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universal6 star tag team

Evolution 16 {6/27/03}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 29, 2014, 12:07:56 PM

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Taylor Andrews

June 27th, 2003

A pyro shoots down from the rafters and is followed by several as Evolution 169 by Nevermore begins playing and Evolution kicks off live from the sold out Madison Square Garden In New York! The camera pans over the screaming crowd, showing many of them who are waving their signs in the air before it cuts over to ringside where Kid Rock and Eminem are sitting at the commentators table!

Kid: Yo, whass up New York? Having some fun watching SEF tonight?

Em: Sounds that way man! Can't blame the either with the show we got!

Kid: Yea, some good matches, nothing big, except for the main event!

Em: Uh huh! Six man tag team action! Viper, David Flair, and either Chris cage or Ric Flair taking on Bryan Kanyon, Scott Steiner, and Daddy Mack!

Kid: This one is gonna be off the charts and really set off the path to King of the Ring in two days!

Singles Match
Victoria vs. Cassie Michaels w/Andrew Velzian

No Show

Singles Match
Jushin "Thunder" Lyger vs. Rey Mysterio

No Show

Singles Match
Ricky McMoney vs. Blake Darkness w/Courtney Michaels

No Show

Triple Threat Match
Bella vs. Lita vs. Courtney Michaels w/Blake Darkness

No Show

Six-Man Tag Team Match

Viper, David Flair, and Ric Flair all make their way to the ring, all three of them with their wrestling gear on! Then Bryan Kanyon makes his way out to ringside with Kayleai and waits there while Scott Steiner comes out with Patricia and stands with Kanyon! Then, Daddy Mack makes his way through the curtain, nods to Steiner and Kanyon and makes a beeline for the ring sliding in and going right for Viper, trading punches with him! Steiner and Kanyon follow him in and Kanyon takes down Ric as Steiner level David with some huge chops and right hands! The four of them end up on the outside fighting, leaving Mack and Viper fighting inside the ring! Mack takes it to Viper with too much speed for him to counter! The ref gets some order restored, forcing the other four men to their corners! Mack has Viper up and suplexes him, then tags out to Steiner who comes in and presses Viper above his head, then looks for a ddt, but Viper counters with northern light suplex for a two count! Both men get up and Viper looks for a clothesline, but Steiner ducks and tags in Kanyon who quickly tries going after Viper, whipping him into the ropes! David Flair tags Viper's back and after Kanyon clotheslines Viper, David jumps in a dropkicks him in the back, then locks him in an armbar! Viper gets a few kicks on Kanyon before going to his corner! Kanyon fights out of the armbar, but gets kicked in the gut and hit with a piledriver! David then tags out to Ric who comes in hitting a kneedrop on Kanyon, then kicks away at his leg and tries to quickly lock in the Figure Four! Kanyon kicks Ric away and tags in Steiner who charges in, clotheslining Ric right out of the ring! David runs in, but gets a belly to belly suplex! Viper then runs in and clubs Steiner in the back, looks for The Unforgiven, but Mack jumps in and nails him with Da Shows Ova! David and Viper roll to their corner while Mack goes outside and rolls Ric in the ring! Steiner picks him up and looks for a suplex, but David runs in and dropkicks his knee! While David argues with the ref, Viper sneaks in and pummels Steiner with some right hands as Ric goes to the corner! David goes back as well and the ref leaves Viper in who whips Steiner into the ropes and catches him in a sleeper hold! Steiner starts fading, but quickly drops down, jarring Viper's jaw on his head, then tags out to Kanyon who jumps in and as Viper turns around charges him for a spear! Viper sees him in time and pulls the ref in the way who takes the spear! Once the ref is out, David and Ric both run in, but Steiner and Mack do as well to counter them! Mack and Ric fight to the outside near the commentator's table while Steiner and David fight up the aisle where Steiner ends up putting David through a technician table! In the ring, Viper clubs Kanyon in the back and gives him a The Unforgiven, then goes outside and grabs a sledgehammer from under the ring and gets back in! Kayleia follows him in and grabs the hammer from him! Viper whips around and grabs her by the hair looking to striker her when Steiner runs into the ring and clotheslines Viper from behind, then grabs the sledgehammer and nails him in the back! Steiner then rolls Kanyon on to Viper and tries waking the ref, but can't! Mack has Ric laying on the floor bleeding and looks in the ring, then slides in and counts, 1.........2..........3! He jumps up and tells J-Lo, the ring announcer the descision since he is the owner!

J-Lo: Here are your winners by pinfall.......................Bryan Kanyon, Scott Steiner, and Daddy Mack!

Superstar hits over the pa as Mack and Steiner help up Kanyon and Mack raises his arm in victory!

Kid: Well god damn! The rest of the show sucked, but these guys made up for that with a kick ass match!

Em: That's for sure and man, Kanyon just pinned the World Champ! He just pinned Viper who he faces in two days for the title!

Kid: I know man, talk about fucking momentum! Kanyon has a huge advantage now, but then Viper still does as well being the champ and all! The match with them will be great, but tonight is over, so later all, peace!

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