ding Ding Ding! Goes the bell as this one has started. Bobby James jumps out to the apron letting Diamond Dogg start the match. Emmett throws Sandman out of the ring making him start the match. The two circle each other until they finally lock up. Murdock wins the first bout by backing Dogg into a corner, the ref, backs them off. Once again they circle for a few seconds before locking up again, this time Dogg backs Murdock in the corner as again the ref backs them off. Dogg throws his hands to the side as he says something along the lines of "Don't get cocky around me." Murdock then reaches over the ref and slaps Diamond Dogg in the face. As a natural reaction, Dogg charges at Murdock but misses as Emmett moved, sending his arm into the turnbuckle. Emmett tries for a roll-up but Sandman tags himself in. Murdock gets off and gets up in Sandman's face while he's still on the apron. Dogg takes this time to tag in Bobby James. Bobby tags in, gets through the ropes and starts charging at Murdock thinking he's still the legal man. He hit him with a Running Body Splash sending Murdock into Sandman and the ref in between them to unconscious land. James runs to the outside where he grabs Sandman's Kendo Stick and cracks it on Murdock's head. Diamond grabs the stick from him and throws it down the ramp. James is yelling at Dogg while Sandman sneaks up behind him and grabs him in a full nelson position letting Murdock give him free shots with the ring bell. Murdock gets ready to hit James when he ducks and cracks Sandman. Wait, wait a ref's running down the ramp! James tries to tag to Dogg who gets off of the apron with a smile as if saying "That's what you get when you bullshit with me." The ref is distracted with Sandman and while that's happening Murdock tries to finish what he started, but is stopped when James dodges and grabs it from him. A camera shows Dogg walking to the back. James whacks Murdock in the head with the ring bell!!!! My God!!! Wait Camaro is running down the aisle with a chair!! He runs into the ring and cracks Bobby with it then hits the Speed Drop!! He drags Murdock on top of him then leaves as he redirects the ref, 1.............2..............3! Nick announces the winners now.

And The Winners By Pin Fall...SANDMAN AND EMMETT MURDOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sandman gets in the ring and lifts up Murdocks hand. Noooo! He just hit Murdock with the White Russian Leg Sweep. Johnny Camaro looks in at an out of it Bobby James and shouts.

Bobby James! Looks Like You Got Your Answer!

Johnny heads to the back while Sandman raises up his cane celebrating the victory and cracks a few beers, the crowd cheering him on and Nick comments now.

Crazy match with a crazy ending, this rivalry with Camaro and James is heating up, then so is Murdock and Sandman, lot of shit boiling over!

Greg responds.

Murdock will get his revenge on Sandman and for carrying their team and it took Johnny long enough to try and save face, but once in the ring Bobby will own him!

Nick just mulls that one over, a chuckle comes from him, but we get set to go into another match. I AM hit's the pa and boos emanate from the crowd as Ravenna walks out heading straight for the ring with an evil smirk on her face and Nick introduces her.

The following is a triple threat match and is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Little Rock Arkansas, weighing in at 150 pounds............Ravenna Crow!

We now hear COLORS and out swaggers Gabriel with a sneer and Nick introduces him.

And her first opponent, from Huntington beach California, weighing in at 235 pounds..............Gabriel!

He brushes by the fans and slides into the ring, stands up and raises a fist in the air, then backs into a corner as YOU'RE GOING DOWN hits the pa system, Chris Orton comes out from the curtain hearing the crowd pop. He makes his way down the ramp stares down his challengers, and he stops at the end moving his neck left and right as Nick Miller announces his entrance.

Now making his way to the ring from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion......Chris Orton!

He walks up the steel stairs enters the ring stares at the challengers again, makes his way to the corner of the ring, climbs the second turnbuckle, just stares at the fans with an arrogant smile and comes down moving his arms like a circle. He jumps few times to loosen his legs to get ready for his match. Orton drops his title to ringside where its held and the bell rings as all three participants stare at each other. Gabriel is burning a hole in Orton who keeps an eye on both opponents. Gabriel steps towards him and Ravenna suddenly rushes Orton for a spear, but he sidesteps letting her go into the corner. Gabriel quickly capitalizes rushing up and clubbing away on Orton's back, then sends him to the ropes and catches him with a spinning kick coming off the ropes. Gabriel picks up Chris and sees Ravenna in the corner ready, so he whips Chris to her and Ravenna charges out hitting a spear on him taking Chris down. She lays in some punches, then gets up as Gabriel climbs to the top rope and flies off with an elbow drop to Chris' chest. He rolls away and gets on the top turnbuckle and drops off with Sorrow's Revenge to Chris and stays on for the pin, 1...................2..Gabriel kicks her off, then rips up Ravenna and delivers a side Russian leg sweep to her. He gets up and lifts up Chris trying for a Powerbomb. Chris keeps himself down and tries for a backdrop, but Gabriel clubs him across the back, then tries for a Piledriver. Ravenna comes up behind him and kicks Gabriel low, then pulls him backwards by his hair and nails a reverse ddt. Ravenna gets up, but gets hit with the CKO by Chris who then pins her, 1......................2.....................3! Gabriel rolls from the ring as the crowd cheers and Nick announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match.............Chris Orton!

YOU'RE GOING DOWN hit's the pa as Chris stands up and heads up the turnbuckles posing for the fans. Gabriel slides back in the ring after catching his wind and runs up behind Orton slamming him in the back with a forearm, then rips him off the ropes with a slam, Powerbomb, spine buster move, whatever it is it probably hurts. Gabriel stomps on his chest and the crowd is booing heavy now. Gabriel grins and grabs the World Title lifting it above his head, stands over Orton and drops it on top of him, then drops down and rolls from the ring heading to the back. The crowd continues booing as Chris is helped out and Ravenna has been helped away, now we hear from Nick Miller.

Chris got a win for his return, but got another person targeting his title, what a welcome back!

Greg responds.

He gets what he deserves, so hopefully someone will get that title off him, maybe Gabriel?!

Nick shrugs and shakes his head as the view cuts to the back where Mack is seen standing arms across his chest, bandana worn and blue jeans with a black ol' school HBK shirt. He just stares into the camera and says straight up.

Midnight, ya been stepping up, making an impact in SEF, having yer cronies beat me down and string me up and fucking hang me, but now its time to put up for real and truly step up by making the challenge, laying it down to really make an impact and beat me, so when's it gonna be baby, where, how, who, how many, whatever else, I don't care, but ya best step up soon baby or you'll end up like pests eventually do...squashed!

He stops and says nothing and finally the view just goes back to ringside where Nick comments.

Mack with a few words for Midnight, wonder if she will make that next step?

Greg responds.

If she does I hope she ends Mack!

The show is coming to its head with the main event next and SAVE ME hit's the pa and the crowd cheers some as Johnny and Nikky run out high fiving each other, then some fans as Nick announces them.

The following is the main event and it is a Tag Team Title Tournament match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 487 pounds, they are The Infection...........Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom!

They head down the aisle and into the ring posing on the turnbuckles as the fans continue to cheer. They keep cheering as NO HOPE = NO FEAR jams over the pa and out come Jay and Mesa while Nick announces them.

And their opponents, at a combined weight of 445 pounds, they are the West Coast Connection.........L..A..Jay and Mesa!

They both high five fans as well and get to the ring sliding in, Jay hops up on the turnbuckles doing his RVD pose while Mesa removes his headgear and lays it outside, then looks ready to fight. Jay hops out on the apron letting Mesa begin while Camaro starts for his team. The bell sounds and the two men lock up now. Some circling and then slowly into a corner and Camaro gets the one up shoving Mesa into the turnbuckles, then backs up. Mesa steps out motions for another, so Camaro raises his arms and gets a kick to the ribs. Mesa nails a few punches, then whips him into the corner and charges. Camaro ducks out of the way and turns as Mesa turns and hammers him with elbows. He whips Mesa across the ring and looks to follow up for a clothesline. Mesa ducks and drops Camaro with a neck breaker. He rolls to his corner making the tag and in jumps Jay who rolls into a somersault towards Camaro and leaps up hitting a senton splash on him. Jay gets to his feet leaping up to the middle rope and spins off with a leg drop. Jay gets up quick and lifts Johnny up for a suplex, but is blocked and Johnny tries for his own. Jay bocks him and nails a couple body shots, then lifts him up in the air. Johnny slips down behind him and as Jay turns he leaps up hitting The Trademark. Johnny crawls for his corner and makes the tag as Jay starts to get up. Nikky runs in and leaps up at Jay hitting Bad Time, then quickly gets up and lifts him up whipping Jay to a corner. He charges in with a knee and ends up hitting Dante's Inferno, then goes for the pin, 1..................2......kickout! Nikky pulls up Jay and lifts him for The World Wide Suicide and hits it, then tags in Johnny and they nail The Infect Treatment on Jay. Johnny hooks his leg for the pin, 1..................2...........Mesa breaks it up with a dropkick to Johnny's face. Nikky runs in and drops an elbow to Mesa's chest, then goes back to his corner. Mesa is forced out as Johnny pulls up Jay and hit's the Lovegun DDT. He gets up and tags Nikky who climbs to the top rope and leaps off for the Fuckstar Press, but Jay rolls out of the way at the last second. He rolls to his corner and makes the tag to Mesa who runs in and kicks Nikky in the ribs, then rips him up and hit's the Mesa Slam without a kendo stick. Mesa gets up and lifts up Nikky up hitting a body slam near a corner, then climbs to the top rope and leaps off with a moonsault. Nikky moves and rolls to his corner tagging Johnny. Mesa gets up and gets smashed into the corner by Johnny who then hits The Quintessential Elbows. He backs up and lets Mesa stagger out, then leaps up hitting The Trademark and now goes for the pin, 1....................2............kickout! Johnny gets up and lifts up Mesa whipping him to the ropes, then charges him for The Speed Drop. Mesa leaps up over Johnny and rolls to his corner making the tag as we see Bobby James come running down the aisle. Jay flies into the ring at Johnny and they trade punches as Bobby gets to the ring and Mesa suddenly flies out at him with a splash to the floor. Jay rocks Johnny into a corner, but while the ref separates Mesa from Bobby, Nikky comes in the ring clubbing Jay across the back. He lifts Jay into a body slam as Johnny quickly comes off the middle turnbuckle with a double axe handle smash to nail The Zwidder and Johnny goes for the pin as Nikky heads off Mesa and the ref slides in to count, 1.......................2.......................3! The crowd is mixed after the run in finish, but cheers are heard for the winners who are now announced by Nick. Miller.

Here are your winners of the match, The Infection................Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom!

SAVE ME hit's the pa as Johnny stands up getting his arm raised and Nikky steps next to him. Mesa comes in and helps Jay as Bobby slips into the ring. He charges Johnny dropping him with a clothesline, but gets nails with punches from Nikky. Bobby fights back and Mesa jumps up helping Nikky. The two whip Bobby across the ring and follow up with a double clothesline sending him out. Bobby rolls up the aisle and sits up pissed as Nikky and Mesa turn to each other and shake hands in respect. Mesa helps up Johnny while Nikky helps up Jay and the four men show some good sportsmanship for once as the fans give them props for it and we now hear A NEW LEVEL hit over the pa while Nick signs us off.

Hell of a tag match we just saw and despite the slight distraction it was a hell of a win for The Infection!

Greg responds.

They only beat washed up losers, wait until they face a real tag team!

Nick just says.

They already did, but we'll get see them in more tag matches, possibly a Tag Title match, but for tonight that is it, so goodnight everyone and see ya next week!

And so with that the cameras capture the crowd in the arena for a few shots, then the show ends by fading to black.

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