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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 161 {2/16/10}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 11:44:25 AM

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February 16th, 2010

So here we are, eight years an running for the company now called Extreme F'N Wrestling and we come alive showing The Rocket standing in the back of the Manchester Evening News Arena over the ocean or as they say the pond in Manchester England. He has been waiting for Azreal and no longer as the guy comes through and BAM, chair shot to the head floors him down. Rocket slams the chair over Azreal's body, then shoves it down to his throat and leans on it saying.

You piece of shit, if you know what's good for you, then you will turn around and walk out tonight, don't bother coming to that ring, just leave or it'll be the last thing you do!

Rocket tosses the chair away and kicks Azreal in the ribs, then walks away as we now go inside the arena where its all dark and then pyro blasts off over the ring oight the place up. A NEW LEVEL blasts over the pa, these fans go fucking crazy insane, the place packed to the rafters and the cameras now roaming around the Manchester Evening News Arena as Nick Miller is in the ring and kicks off the night.

Welcome to the eight year anniversary of what has always been Extreme F'N Wrestling!

A huge applause for that and the crowd begins chanting.


Obviously they still like the ol' name, but oh well, its their right and Nick just says.

No matter what name we go by, were always known for the same fucking extreme wrestling you all know we give you and not just blatant weapon use, a vast variety of all kinds of wrestling pushed to the fucking limit, raising the damn bar, and revolutionizing this industry. Tonight we got a lot of new guys looking to be the future here, we got some mainstays headlining the show, and we also got an awards ceremony to honor not just last years best, but the last three years since we done this in a while. So without wasting anytime....

The crowd drowns him out by chanting.


Nick just shrugs and says.

No, thank every damn wrestler in the back and every one of them who came into this company. Now then, to get along to it, were doing the tag team of the year. First up, for 2007 we saw some good teams and nominees for the award are Destruction's Thrash and Slash, the team of Trent Flash and Black Scorpion, Viper and Gabriel Brooks, and also Shane Mack and Jeremy Ward. All made impacts as a team, but the one to stand out that year was Destruction who debuted in 2006 and won this same award for that year. However, they are no longer with us or even in existence.

He pauses and the crowd lets out a respectful cheer for the fallen team, then Nick speaks again.

Now the next year, 2008, Destruction was nominated again, but so were another solid team they even feuded with, The Machines, Harry and Eddie, plus Black Bob and Xanthus were nominated and that's all for that year. The winners were not Destruction, but The Machines who struggled for years in this company putting over everyone and eventually rising up as a great team.

A cheer for The Machines and Nick speaks again.

As for last year, not many teams nominated as we only had two. One was Destruction, again, they never stayed out of the spotlight since they debuted, but Xanthus and Corez last year really stepped up as a team and had it not been for the horrible accident last year resulting in them dying, they may be champs today. They are however the tag team of last year.

The crowd cheers and Nick just says.

The rest of the awards will be given out during the rest of the show which will be a good one from the looks for the card. Mack defending his World Title in a tag match against both the former champ and number one contender, plus a contender match for the US Title between longtime tag partners, some new guys in action and finally the Tag Titles are decided here tonight. So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, the following match is scheduled for one fall and is a tag team cage match scheduled for one fall and for the Tag Team Titles!

A loud cheer for that as Nick exit's the ring while the cage lowers down and is set in place. SAVE ME hit's the pa and the crowd cheers as Nikky and Johnny come walking out and Nick makes their announcement.

Introducing first, at a combined weight of 487 pounds, they are The Infection.........Johnny Camaro and the United States Champion........Nikky Venom!

They come down the aisle getting all amped up, the fans reaching out and Nikky slaps their hands while Johnny just smiles arrogantly. They get to the ring and both men climbs the steps entering the ring surrounded by the cage. Johnny shows himself off while Nikky shows off his US Title. We now hear THE EXTREMIST hit the pa and out walks Emmett to boos and Nick just announces him.

And one of their opponents, from St Gabriel Louisiana, weighing in at 230 pounds.........Emmett Murdock!

He comes down the aisle and upon approaching the ring and Camaro comes flying off the cage landing on Emmett getting the crowd riled back up. ENTER SANDMAN now hits as a drunken Sandman can be seen making his way through the crowd that kind of ignores him as Nick announces.

And his tag team partner, from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds.........The Sandman!

Not a big reaction as the crowd is into Camaro smashing Emmett's head into the ringpost, then the guard rail, then forces him into the ring. Camaro comes in now as Nikky goes to work on Emmett kicking him in the ribs, then rips him up and delivers The World Wide Suicide. He goes to the top rope now and climbs to the top of the cage and hit's the Fuckstar Press, then looks around at the cheering crowd. Sandman has stumbled over the rail now and he comes to the cage door to get in as Camaro nails The Speed Drop on Emmett. Nikky is up the cage going over the top as Camaro now scales up quickly and Sandman just enters not even going for them. He looks at Emmett, then at his cane and just starts beating the shit out of Emmett with it, lighting him up, leaving red welts all over his body and the crowd starts to cheer. Camaro drops to the floor next to his partner and Nick now announces the winners as Sandman continues to clean Emmett's clock.

Here are your winners of the match and your new Tag Team Champions...............Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom!

SAVE ME hit's the pa and Sandman has Emmett up and nails him with the White Russian Leg Sweep as the cage begins to raise up. Shane Mack suddenly runs down the aisle and goes for a shot to the back of Johnny's head with his title. He notices in time and ducks, then Mack turns and comes to a stand off with he and Nikky. Mack takes off around the ring as both men give chase. Mack ends up leaping the rail into the crowd and running to the back leaving them behind. Sandman is beating Emmett up the aisle now and into the back as Nikky and Johnny collect their gold and head that way. We follow Sandman to the back where he is beating Emmett down the hall, finds a couple beers as Emmett crawls away and Sandman soon catches up continuing the beating as Nick Miller chimes in.

Well we got new Tag Champs and Sandman seems to be drunk off his ass and fed up with Emmett.

Sandman beats him into the loading area and soon right out the back door and then turns to the camera a down a beer before shouting.

I'm sick of that piece a shit and I am sick of this company, so fuck you all, Sandman out, bitches!

He turns and walks out the door kicking Emmett on the way and we now cut back to ringside where Nick says.

Sandman takes out the trash and then walks out himself, odd, but moving on, we got a singles bout next.

We hear OBSCURE hit the pa and the crowd boos as Dragon runs out to boos and Nick announces.

The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at 210 pounds..........Shadow Dragon!

He runs into the ring and leaps up circling to face the entrance as I AM now hit's the pa and out walks Megan to a few cheers, she shoots a fist up as Nick announces her.

And his opponent, from Louisville Kentucky, weighing in at 150 pounds........Megan Sorrow!

She slaps hands with a few fans , makes her way to the ring and rolls in, stands up and Dragon shoots over with a clothesline, then yanks up Megan and sends her into a corner. He charges over leaping up for a splash, but Megan ducks out letting him crash into the turnbuckles. Dragon staggers out and gets a spinning heel kick to the head, then Megan quickly climbs to the top rope and drops Sorrow's Revenge on Dragon and pins, 1.....................2.....................3! The bell rings and the crowd cheers as Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match.............Megan Sorrow!

I AM is heard coming over the pa ad Megan gets up and raises her arms in the air. She smirks and the crowd continues cheering. Megan soon makes her way to the back slapping fans hands along the way. We end up flashing to the back where Steve Weigel is walking down the hall lost in though, Nick Miller says.

There is Steve Weigel, looking to be in deep though and most likely over his big opportunity against his tag team partner tonight!

Someone comes by Steve and ends up bumping into him inadvertently since Steve wasn't looking. Steve gets irate and turns puling the other guy around revealing its newcomer The Rocket. Sensing the aggression Rocket looks pissed and says.

What the-

Steve cuts him and says.

Watch it buddy!

Rocket looks agitated and says.

Maybe you outta do the same!

They stare at each other for a few seconds and Steve raises his hands and says.

Alright, yea, my bad man, I was just lost in thought, sorry!

Rocket shrugs and nods understanding, then turns away. Steve suddenly snaps and slobbers him across the back with a forearm, then slams him into the wall and hooks him for a Russian leg sweep, but snaps Rocket back first to the wall bouncing his head off it. Rocket slumps to the floor and Steve just kicks him in the ribs, then walks off as we cut to ringside where Nick is in the ring and says.

Seems Steve Weigel has some issues going on right now and he gets to settle them against his tag partner Bobby James next, but first, we got another award to give out, well the past three of the same award, like before. That award of the rookie of the year award and for 2007, the nominees were Gabriel Brooks who returned and stepped up big time learning from the late, great Viper. Nick Torres went from being a tag team wrestler to a hell of a singles star that year and last year won the World Title. Neo Monoxide came off his debut in 06 to really step up in a hardcore feud. Jakob King made an impact in his debut at the beginning of that year and Corez really showed what we was made of. Black Scorpion debuted with an impact as did Trent Flash and Mystery. The winner for 2007 was Gabriel Brooks!

A cheer from the crowd and then SCREAM hit's the pa and here comes Gabriel with a swagger. He slaps a few fans hands, then gets to the ring and rolls in. He gets handed an award from Nick who then holds the mic out for him to say a few words.

Three years ago I did indeed step up, but this year I finally get what I wanted all these years, the World Heavyweight Title and Shane Mack, it will be mine, enough said.

He raises his award in the air, then makes his exit as Nick Miller continues the ceremony.

Alright, so now for 2008 we had a few guys step up like Hardcore Haz who's idol we just saw walk out, The Sandman. Corez also, he continued his momentum from the previous year and shined as did L.A. Jay, Big Bill Butcher and Rayne Rocco. The winner, the stand out as rookie of 2007 was Corez and sadly he cannot be here due to the accident last year.

Nick lowers the mic and gives a pause out of respect, the crowd give a respectful cheer, then Nick says.

No doubt he may have one day been World Champ as he continued his ride into last year, his tag team with Xanthus. As for nominees for last years rookie of the year. We saw young sensation, highflyer, Bill Roberts show us we wanted to make it here, but life was cut short. Chris Crest looked to show us his superior technical wrestling skill and Hardcore Haz kept going strong as did Joe Dumar who was a true fan living his dream. Suicide Hank did ok last year, a good feud against Shane Mack helped him and The Grand Minoru stepped up as well. Bethany Sorrow is nominated as she showed she is one of those women willing to go extreme and Nikky Venom makes the list with his debut near the end of the year and rightfully so considering now. The winner of the award is Nikky Venom, the current US and one half of the Tag Champs.

KICK START MY HEART hits and out comes Nikky holding both titles in the air. He slings them over a shoulder and slaps fans hands, gets to the ring and rolls in. He stands up and gets the award, then says.

Hell yea, first a singles champ, then a tag champ, and now the standout of all new guys last year and this year I will be the stand out of everyone!

He raises his gold in the air, then exit's the ring as Nick says.

Well there ya go everyone, our rookie stand outs, now lets get back to the action and find out who the number one contender to the US Title is gonna be! So now then, the following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the number one contendership to the United States Title!

The sound of UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE comes over the pa and the crowd boos as Booby walks out arrogantly and raising his arms to show himself off as greater than all while Nick announces him.

Introducing first, from Boston Massachuesetts, weighing in at 163 pounds, he is Boston's Best............Bobby James!

He walks on down the aisle slicking back at his hair, gets to the ring and climbs in acting all cocky still. Bobby bakcs into a corner and Silence is heard throughout the arena as BEAUITFUL blasts through the pa system. The lights dim and a green spot light shines down on the entrance as Steve Weigel walks out. He stands there with his right fist in the air as the crowd starts to fill the arena with boo. As he lowers his arm and raises his head you can see a smirk on his face. Steve slowly starts to walk down the ramp way smirking at the crowd and putting his nose up at them like he is better while Nick Miller introduces him.

And his opponent, making his way to the ring from St Louis Missouri, weighing in at 255 pounds........Steve Weigel!

He just looks in the ring at Bobby and stands there not getting in. Bobby steps out of the corner and Steve shakes his head no, then turns and walks back up the aisle. Bobby comes to the ropes and asks why, but Steve just heads for the curtain, the crowd really booing now. As he gets to it a chair comes flying out smacking him over the head and Rocket steps out to an applause. He tosses down the chair and yanks up Steve running him to the ring and rolling him in. Bobby kicks at Rocket who backs up and stares deviously at Steve who tries to stumble up. The bell rings and Bobby turns upon hearing it and gets a smirk, then charges at Steve for a clothesline. Steve is able to duck out and drop Bobby with a neck breaker. He tries to get back up and Bobby pulls himself up as well. He kicks Steve in the ribs and yanks him up looking for The Highlight. Steve blocks with a knee to the ribs, then tries to bend down and charge Bobby backwards. Bobby gets a knee up to Steve's face and drops him with a double arm ddt. He gets up and stomps on Steve's face, then rips him up and drops him with a short arm clothesline. Bobby goes down with the impact and locks in an arm scissors. Steve tries twisting out of it, but Bobby has him locked up good. He lets him and pulls Steve up hitting swinging neck breaker, then goes for the pin, 1.................2.........kickout! Bobby shoots up and stomps on Steve's face, then pulls him up and looks for a running power slam, no, Steve drops down and shoves him to the ropes, then looks for My Suicide. Bobby ducks that and kicks Steve in the ribs, then rips up in a suplex, stalls it and then drops him to the mat. He floats over hooking his leg, 1...............2................kickout! Bobby gets up and stomps on him again, then yanks Steve up hitting a European uppercut, and kicks him in the gut, then grabs Steve looking for his own Your Suicide. Steve shows him away and charges nailing a spear on Bobby causing Nick Miller to chime in.

Damn, Steve with a chairshot to start this match after refusing too, now he is back in it.

Steve pulls himself up and grabs Bobby looking for The Last Rites, but gets an elbow to the head and Bobby pulls the ref over, then kicks Steve low. The ref warns him not to and Bobby just rips up Steve and nails The Highlight, then hooks his leg and pins, 1......................2.....................3! The crowd boos as the bell rings and Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match.............Bobby James!

UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE plays as Bobby gets his hand raised, looks down at Steve shrugging and shoots his arms arrogantly. He circles around the ring acting cocky to the booing crowd before making his exit. Steve just rolls out and staggers out as Nick Miller enters the ring and says.

Well, that was a pretty good match despite the early part and Bobby just earned a huge opportunity. Right now though its time again to give out awards and this time its for the impact of the year, from returning wrestlers to big spots to a whole match, what single impact regardless of who did better the whole year, rattled EF'NW? In 2007 we had a number of them and nominees would be Troy Storms turning on best friend Nick Torres at Unscripted as well as Viper and Black Bob making history when both won The F'N Rumble eliminating each other and have a hell of a feud that year. Trent Flash's debut at Wrestle X was an impact and Black Bob finally realizing his dream as World Champ. The nMo coming oh so close to ending this company, putting it out of business forever and also Viper finally getting big win over Shane Mack in their thirteen year friendship and rivalry. Chris Orton becoming the King of Extreme was an impact and led to his star power here. But the biggest impact was a match between Viper and Black Bob at Reckless Rebellion, a Prison Yard for the World Title and the impact was the spear, almost a gore on top of the cage from Viper sending Bob to the floor inside and leading to Viper winning.

A huge applause for that and the crowd begins chanting.


Nick just smiles and says.

He will be missed, but we must move on as he would understand. Now for 2008 we saw some impacts then and being that MCW is a part of EF'NW, Whitney Marret winning the MCW Title late that year was huge, especially the controversy of how she won at Motor City Mayhem. Shane Mack and Michael McMoney's feud led to a few impacts like Mack turning on his longtime friend McMoney or McMoney getting a win over Mack, although controversial. Ares feuding with the boss at the time and eliminating him from The F'N Rumble to win it. The biggest impact was Shane Mack finally becoming King of Extreme, officially earning that title.

A cheer for Mack, out of respect, but some boos due to his recent actions and Nick continues.

So now to last year and a number of them like Chris Orton finally achieving the World Title of EF'NW and holding it twice that year, a nice first run he had. Scorpion unifying the MCW Title and World Title as well as Viper picking up a win over Shane Mack at Wrestle X. The impact of last year was Whitney Marret being the first woman to win The F'N Rumble and doing so from the number ten entry, so she endured a lot.

A loud ovation for Whitney and Nick says.

She deserve every bit of it and now, what impact will rattle EF'NW this year? Has it already happened or will we see something even bigger?

He smirks and lowers the mic, the crowd cheering in hopes of it, then ALL EYEZ ON ME by 2Pac plays and here comes newcomer Rayo out like a bolt of lightning and running down the aisle slapping fans hands while Nick introduces him.

The following is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Los Angelos California, weighing in at 217 pounds..........Rayo!

He come sliding in the ring and leaps up on the turnbuckles posing for the crowd getting cheered. He hops down and BLEED IT OUT now hits and the crowd cheers some more for Psicopata who runs out saluting to the crowd while Nick announces him.

And one of his opponents, from Tombstone Arizona, weighing in at 220 pounds..........El Psicopata!

He runs down the aisle slapping fans hands and slides into the ring, then pops up eyeing Rayo and turns leaping to the turnbuckles rocking to his song. He spins off the turnbuckles and then THE ECSTASY OF GOLD hit's the pa and out walks Drew to some cheers as well and Nick announces.

And the final opponent, from Seymour Missouri, weighing in at 250 pounds........Drew Stevenson!

He walks down the aisle all business, fans slap him on the shoulders and Drew just hops on the apron and steps into the ring ready to go. the bell rings and he rushes to Rayo for a lock up. Rayo looks for a kick, but Drew grabs his leg and dragon screws him down. Psicopata runs over and nails a front dropkick to Drew sending him out to the floor. He kicks at Rayo who is getting up and pulls him up for a twist of fate, but Rayo turns it around and nails a neck breaker on Psicopata. Rayo runs to the ropes and comes back with rolling thunder, then Drew pulls Rayo out to the floor and kicks him hard in the ribs, rips him up and nails The Emperor's Fall! he springs up into the ring and moves in on Psicopata's legs dropping elbows to his left knee, then turns him over into an stf. Psicopata screams in pain, reaching for the ropes that fairly close. Drew has it in though and Psicopata inches over and soon grabs the bottom rope. Drew lets him up and then drops a knee to his back. He pulls up Psicopata and whips him to the ropes, looks for The Emperor's Fall, but Psicopata swings his legs out and drops Drew with a tornado ddt. Psicopata gets up and runs to the ropes, bounces back and nails a dropkick to his face. He pulls up Drew and nails a twist of fate on him, then goes to the rope and leaps off for the Psychotic Slam. Drew rolls out of the way and pulls himself, but Rayo leaps over Psicopata with a splash to Drew taking him into the corner. Rayo knees Drew in the ribs, then lifts him to the top rope and leaps up taking him down with a Hurricanrana on top of Psicopata causing Nick Miller to say.

Good god, what a nice double whammy move there, this match is getting good!

The crowd is behind it, all three men getting cheered, no real favorite, but a good match. Rayo has Drew up and whips him to the ropes, then looks for another Hurricanrana, but Drew catches him and tries for a Powerbomb. Rayo punches him and falls back to try and get free. Drew holds on and steps over him going for a boston crab. Rayo kicks away, but Drew is able to hold on and get him in a single leg crab sitting back on him. Rayo squirms around and struggles to get free as Drew holds on and tries to force a submission. Psiopata is up and runs up leaping over Rayo and Drew, but grabs Drew's head and pulls him down face first to the mat. Psiopata gets up and stomps on his head, then yanks up Drew for a Piledriver. Drew blocks it and yanks Psiopata's legs out, then tries for the a cloverleaf. Rayo grabs Drew from behind and into a roll up, 1.................2............kickout. They both get up and trade a few chops. Psicopata then flies at both taking them down with a double forearm smash. Psicopata gets up and kicks Drew in the head, then yanks up Rayo and nails a snap suplex on him. He gets up and pulls Drew up and stands over Rayo, then goes for a twist of fate. Drew blocks it and goes for a waist lock and tries for a german. Psicopata blocks it and tries slipping down, but Drew locks The Gem on him. Psiopata goes crazy to get free and Rayo sweeps Drew's legs out bringing him down. He jumps up and dropkicks Psicopata into a corner, then runs up behind him slamming his knees to his back. He executes a mexican suplex into a pin on Psicopata, 1..................2.........Drew kicks Rayo in the head and rips him up double underhook style and over with a suplex. He pulls up Psicopata and nails The Emperor's Fall on him, then grabs his legs and turns him over into the Missouri Cloverleaf sitting back locking it in. Psicopata goes crazy and tries to pull away, push out, just goes insane. Drew keeps him in the middle of the ring and does not let up one bit, the crowd so torn, so into it. Psiopata punches the canvas and tries to crawl, desperate to make the ropes and then looks like he may tap when Rayo shoots to the ropes and nails a dropkick to Drew's chest knocking him back on top of Psicopata. Rayo quickly gets out on the apron and leaps to the top rope springing off with Blaze of Glory on Drew smashing Psicopata underneath. Rayo flips off off and pushes Drew off, then hooks Psicopata's leg for the pin, 1....................2....................3! The bell rings and the crowd gives him some cheers after the great match and Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match.........Rayo!

ALL EYEZ ON ME plays as Drew has rolled to the floor and nods in respectfully at Rayo who nods back, then jumps on the turnbuckles posing. Psiopata rolls out and staggers away, looks back at Rayo and nods to him, then makes his exit. Rayo soon makes his and Nick Miller now enters the ring and says.

Hell of a match there, fast paced action with some great wrestling, three future stars born tonight. But now its time for more awards and this time its for the feud of the year and so starting with 2007, here we go. Three years ago it was Corez and Mystery engaged in a hardcore battle for a few weeks, some good action they produced. Xanthus and Neo Monoxide started in the end of 06 and went for a few months, Corez and Mystery would get tied into it all, some more good action. We saw Trent Flash and Nick Torres in their own battle for who is best, one that would bring Flash's "World Title" into the mix and go on through the summer of that year. Whitney Marret and Julie continued to prove why the ladies can stand with the boys any night and we saw a brief feud with Shane Mack and Viper. However, it would be Viper's feud with Black Bob that year which stands out as the feud of the year. These two won the rumble together, they headlined Wrestle X naturally, they battled right after in a Prison Yard, had a couple more matches with others mixed in and then finally one on one again and that is when Bob realized his dream winning the title from Viper.

Cheers from the crowd, very respectful and loud, then Nick says.

And no for 2008, we has the tag teams of Destruction and The Machines take brutality up a notch, these four men were so intent to end the other one man even died in this very ring, a sad night, but a hell of a rivalry. We saw Shane Mack and Michael McMoney go head to head a few times and Ares fought off the nMo and Da Gangstas in a hell of a feud, but the feud that sucked us all in was the intense rivalry between Scorpion and Whitney Marret. They made you wonder just how much hatred existed between the two and really, just how much was there? Regardless, it was definitely the feud of 08.

The crowd cheers and Nick just continues.

So now to last year, 2009, we saw the beginning of a feud between Nikky Venom and the Dark Shadow Society, plus a battle of respect between Joe Dumar and Logan Dudley that may have won had Logan not messed himself up and become paralyzed for it was a great start to a hardcore war. Shane Mack and Suicide Hank had a small feud, but fizzled out when Hank faded out. Scorpion and Whitney continued their feud into 09 and came close to taking the title again, but it was Scorpion's feud against Chris Orton that took the award for the best feud.

Cheers are heard and then YOU'RE GOING DOWN hit's the pa as Chris Orton walks out displaying some arrogance, but smiles and slaps hands with some fans. He gets to the ring and steps in, then gets the award from Nick and says.

Last year was great for me, the culmination of my career here in EF'NW and this year I guarantee it will only get better. I am sorry for what happened to Scorpion and the others who died last year and this award is for Scorpion, thanks for being a great enemy.

He makes his exit now to cheers and Nick just says.

There ya go, only one more award left, but after our next match and that match is scheduled for one fall!

We hear OBSCURE hit's the pa and out walks Azreal taking it slow after the attack at the beginning of the show. He makes his way down to boos as Nick announces him.

Introducing first, from Tokyo Japan, weighing in at 353 pounds.........Azreal!

He rolls into the ring and stands up, then SABOTOGE hit's the pa and the crowd cheers as Rocket comes walking out and just stares down to the ring while Nick makes the announcement.

And his opponent, from Houston Texas, weighing in at 255 pounds.........The Rocket!

He walks on down getting pats on the back and Rocket steps on to the apron, climbs the turnbuckles and raises his fist in the air. He then hops in the ring and the bell sounds. Azreal comes charging over, but Rocket ducks and runs to the ropes. He springs off and catches Azreal with Shadow's Fall, then quickly goes for the pin, 1.........................2.......................3! The bell rings and Nick makes the announcement as the crowd cheers.

Here is your winner of the match..........The Rocket!

But Steve Weigel is in the ring with a chair and slams it across Rocket's back bringing the crowd to boos, then he drops the chair and pulls Rocket around planting him with Your Suicide. Steve stands up sneering down at Rocket, then just makes his exit from the ring taunting the fans on the way to the back. Rocket is helped out of the ring now and Nick Miller makes his way in and says.

Looks like a possible feud of the year brewing here maybe, but now on to the wrestler of the year and starting with 2007. We had quite a few people deserving of the title like Shane Mack more for one who from day one in this company always shined, but the last four years he did shy away from the main spotlight it seemed. Julie and Whitney Marret showcased how great women are and quite possibly could have been given this award. Viper showed off his dominant skills in the ring that year and Thor stepped up some as well, plus Troy Storms started off the year as World Champ and only ended his run due to an injury. Michael McMoney came of a good run in 06, but the man who stepped up the most and showed how hard he was willing to work was Black Bob!

A loud ovation for Bob from the crowd and then Nick continues.

In 2008 Bob kept rolling on top and is a nominee for sure. So is Hal Havoc who made an impact with the nMo and reinvented himself. Chris Orton really began to step up that year and so did Gabriel Brooks. Thor continued to do well and Xanthus was a major player. Ares stepped up big winning the rumble and the World Title and Shane Mack continued to be the backbone, but Whitney Marret really showed late that year with MCW and so she is the wrestler of the year for 2008.

Another loud ovation and then we hear MONEY, POWER, RESPECT hit the pa and out walks Whitney in a pair of stonewash blue jeans and a leather jacket with her hair styled and sown wearing large hoop earrings and sporting high heeled boots. The crowd goes crazy as Whitney walks down the aisle and slaps hands with some fans, then steps into the ring and takes the award, then says.

Wow, I was not expecting this, I can't believe it, but thank you all for believing in me, thank you all so much!

She raises the awards trophy in the air, then exit's the ring and Nick continues the ceremony.

A great talent she is, but now to last years wrestler of the year and Whitney was a nominee for damn sure, she continued her roll from 08 into 09 with a rumble win and headlining Wrestle X against Scorpion, another nominee and well deserving one. Nick Torres stepped up winning the World Title, but got cut short due to the big accident. Gabriel Brooks came so close again and Xanthus showed off how well he could still go and Shane Mack kept going strong. Chris Orton would be the wrestler of the year though and well deserving.

The crowd cheers and YOU'RE GOING DOWN hit's the pa as Chris walks on out smiling and slapping fans hands. He gets to the ring and steps in, then takes his award and says.

A second award and what I was hoping to win and a huge rush for being named wrestler of the year. Again, I couldn't have done it without all the great talent to work with, so thank you all!

He raises his award in the air and the crowd cheers, then Nick says.

Alright, well there ya all go and we'll see who stands out this year in a year from now. But next is the main event and so lets get started with it. The following match is now a HANDICAPPED tag team hardcore match scheduled for one fall and on the line is the World Heavyweight Title and the European Title. In this match, if Diamond Dogg is pinned, only he loses his title, not Mack!

The crowd kinda confused at the change, but cheer for it in hopes a title changes hands. Chris sets his trophy down and warms up now as Nick begins the announcements.

In the ring now, from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds...........Chris Orton!

The crowd cheers and then screaming comes over the pa and SCREAM belts out as Gabriel walks out in a swagger to cheers and Nick introduces him.

And his partner, from Huntington Beach California, weighing 245 pounds.........Gabriel Brooks!

He heads on down the aisle and rolls into the ring, stands up and nods to Chris, then slaps his hand and they turn to the entrance. IN LEAGUE now plays and the crowd boos as Diamond Dogg walks out carrying his title and Nick introduces him.

And their opponents, first, from Sarasota Florida, weighing in at 260 pounds, he is the European Champion........Diamond Dogg!

Still boos and Dogg comes down to the ring and rolls in, stands up and unstraps his title throwing it to Nick. BANG BANG BANG then hits and out runs SVD to a mixed reaction, though nothing great either way and Nick introduces him.

And one of his partners, from Multan Pakistan, weighing in at 235 pounds........Salman Van Dam!

He runs to the ring and slides in, then stands up and eyes Dogg who just snarls and then SLAVE TO THE GRIND plays and the crowd mostly boos, but some cheers are heard, probably always will be for Mack who walks out arrogantly with his World Title around his waist. Nick announces him as Mack holds his arms out in a holier than thou motion.

And their partner, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 233 pounds, he is the World Heavyweight Champion............Shane Mack!

And he takes his time down the aisle, smirks and acknowledges some hot chicks falling all over him, but snubs some guys and a couple kids getting some major heat. Mack just gets up on the ring apron and steps in the ring, starts to circle around and then BAM, Da Shows Ova to SVD sends him out to the floor. Mack steps out on the apron now and demands Dogg start this thing. He has no problem with it and the bell rings. Chris starts for his team and locks up with Dogg who wins the struggle and backs him to a corner. The ref calls for a clean break, they break and Dogg punches Chris in the jaw. The ref backs him up and Chris runs out dropping Dogg with a clothesline and flows into some punches. He pulls up Dogg and whips him to the ropes, then drops him with a spear. Chris backs up to a corner and charges out for Darkness, but Dogg rolls to his corner and looks for the tag. Mack just smirks and backs down the steps away from him. Chris comes running over slamming a knee to Dogg's back as Nick Miller says.

Wow, Mack takes out SVD, obviously to keep him from losing the World Title for him and now he refuses to tag Diamond Dogg, what an ass!

Chris pulls Dogg out and drops him with the Laydown, then Mack flies in past Chris, knocks Gabriel to the floor, then turns around and drops Chris with a clothesline. He waits for Dogg to get up and drops him with Da Shows Ova, then backs off listening to the ref and exit's the ring. SVD is up and pulls Mack around arguing with him now as Chris covers Dogg for the pin, 1........................2.........................3! The bell rings and the crowd cheers as Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here are your winners of the match........Gabriel Books and Chris Orton! And also, your new European Champion.............Chris Orton!

Mack shoves SVD back and Gabriel comes around the ring after Mack who ducks and down goes SVD from a boot. Mack downs Gabriel with a club to the back and stomps on him, then Chris comes out and Mack heads up the aisle smirking. Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom run out behind him and club Mack over the back, then run him to the ring and rolls him in. he gets up and they both enter as does Chris and the crowd is cheering loud now. Mack is kneeled up and looking all wide eyed as Gabriel gets up sliding in the ring now and SVD just crawls staggers away having enough. All four close in on Mack when Steve Weigel and Bobby James come running down and go after Venom and Camaro dragging them out to the floor and brawling. Gabriel and Chris focus on Mack who drops back out of the ring and runs to the rail leaping over it and disappearing into the crowd quickly. Gabriel and Chris just watch him go and force smiles, then turn to each other and shake hands. Chris grabs his new title and the World Title which Gabriel snags from him and they now staredown while The Infection and The Predators brawl to the back. Nick Miller comments now as the crowd cheers loud.

What a hell of a show, what an ending here tonight, some confusion, but some intense rivalries picking up and what is gonna happen between Chris and Gabriel who both want that World Title.

Mack suddenly comes back in and clobbers Gabriel in the back, Chris moving as he noticed in time. Mack grabs his title and escapes the ring staring down with Chris as A NEW LEVEL now plays and Nick wraps up the show.

Mack showing why he is champ with those well place sneak attacks, but how long can he last doing that before he has to go one on one? We'll see I guess, maybe next week when he faces Steve Weigel in a street fight or maybe at Wrestle X when he faces Gabriel Brooks, regardless, we'll see you all later, goodnight!

And with that the cameras roam around the arena showing the fans going crazy and we see Gabriel and Chris still staredown as the show now ends and fades to black.

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