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SEF signs....you got to be kidding...

Started by DestinyCena, October 18, 2011, 01:25:35 PM

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Is it who people think it is? Ohhhh your so right. It's that very girl.

But what are her plans for SEF? No one can be sure yet. But if she's like what some remember of her. People very well know she will tell soon enough...


Midnight, hearing that Destiny Cena was in SEF, makes her comment about the new diva.

"From what I gather, Destiny and Christine Nash have a hateful past. I guess Destiny will have to flee another company seeing as her arch enemy Christine Nash is also here in SEF. I'll be shocked if she stays and face her fears with Ms. Nash."

When asked if she thinks Destiny is a threat, Midnight laughed hard and then gave this comment.

"She is about as much a threat as say Tina is masterbating to farm animals. I say if Destiny gets in our way, I'll just have Demonica to destroy her and send her packing. Demonica already wants to end her life her as is. So what does that tell you?"


A soft yet sadistic chuckle is heard from a semi darkned room, when the lights come full circle, Alexandra can be seen sitting on the floor of a padded cell.  She has a straight jacket, smeared with blood, drapped across her lap, as Matt sat behind her, his arms around her in a protective stance.  She looks into the camera, delievering her message about the new arrival, and her aunt midnight's comments.  Demonica, wouldn't make it anywhere near Destiny, not so long as Alexandra was breathing.

It seems that some people think they control the fate of others.  That they are the puppet master around here.  Well, that's just not how it is.  Midnight, you will not harm my protege.  Destiny Cena, is my partner, she has been for a very long time.  She was there when the world turned it's back on me.  She was there when it all went cold.  Midnight, Demonica, you are the puppets, and I am the puppet master.  Remember that.  Before it's too late.  For you see what the hands of the wicked can do.

The lights come all the way up and we see guards laying in pools of blood around her, still breathing, but broken and moaning.  The camera goes to white noise, as Alexandra and Matt's laughter can be heard.


Destiny’s rebuttal:

-Laughs- “Really? Is that all you can come up with and that is I’m scared of her supposing?  Midnight, I know it’s been a while little one. But you of all people should know me better than that. Me actually scared of Nash is like saying Whisper and I will ever become friends again. And those who know me, and I mean actually me. Know there is no way that’s going to happen. So in end, the short version is….

I automatically fall over and start to laugh holding my gut in pain. The ever non-relying Midnight claiming the diva that fought the likes of Whisper and Jason Blade along with Kevin Carter and Charli Baltimore was actually scared of a little dot in time like Christina Nash. God, time has slipped hasn’t it?

-clears my throat and gets up. My eyes filled lightly with tears from laughing to hard- God, next thing you’ll say is Levi didn’t dump her and she dumped him. That she doesn’t do a two face run and kisses management’s [bleep] to get the wins that she had under her belt. Oh Midnight your rich!

Slowly I start to clear my head again and go emotionless with all my words…

Let’s make this clear. Your talking to “THE” Madison Sky. I run from no one, they run from me. It’s why even Alexandra knew I would be the perfect partner to match what she needs. It’s why you even fear…me…here.

Laughs slowly and continues…

Nash will always be nothing and so will you. One reason alone is yes, you’re looking at Callaway’s partner. The devil child herself…so I would watch…very carefully. And run as fast as you can…because once your guards down sunshine’s,  a blood path will show and bodies will be littered….

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