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Evolution 57 {3/23/12}

Started by sopshowtime69, December 01, 2014, 10:36:18 PM

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March 23rd, 2012

The pyro blasts off over the ring and "Welcome to the Family" by Avenged Sevenfold screams loud like the jam packed crowd in the Mid South Coliseum here in Memphis Tennessee! The view running rapid across the sea of fans as that familiar face shouts.


And then follows up still loud as the fans are deafening as usual.

Tonight we got A huge main event for two titles actually when Matlock puts up the old BUD Franchise Title against The resurrect or's I-Con Title. We also see Derek helms defending his newly won International Title in a fatal four way that has been getting a lot of press! A couple hardcore gals lock up when Tina meets Ashley Pearson and we got a triple threat too! Opening the show is a battle between Cody Jericho, who refuses to learn yet claims he was not trained properly before coming here, and Corez, the World Heavyweight Champion who has been playing his challenger like a fiddle!

"Monster" by Skillet plays now and here comes Cody with brandy and there go the fans to the bathroom or they bury their nose in their cellphones. The couple just walks to the ring ignorant of it as Sara makes the announcement.

Making their way to the ring from Canada, some dumb cunt and her loser boyfriend, oh yea...

She trails off and the crowd buzzing now after that fucked up introduction from Sara Marie who sits back down by Nick looking waxed on pills perhaps!? Nick checking on her and Sara laying a kiss on him tries raping Nick to an applause while Cody and Brandy are at ringside watching in awe across the ring. Security gets out there dragging Sara away while Nick gets situated at his desk laughing a bit, the crowd behind him cheering him on. Cody in the ring now stretching his arms and Nick making the announcement.

The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Brandy Gibson, from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing in at two hundred twenty six pounds........Cody!

The crowd booing a little cheer when "Floods" by Pantera comes over the pa and after a slight wait we see Corez step out casually lifting his title high in his right hand. The World Champ walks down the ramp to a huge ovation getting pats on the back as Nick makes the announcement.

And now making his way to the ring from Memphis Tennessee, weighing in at two hundred thirty five pounds, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion........The Corez Effect!

Corez rolls in the ring and Cody not waiting baseball slides into him with a dropkick sending Corez to the floor. Cody jumps out kicking Corez in the head, then yanks him up into a facelock, no, Corez shoves him into the ringpost. Cody's head bouncing off it and he staggers forward into the Insanity Driver on the floor. Corez on his feet and Brandy covering Cody with her body, so Corez lifts her up by her hair to huge cheers, but out runs Cody's brother Shane. He slams a forearm to Corez's back and tries nailing a Russian leg sweep. Corez elbows him in the head, then nails the V-twist on him. Corez on his feet and the crowd cheering him on as the ref throws the match since it never even got started. Corez grabbing his title just stares down Brandy giving her a scare, grins and heads to the back as Nick Miller says.

Well I guess we get no match from these two, just a wild brawl with Corez laying out both Shane and Cody! So I guess coming up next we'll get to see that fatal four way and see who really does walk out the International Champion!

"King of the Hole" by Skrew plays and the crowd boos as he walks out arrogantly playing to the ladies causing some high screams He struts on down in his blue robe grinning big as Fate follows him in black while Nick makes the announcement.

The following is a fatal four way set for one fall and is for the SEF International Championship! Introducing first, accompanied by Fate, from Amarillo Texas, weighing in at two hundred nineteen pounds, the Natural Sinner........Rick Reynolds!

He heads up the steps moving along the apron still arrogant, flipping his hair back before stepping through the ropes. Fate moving around the ring crosses his arms over his chest while Rick undoes his robe arrogantly for the shrieking ladies. "New Model No 15" by Marilyn Manson plays now and out comes Nykki looking furious, ignoring the boos. She moves steadily staring at Rick who eyes her now as Nick makes the announcement.

Making her way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at one hundred forty pounds.......Nykki Delight!

She comes sliding into the ring and Rick diving out waves her off motioning to wait for the bell. Nykki at the ropes seething at him through an evil glare when "The Way I Am" by Eminem plays bringing these fans to a rousing ovation! Xathus swaggers out grabbing his nuts and flipping the middle finger, does some crotch chops and raises his arms in an X as he heads down the ring to the announcement by Nick.

Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at two hundred five pounds, the X Rated Icon........Xanthus!

He comes rolling in the ring hopping up and eyes Nykki who leans in a corner glancing that way while keeping an eye on Rick and Fate! Xanthus keeping his eyes on them all and the stage as "I'm Not A Human Being" by Lil Wayne plays and out comes Derek to loud cheers. He raises the International Title high over his head walking to the ring with fans slapping his arms and Nick introducing him.

And now making his way to the ring from Chicago Illinois, weighing in at two hundred two pounds, he is the SEF International Champion.........Derek Helms!

Derek lowers the title to his left shoulder as he heads up the steps slapping a few hands first. He steps into the ring heading up the turnbuckles raising the belt high, then hops down handing it to the ref who raises it up to show what is on the line. Derek leans back as the ref hands it off and calls for everyone to get in, and one corner is empty. Reynolds on the apron just eyes everyone as he steps in carefully, then Nykki flies out of her corner as the bell sounds. She is on Rick with elbows to the jaw rocking him into a corner and so Xanthus flies into Derek with a tackle to the ribs slamming him against the turnbuckles. He rips Derek up to sit on the top and hammers him with elbows now as Nykki looking for an irish whip, but gets reversed into the opposite corner. Rick charging her and Nykki leaps up twisting out into a sunset flip pin, ONE.............kickout and Rick rolling up nails a front dropkick to her chest. Xanthus shoved back by Derek who flies off into a clothesline taking the X Rated Icon down. Rick from behind clubs Derek across his back, then nails a russian leg sweep on him and gets up yelling.


Rick bends down slapping Derek across his head, then drops a knee to his head and starts nailing him with quick punches. Nykki coming off the ropes into kicks Rick in his head, then yanks him up into a facelock dropping him into a ddt. She gets up pulling Derek up for a suplex, but gets blocked and taken over into a suplex from Derek. Xanthus flying off the ropes drops a double leg drop to both Derek and Nykki after they land and he rolls backwards springing up to his feet into a crotch chop. The crowd electric over that and Xanthus running up on Rick with a kick to his head yanks the Natural Sinner up for the Asshole Cutta. Rick drops off to his feet behind X and brings him down with a chop block to the back of his right knee. Rick starts kicking at the knee and tries to apply a figure four on him when Derek comes running off the ropes into a flying shoulder block taking Reynolds down. Nykki in a corner pulling herself up as Derek yanks Rick up into an irish whip catching him on the rebound with a spinning heel kick. Xanthus getting up and Derek with a kick to his ribs nails a swinging neck breaker, then rolls out on the apron. Nykki running at Rick with a scissors kick driving him to the mat, then she floats around locking him into a camel clutch, but sitting on his back instead of pulling him up while Derek nails Downfall on Xanthus and hooks a leg for the pin, ONE....................TWO..............kickout! Derek getting up runs over into dropkick to the side of Nykki sending her off Rick. The champ gets to his feet and pulls Nykki up for the Spinal Tap, but she flips through into a face buster driving Derek to the mat. Rick on his knees and Nykki getting up looking for the Dark Delight on him. Rick dodging it nails a super kick to the back of her head and a german suplex for SIN bridging into a pin, ONE..................TWO..............Derek breaking it up with a baseball slide dropkick into both. He pulls Rick up for the Silencer, but gets a neck breaker instead. Rick kicking Nykki to the floor, yanks Xanthus up nailing The Plunge and pushes him from the ring, then turns into a roundhouse kick from Derek who catches Rick with the Concussion and turns him over hooking a leg for the pin, ONE.........................TWO.........................THREE! The bell rings and Fate is in the ring tackling Derek from behind with cross faces to the side of his head as Nick makes the announcement.

Here is your winner and still SEF International Champion..........Derek Helms!

No music, just loud boos and Fate pulling Derek up for The Crucifix, but Nykki comes back in with a spear to Fate and he rolls from the ring holding his ribs. Derek just backs off to the ropes keeping on eye on them all and Xanthus pulls him out from under the ropes dragging Derek to the floor on his stomach. Xanthus drops an elbow to his lower back, then locks on a crippler crossface wrenching back hard on Derek's neck. The crowd a loud mix of hostility, cheers and boos and Fate just makes an exit as Rick stumbles out with him. Nykki tries pulling Xanthus off Derek and the X Rated Icon jumps up in her face. Nykki with a slap gets a spinning back kick to the stomach and driven to the ground with the Ghetto Busta! Security out there and they drag Xanthus away, then help Derek and Nykki to the back as Nick Miller says.

Hell of a match with Rick clearing the ring ready to take down the champ, but taking too much time and he got caught and pinned fair and square by Derek Helms who is on the roll of his career! Nykki getting involved trying to help Derek it seems, though it seems to be just a common enemy, but perhaps an attitude change!? Coming up next though got two hardcore ladies squaring off when Ashley Pearson meets Tina one on one!

And via the tron we see Tina heading this way when she Greg Boone approaches her asking.

Quick word before ya head to the ring?

Tina shrugging motions to go ahead placing her hands on her hips, so Greg asks.

How do you feel after failing to recapture the International Title last week?

Tina thinking for a second, then Jason Stratus comes into view throwing his left arm around Tina saying with a cocky smirk.

Probably like the failure she is, but I can make her feel better if she wants to come oil me down before my show stealing match tonight and maybe a celebration afterwards!?

Jason grinning at Tina who just smirks seductively and pulls Jason in for a kiss only to drive her knee to his groin region, then takes him down with an sto into the T & A on the floor. Tina wrenching hard on Jason who yells to get her off and Greg calling for help gets security to break it up. Tina escorted away as Jason looking pissed just heads the opposite way. The crowd cheering loud and "Foxy, Foxy" by Rob Zombie plays now. Tina comes walking out all fired up and flashing the rock on sign to quite an ovation as Nick Miller makes the announcement.

The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first from Sacramento California, weighing in at one hundred thirty pounds..........Tina!

She skips down the ramp rolling into the ring and pops up heading up the turnbuckles flashing the rock on sign again. Tina spreading her arms a bit arrogant waving her hands to bring it on gets a few boos. She hops down and "Bad Girlfriend" by Theory of a Deadman plays over the pa. Ashley walks out to a nice ovation as well and pumps her fists in the air, then slams them to her palms as Nick introduces her.

And making her way to the ring from Houston Texas, weighing in at one hundred twenty pounds..........Ashley Pearson!

She slaps a few hands and heads up the ring steps climbing up the turnbuckles from the outside. She pumps her fist in the air flashing the rock on sign, then hops down into the ring ready to go. The bell rings and both ladies move into a lock up right away, Ashley with a side headlock gets shoved to the ropes springing back for a shoulder block. Tina leaping into a dropkick sends Ashley down and the golden gal is on the pride of Houston with punches to the head then a side headlock of her own. Ashley struggling to get free fights her way up to her knees. Tina helps her up and into a bulldog, but gets shoved into a corner, then slammed from behind with a knee to the back. Ashley dropping her with a reverse ddt heads up the turnbuckles for a moonsault, but gets knees to her ribs. Ashley rolls away clutching her ribs and Tina getting up runs to the ropes springing off with a shining wizard to Ashley. Tina yanking Ashley up delivers a snap suplex near a corner, then climbs up delivering a senton bomb on her. Tina applying a Fujiwara armbar leaning back into it hard and Ashley screaming tries pulling herself to the ropes. Tina rolling off holds on to the right arm of Ashley and twists her around slamming the pride of Houston face first to the mat. Tina leaps up dropping a knee to that shoulder and drops down applying a front facelock on her. Tina drags up Ashley looking for swinging neck breaker, but Ashley twists out and kicks Tina in her stomach, then hits her with the Southern Comfort. Ashley falling to her back a bit out of it as Tina lay on hers and the ref begins a count, ONE.....................TWO........................THREE........................FOUR........Ashley rolls into a cover hooking a leg for the pin, ONE.....................TWO..........kickout! Ashley rolls up to her knees and she heads up to the top rope flying off with a shooting star press, but no one is home. Ashley eating the canvas after Tina rolls out of the way and gets up leaning on the ropes. She waits for Ashley to just about get up and runs with an sto into the T & A wrenching it on tight with the crowd going nuts for this fast pace match coming to an end. A huge mix of cheers and boos as Tina let's go once the bell rings and Nick with the announcement.

Here is your winner by submission.........Tina!

"Foxy, Foxy" starts to play, but Jason Stratus hit's the ring and looks for a super kick, but Tina ducks it and looks for a roundhouse kick. Jason ducks that catches her with a sleeper slam, then pulls her up into an irish whip to the ropes. Tina springs back into a super kick and Jason applies the dragon sleeper on her yelling.


Security soon floods the ring pulling Jason off and to the back, then helps Tina and Ashley as Nick Miller says.

Kick ass match between two hardcore hawties and Jason Stratus showing up to get revenge for Tina taking him down in the back earlier. Speaking of the back, we got Corez talking to the Owner, Marijuana Mack!

And via the tron we see Mack in his blue jeans and his purple bull shirt on from Moon Lite BBQ in Owensboro Kentucky! Corez approaching him in his gear with the World Title over his left shoulder asks.

Got a minute Mack?

Mack shrugging motions yea and Corez says.

I want Cody Jericho next week in a hardcore match, hell, throw in both brothers if ya want and put my belt on the line to lure them in cause its time the army got eradicated from SEF!

Mack smirking just says.

You got it man, except it'll probably just be one on one with Cody, but the main event, so go show the world why your World Champion of SEF!

Mack slaps him on the left shoulder, then we go back to ringside where Nick Miller says.

Wow, Corez wants Cody in a hardcore bout and who can blame after the shit earlier resulting in no match at all. We got a match next though and its triple threat with Michael Moretti looking to try his debut a second time and against Shane Jericho and Jason Stratus! Wonder if Tina will be watching or perhaps involved?

"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns 'n Roses plays over the pa bringing out Moretti to not much of a reaction. He just walks out playing to the crowd anyways rallying up some cheers as Nick makes the announcement.

The following is a triple threat match set for one fall! Introducing first from Milan Italy, weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds..........Michael Moretti!

He comes rolling into the ring and hops up walking around swiping his feet and mulls over his method of destruction. "Voices" by Chris Young comes over the pa bringing the crowd to another bathroom break as Shane and brandy walk out arm in arm. They just head down the ramp ignorant as Nick introduces them.

Making his way to the ring accompanied by Brandy Gibson, from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds.......Shane!

The couple gets to ringside and shares a kiss, then Shane heads up the steps and into the ring while Brandy moves around the ring resting her hands on the apron near Shane. "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin plays and here comes Jason arrogantly wiping his hair and running his hands up his chest. The crowd booing as he heads down the ramp snubbing the fans while Nick introduces him.

And now making his way to the ring from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at two hundred twenty five pounds.............Jason Stratus!

Jason hops on to the apron and steps into the ring climbing the turnbuckles showing off arrogantly to the booing fans. He steps down and eyes both men, then lays up on the top rope waving them both off as nobodies. The bell ringing and Moretti motions to Shane to work together, so they move in on Jason who hops down to the apron, then to the floor. He gets near Brandy pulling her in for a kiss, but Shane is after him pulling Jason into an irish whip sending him to the steel steps shoulder first. Moretti comes flying out with a suicide dive to Shane taking him down, then gets up pulling Jason into a diving clothesline to the floor. Moretti gets up and pulls Shane up throwing him into the ring, then slides in and gets ready for the Python Strike. Shane gets up and ducks it, runs to the ropes coming back with a clothesline, but Moretti ducks into the splits, then pops up into the Milan Stunner. Shane on his back and Moretti crawling into the pin, but Jason runs into a rocker dropper over the back of Moretti's head. Jason yanks him up and nails a jumping reverse bulldog, waits for Shane to get up and drops him with a super kick. Jason applies the dragon sleeper to Moretti now making him tap out to a few cheers, but mostly boos as he refuses to let go. The bell ringing and Nick with the announcement.

Here is your winner by submission...........Jason Stratus!

"Blow me Away" plays and Jason holding on yelling.


And here comes Tina to a loud pop and she slides in the ring as Jason let's go rolling out to the floor. He heads up the ramp as Tina gets on the ropes staring a hole through the cocky Jason who just brushes his hair back and brushes his abs arrogantly. Tina rolling her eyes just does a little showing off f her own ripping her top off to reveal a black lace bra showing off quite a bit of her nice firm breasts. The crowd loving it and she tosses her top to some lucky fan as "Foxy, Foxy" plays over the pa. Jason gone and Tina and leaving as Nick Miller says.

A good match with Jason Stratus picking up a win and keeping his stock in SEF. Moretti off to a rough start in SEF, but it's a start and he can learn, but Shane, I don't know about him! I do know were down to one more match, the main event in a winner takes both titles match between Matt Matlock and The Resurrector!

"You Know My Name" by Chris Cornell is heard over the P.A. as Matt Matlock steps out from the curtain, getting booed. He stops midway down the ramp as pyro goes off down the sides of the ramp and Nick makes the introduction.

The following match is set for one fall and is for the SEF I-con and Franchise Championships! Now making his way to the ring, from Cape Breton Island, Canada and weighing two hundred seventy pounds, the SEF Franchise Champion....Matt Matlock!

Matt then makes his way into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and heading for the far turnbuckle. He stands on the turnbuckle and extends his arms as pyro shoots off HBK style in the ring. He lowers his arms as the pyro stops, and then gets off the turnbuckle, now preparing for the match. We hear "Rest In Pieces" by Saliva hit the pa and The Resurrector comes calmly walking to the ring. He just stands on the stage staring at the cheering crowd for a few seconds, then walks down the ramp as Nick introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at three hundred thirty five pounds, he is the SEF I-con Champion.........The Resurrector!

He flashes the wolfpac sign, then he gets on the apron and steps in the ring, moves to the ropes and thrusts his fist in the air. The Resurrector looks around the arena at the crowd going nuts for him and just sort of sneers and smirks while leaning in a corner. The big man steps out removing his coat tossing it away, then unsnaps the belt handing it to the ref who holds both titles up. He hands them to Nick and both men step forward as the bell rings, The Resurrector sneering down at Matlock who gets right in The Resurrector's space staring up in his face. Matlock leaping for a head butt and they both ignore the pain to throw punches. The Resurrector with some hard body blows irish whips Matt to the ropes and looks for Impaled. Matt sliding under him nails a chop block to the big mans left knee bringing him down. Matlock stomping all over him drops an elbow to The Resurrector's chest and starts hammering him with punches, then drags him up for the BFA. The Resurrector blocking it lifts Matt up for a suplex hanging him, but Matt slips down nailing a Russian leg sweep. Matt kicking at the left knee of The Resurrector tries to apply the Matt Lock, but gets kicked into the ropes. The Resurrector getting up drops Matt with Impaled, then pulls him up into a running power slam. The Resurrector rips Matt right back up for another, no, he drops Matt face first to the turnbuckles, runs across the ring charging back for the Gangsta Kick, however Matt dodges it. The ref however does take it and its hard to tell if he got pulled in the way by Matt who is all over The Resurrector with punches, but misses one swinging around into a full nelson. The big man ripping Matt up off the canvas slams him down back first and The Resurrector heads to the top rope. He kneels down waiting for Matt to stand, then flies off with Decapitation rolling through to his feet with loud cheers echoing loud. The Resurrector making a cut throat, then pumps a fist in the air showing the gangsta sign rips Matt up hitting the Gangsta Bomb following up with the Resurrection crossing his arms and staring into his soul for the pin. The crowd chanting....


Then they cheer as Viper runs down since Smokey is still out from the kick to his face. Viper sliding in makes the count as The Resurrector still has Matlock pinned, ONE...........................TWO............................THREE! The bell rings and the crowd cheers loud and the big man kneels up with Viper raising his arm. The Resurrector stands as Nick makes the announcement.

Here is your winner and the SEF I-con and Franchise Champion..................The Resurrector!

"Rest in Pieces" plays as the big man lifts both belts high, then slings them both over his left shoulder and nods respectfully down to Matt as Viper checks on the uncrowned champ. The Resurrector making his exit slaps some hands as Nick Miller wraps up the show.

Matlock not going down without a fight earned some respect from The Resurrector who brings these two titles back together, so what may come of that is anyone's guess!?! That's all we got for tonight, so we'll see ya next week on a special Sunday night Evolution on April first, one week before our biggest show of the year, Wrestle X! Have a goodnight folks!

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