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Courts order for Midnight

Started by Midnight, October 21, 2011, 10:01:24 AM

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The Wayne County Courthouse in Detroit has ordered Midnight to stay in rehab until January due to her drug problems and other issues she has. The judge ordered this as Midnight was found to have had a drug addiction to pain killers. Seems no one even knew this as she kept this hidden from even her family. Midnight refused to talk to SEF.com but has promised that when she gets released from rehab that she will sit down in a interview about her addictions and other issues she was having. More will come as it develops.

Taylor Andrews

If Midnight cannot fulfill her obligations to compete in SEF, then as a result she is in breech of contract and gives up rights to her character which SEF now has 100% control over. No court, no lawyer, no one can dispute this or touch SEF, so good luck to Midnight in her future endeavors. After this, what seems like the billionth time, Midnight is done, Viper was quoted as saying.
lus Viper had this to say.

"She better turn over a whole new leaf if she ever expects to work in SEF again!"

It seems her bullshit has only led to one goal, being shunned from the SEF family, and the irony is that if she ever truly wanted help or needed it, SEF would have been here for her. She chose to spit in this companies face for a couple years while continuing to write checks that bounced left and right, proverbial checks that is. No one at SEF feels sorry for her as in truth, it probably is just another ploy that will lead to nowhere as usual, just Midnight looking like more of a joke.

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